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Dragonchain Smart Contract Templates

Dragonchain smart contracts use docker containers and stdin/stdout for input/output.

In order to help get started, some templates are provided in various languages to demo setting up the input/output/logging aspects of a smart contract, as well as its associated Dockerfile for building.

Making A Smart Contract

In order to run a smart contract on Dragonchain, it must be packaged in a Docker container for the linux platform with x86-64 architecture. This means that a Dockerfile shoud be used to assist in building the container with the code.

Please note that Dragonchain smart contracts will always run as user 1000:1000, so it can be useful to add this to the end of your Dockerfile for testing purposes. (See any of the templates in this repository for any example).

Handling Input/Output/Logging

Dragonchain smart contracts use stdin for input, stdout for output, and stderr for logging purposes.

The templates provided in various languages here demo setting up a contract to be able to handle this.

Getting started

Clone the repository locally to copy any of the template contracts

git clone

Then simply use and modify a contract for any language you wish.

Testing Your Contract

In order to test your contract, first build it into a tagged docker container:

docker build . -t me/my-contract:0.0.1

Then use DCTL to test with a dragonchain transaction.

# Node contract
START_COMMAND=$(cat ./config.json | jq '.startCommand')
dctl contract test me/my-contract:0.0.1 $START_COMMAND --payload 'hi' -t 'MytxnTag'


We are happy to take pull requests to add new language templates, or modify existing ones if necessary. Read the contributing docs for more info.