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Add dev flag to deconz and deconz gui services

senilio edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 1 revision

An issue was introduced in 2.12.4, where deCONZ sometimes would autodetect the wrong device, thus failing to connect to the Conbee stick. To fix this, specify the correct device in the deCONZ command line arguments.

If you run the headless version of deCONZ:

  1. Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop deconz
  2. Create systemd override file: sudo systemctl edit deconz

An editor will open. Paste the following, then save the file.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --http-port=80 --dev=/dev/ttyACM0
  1. Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. Start service again: sudo systemctl start deconz

If you run the GUI version of deCONZ:

  1. Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop deconz-gui
  2. Create systemd override file: sudo systemctl edit deconz-gui

An editor will open. Paste the following, then save the file.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ --http-port=80 --dev=/dev/ttyACM0
  1. Reload systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. Start service again: sudo systemctl start deconz-gui
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