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Releases: dphfox/Fusion

Fusion v0.2

31 Jan 04:02
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Fusion v0.2 Pre-release

Well over a year on from Fusion's initial release, we're happy to officially release Fusion's second beta version! v0.2 aims to backfill a lot of what was originally missing with v0.1 and address a few shortcomings of the original API and codebase.

You can watch the v0.2 keynote to learn more about all of the new features in this version.


If you're currently using v0.1, it's strongly recommended you migrate to v0.2 for a more complete development experience with fewer issues and greater flexibility. If you are currently using Fusion via the Wally package, an updated package will be made available soon.

Outside of library changes (of which there are so, so many), we have also taken the time to improve the documentation website. All of the tutorials have been rearchitected from the ground up to ensure that Fusion is easy to learn and understand. Visit our lovely new home:

We hope you enjoy this update, and onwards to v0.3 - hopefully expeditiously!

Thank you, sponsors <3

These wonderful people help keep Fusion alive by donating. Thank you so much!
If you would like your name here in future, you can sponsor here:

  • ChooShu-Cho
  • foxydevloper
  • Korky5000
  • TreehouseFalcon
  • railworks2
  • Haydz6
  • noblereign

Fusion v0.1

20 Aug 22:59
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Fusion v0.1 Pre-release

Fusion is highly work-in-progress right now. There are a lot of features that don't work, aren't implemented, aren't documented fully or which may be tweaked or removed. We don't recommend using Fusion for any major project right now unless you're willing to take on the extra work of following these changes.

More stable, long-term-supported Fusion versions will be available once Fusion exits beta testing.