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Doss-Gollin lab site

This is the source code for the Doss-Gollin Research Group's web site. Code is forked from the Andersen Lab.

This is intended to be a living document, and lab members are strongly encouraged to suggest improvements to this lab guide. Don't hesitate to reach out for help on Slack if you're stuck -- contributing to the website is a great learning experience!

Getting Started

Clone the repository to your machine

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub
  2. Clone your forked repository
  3. git submodule update --init --recursive to get submodules up and running

Then you have two choices

  1. Docker installation option (runs slow but less can go wrong): run make install. This will use Docker to install the packages you need. (Note, you need to run Docker Desktop for this to work).
  2. Native Ruby installation (runs faster but can be a bit tricky to install properly): run bundle install to install required packages. If you don't have bundle set up, you will need to install it (type which bundle to see if you have it already)

Preview the site on your computer

  1. Follow the steps above to clone the repository to your machine
  2. Open the website in your text editor (ie, VS Code) and make any desired changes

Then you have two choices

  1. If you chose the Docker installation option above, run make devserver
  2. If you chose the native Ruby installation option above, run bundle exec jekyll serve -w

Update the web site

Once you have made changes and are ready to share them:

  1. Stage and commit your changes
  2. Push changes (they will go to your fork of the repository on GitHub)
  3. Create a pull request. Add a title and description to explain what changes you are making and why!

If you get stuck with this: ask for help! You're not born knowing.

Common Changes

There are a few things that many members may want to do

Add yourself to the 'People' page

  1. Pick a user ID for yourself; we'll call it your "anchor" (James uses jdossgollin).
  2. Upload a picture: find a square image of yourself, preferably JPG, and copy it to _assets/img/people/<your_anchor>.jpg.
  3. Open _data/people.yaml in your text editor. Use James's information as a template (or use someone else's) and add your own information. To leave a field blank, just delete it!