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Velocity-JSON Transformer

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AWS API Gateway currently limits log events to 1 KiB. Log events larger than 1024 bytes, such as request and response bodies,will be truncated by AWS API Gateway before submission to CloudWatch Logs. Thus for large request bodies undergoing template transformation before being forwarded to the http integration backend, debugging a faulty transform becomes guesswork if the error location is within the truncated portion. This tool aims to provide the full transform output by mimicking how AWS API Gateway transforms a JSON-formated request/response body with the Integration Request/Response Method's mapping template.

This provides a Node wrapper around the Velson jar

  • Indicating error-causing line number within a mapping template if transform fails.
  • Checks for malformed JSON.
  • Checks for duplicate properties within generated JSON.
  • Provides a well formatted JSON output.

*Note: Not all AWS Mapping Template built-in functions and variables are currently supported.

Built-in Functions Description Supported
$input.json(x) Evaluates a JSONPath expression and returns the results as a JSON string. yes
$input.path(x) Takes a JSONPath expression string (x) and returns an object representation of the result. yes
$util.base64Encode() Encodes the data into a base64-encoded string. yes
$util.base64Decode() Decodes the data from a base64-encoded string. yes

Velson provides both a command line interface to allow for local transforms within the terminal and an API for embedding within your programs, whichever is most convenient.

$ npm install --save velson
var transformer = require("velson")

const templatePath = './template.vm';
const requestFilePath = './request.json';

const engine = new transformer.VelsonEngine();
try {
  engine.initialize(templatePath, requestFilePath);
  const transformedOutput = engine.transform();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(transformedOutput, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
Using Velson CLI
$ npm install -g velson
$ velson

  Usage: velson [options]


    -V, --version           output the version number
    -t, --template [value]  Path to the Velocity template mapping file. (required)
    -r, --request [value]   Path to request JSON file. (required)
    -h, --help              output usage information
$ velson -t ./template.vm -r ./request.json


#set($source = $input.path('$'))
  "source": {
    "integerProperty": $source.integerProperty,
    "numberProperty": $source.numberProperty,
    "nullPropertyInQuotes": "$source.nullProperty",
    "stringProperty": "$source.stringProperty",
    "arrayProperty": $source.arrayProperty,
    "arrayPropertySize": $source.arrayProperty.size(),
    "booleanProperty": $source.booleanProperty,
    "missingProperty": "$source.missingProperty"
  "input-json": {
    "integerPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.integerProperty'),
    "numberPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.numberProperty'),
    "nullPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.nullProperty'),
    "stringPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.stringProperty'),
    "arrayPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.arrayProperty'),
    "arrayPropertyTestViaJson": $input.json('$.arrayProperty[0].test'),
    "booleanPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.booleanProperty'),
    "missingPropertyViaJson": $input.json('$.missingProperty')
  "util": {
    "base64EncodedStringProperty": "$util.base64Encode($source.stringProperty)",
    "originalStringPropertyDecoded": "$util.base64Decode($util.base64Encode($source.stringProperty))"


    "integerProperty": 1,
    "numberProperty": 2.6,
    "nullProperty": null,
    "stringProperty": "string",
    "arrayProperty": [
        "itemOne": 1,
        "test": "here"
        "itemOne": 2,
        "test": "there"
    "booleanProperty": true