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An application to integrate with Bitbucket Server Webhook service for conflict checker


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Bitbucket Server Pull Request Conflict Checker

An application to integrate with Bitbucket Server Webhook service to do the following:

  1. Receiving Pull Request events and Repository/Push events (Learn more about Bitbucket event payloads here)
  2. With the current pull request, check if:
    1. There is any other OPENED pull request pointing to the same target branch.
    2. There is any potential conflict file with the current pull request.

Use cases

  • You are maintaining multiple OPEN release branches that are branched from master and would like to be notified on any potential conflict caused by same files being changed accross release branches.

Supported events

Category Event Event Key
Repository Push repo:refs_changed
Pull Request All Events pr:*

Supported architectures: linux/arm/v7, linux/arm64, linux/amd64


python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Startup Configuration

python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-conf CONFIG_FILE] [-p PORT] [-log LOG_FILE] [-d DEBUG_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h,                   --help                          show this help message and exit
  -conf CONFIG_FILE,    --config_file   CONFIG_FILE     Location of the application config file (default: ./
  -p    PORT,           --port          PORT            Port (default: 8080)
  -log  LOG_FILE,       --log_file      LOG_FILE        Location of the log file. Default is system log (default: None)
  -d    DEBUG_LEVEL,    --debug_level   DEBUG_LEVEL     Debug Level CRITICAL/ERROR/WARNING/INFO/DEBUG. Default is WARNING (default: WARNING)

Config file

The main config file consists of 2 sections:

        "key": <Required. Secret key to authenticate with Bitbucket. In Base64 encoded format. Leave empty string if HMAC is disabled.>,
        "type": <Required. HMACSHA Algorithm. Leave empty string if HMAC is disabled.>,
            "allow_comment": <Required. Indicate if comment should be posted to Jira as well. true or false.>,
            "config": <Required. Path to Jira configuration file.>
            "config": <Required. Path to Bitbucket configuration file>

            "key": <Required. API Key of the service. In Base64 encoded format. Leave empty string if API Key is disabled.>,
            "header": <Required. Header field where the API Key is stored. Leave empty string if API Key is disabled.>
            "config": <Required. Path to Bitbucket configuration file.>

Bitbucket configuration file consists of 1 section:

        "url": <Required. Bitbucket URL, e.g. http://localhost:7990>,
        "id": <Required. Username to authenticate with Bitbucket to access its REST API. In Base64 encoded format.>,
        "key": <Required. Password to authenticate with Bitbucket to access its REST API. In Base64 encoded format.>

Jira configuration file consists of 1 section:

    "url": <Required. JIRA URL, e.g. http://localhost:7990>,
    "id": <Required. Username to authenticate with JIRA to access its REST API. In Base64 encoded format.>,
    "key": <Required. API Key to authenticate with JIRA to access its REST API. In Base64 encoded format.>

API End-points

General response example

{"status": 200, "message": "Nothing to do here"}


POST /check_dependency/by_pr/comment?target=master|any(default)

Check and make a comment into the current Pull Request as well as to the source JIRA ticket a list of PR Dependencies.

Authentication: HMAC. Refer to [BB-WEBHOOK] config section.

Request Options

Parameter Type Description
target string (optional, default to ANY). Only process the request if the current PR is targetting to this branch. Either MASTER or ANY

Sample Response

    "status": 200,
    "comment": "_This is an auto generated message_ \n> * **Event Type:** pr:opened  \n> * **Event Date:** 2022-08-04T06:24:47+0000  \n\nExcluding the current pull request, there are in total `1` other active pull requests. Please check the following information for any potential conflicts:  \n## [Release/release1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/pull-requests/9) \n* **ID:** 9 \n* **From:** `release/release1` (Repository:[repo1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/browse), Project:[POC](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC)) \n* **To:** `master` (Repository:[repo1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/browse), Project:[POC](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC)) \n* **Created Date:** 2022-08-04 06:24:31.922000 \n* **Last Updated:** 2022-08-04 06:24:31.922000 \n* **Author:** [Thor](http://localhost:7990/users/thunder.god) \n* **Potential Conflict(s):** `1` file(s) \n  * File `file1.txt`, full path at `/file1.txt`. \n"

Sample comment on Bitbucket

Bitbucket Comment


POST /check_dependency/by_commit/comment?target=master|any(default)

Check and make a comment into Pull Request of the current commit as well as to the source JIRA ticket a list of PR Dependencies.

Authentication: HMAC. Refer to [BB-WEBHOOK] config section.

Request Options

Parameter Type Description
target string (optional, default to ANY). Only process the request if the current PR is targetting to this branch. Either MASTER or ANY

Sample Resposne

    "status": 200,
    "comment": [
        "_This is an auto generated message_ \n> * **Event Type:** repo:refs_changed  \n> * **Event Date:** 2022-08-04T06:33:23+0000  \n\nExcluding the current pull request, there are in total `1` other active pull requests. Please check the following information for any potential conflicts:  \n## [Release/release1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/pull-requests/9) \n* **ID:** 9 \n* **From:** `release/release1` (Repository:[repo1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/browse), Project:[POC](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC)) \n* **To:** `master` (Repository:[repo1](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC/repos/repo1/browse), Project:[POC](http://localhost:7990/projects/POC)) \n* **Created Date:** 2022-08-04 06:24:31.922000 \n* **Last Updated:** 2022-08-04 06:24:31.922000 \n* **Author:** [Iron Man](http://localhost:7990/users/tony.stark) \n* **Potential Conflict(s):** `1` file(s) \n  * File `file1.txt`, full path at `/file1.txt`. \n"


POST /check_dependency/by_file/comment

Check and return a comment with a list of potential conflict pull requests.

Authentication: API Key. Refer to [BB-ADHOC-REQUEST] config section.

JSON Request Body

    "project": <Required. Project ID. String type. Contains only alphabet characters.>,
    "file": <Required. File name. String type. Must contain file extension, e.g. "awesome.txt">,
    "repo": <Required. Repo ID. String type.>

Sample Response

    "status": 200,
    "comment": "Conflict checking report for file: *Awesome.txt* \nThere is no potential conflict detected."


An application to integrate with Bitbucket Server Webhook service for conflict checker






