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Anthony Trummer edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

SECURITY_WARNINGS_DISABLED_JS_CHECK - Detects if Electron's security warnings have been disabled by the developers via JS

From Electron 2.0 on, developers will see warnings and recommendations printed to the developer console. They only show up when the binary's name is Electron, indicating that a developer is currently looking at the console.

It is possible to force-enable or force-disable these warnings by setting ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS on either process.env or the window object:

  • win.webContents["ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS"] = true;
  • window.ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS = true; as detailed in electron/electron#11970 too.

Note that if you decide to avoid these warnings because, for example, you run Electronegativity for each build, you may filter this tool's findings by setting the desired output severity (e.g., --severity=Low).


Disabling this warning may hide the presence of misconfigurations or insecure patterns from the developers.


Check if the flag is disabled in one of the aforementioned ways.
