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Team DOMLIN: Exploititing Evidence Enhancement for the FEVER Shared Task

Code for our hand in for the FEVER 2.0 shared task

System Description Paper:


We released code and models for our updated system described here.


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch
  • transformers
  • FEVER baseline system
  • FEVER Team Athene

Document Retrieval

We just use existing document retrieval systems in this work, these are

First, we have to run the document retrieval steps for these 2 systems


Fine-tuned RoBERTa checkpoints can be downloaded here

Prepare Evidence Retrieval

We use a wrapper class to write a file with (claim/sentence) pairs which is input to our subsequent model. The wrapper class takes as input the filepaths to the document retrieval output by the two systems for each [train/dev/test] split and a path to the wikidb from the FEVER baseline system.

# run with
python src/ \
--db_file $db_file \
--athene_document_retrieval_train $athene_document_retrieval_train \
--athene_document_retrieval_dev $athene_document_retrieval_dev \
--fever_baseline_predicted_sentences_train $fever_baseline_predicted_sentences_train \
--fever_baseline_predicted_sentences_dev $fever_baseline_predicted_sentences_dev 

# stores output files in args.path_outfiles (by default "data")

Run Evidence Retrieval

script takes as input path to model and path to claim/sentence pairs

# run with
python src/ --model_name models/sentence-retrieval-model/ --path_input_file data/all_sentences_dev_set.txt --path_outfile all_sentences_dev_set_predicted.txt

Run Multihop Evidence Retrieval

first, we need to retrieve the multihop sentences from the hyperlinks, run with

# run with
python src/ \
--db_file $db_file \
--athene_document_retrieval_train $athene_document_retrieval_train \
--athene_document_retrieval_dev $athene_document_retrieval_dev \
--input_file all_sentences_dev_set_predicted.txt \
--outfile_name data/all_sentences_dev_set_multihop.txt

and then, we can use the same script as before to predict these hyperlink sentences

# run with
python src/ --model_name models/sentence-retrieval-model/ --path_input_file data/all_sentences_dev_set_multihop.txt --path_outfile all_sentences_dev_set_multihop_predicted.txt all_sentences_dev_set_predicted_multihop.txt


lastly, we just concatenate all highest scoring sentences and use our RTE model to predict veracity of the claims

# run with
python src/run_fever_claim_verification --model_name models/rte-model |
--sentence_retrieval_predictions all_sentences_dev_set_predicted.txt \
--sentence_retrieval_predictions_multihop all_sentences_dev_set_predicted_multihop.txt \
--outfile data/claim_predictions.txt \
--athene_document_retrieval_dev $athene_document_retrieval_dev

# output gets saved to 

Or Train your own models

This is basic -- just standard pytorch fine-tuning using transformers. The only notable thing is that we use our sentence retrieval model to predict the train set and create the RTE training set (we do not use the annotated evidence there anymore)

  • fine-tune sentence retrieval model using output
  • predict training set with our models
  • predict multihop evidence on training set
  • create RTE input examples (the same as the steps above)
  • train RTE model given claim and predicted evidence

Legacy Team DOMLIN: Exploititing Evidence Enhancement for the FEVER Shared Task)


  • Python 3.6
  • AllenNLP
  • TensorFlow
  • BERT


conda create -n domlin_fever python=3.6
source activate domlin_fever
  • download BERT cased English model
  • install requirements
pip install requirments.txt
  • Download NLTK Punkt Tokenizer
python -c "import nltk;'punkt')"
  • get relevant fever data (that is train, dev and test set)
unzip -d fever_data/wiki_pages
mkdir fever_data
mkdir fever_models
wget -O fever_data/train.jsonl
wget -O fever_data/dev.jsonl
wget -O fever_data/test.jsonl 

train your own models

Either train your own modules or just download pre-trained modules

  • document retrieval module

We simply used the document retrieval module from team athene in the last fever shared task (

I implemented a small wrapper around that module because we don't need the whole codebase.

First, run document retrieval on train, dev and test. Careful, this takes a while!

PYTHONPATH=src_legacy python src_legacy/scripts/athene/ --database none --infile fever_data/train.jsonl --outfile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages
PYTHONPATH=src_legacy python src_legacy/scripts/athene/ --database none --infile fever_data/dev.jsonl --outfile fever_data/dev.documents_retrieved.jsonl --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages
PYTHONPATH=src_legacy python src_legacy/scripts/athene/ --database none --infile fever_data/test.jsonl --outfile fever_data/test.documents_retrieved.jsonl --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages
  • first sentence retrieval module

We implemented a hierarchical sentence retrieval approach where we try to find evidence in the documents retrieved by the athene module.

to train the model:

# generate the training set
python src_legacy/generate_training_data/ --infile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_training_set.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages

# generate dev set sentences
python src_legacy/domlin/ --infile fever_data/dev.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_dev_set.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages

# train the model (maybe set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and nohup, takes a while)
python src_legacy/domlin/ --task_name=ir --do_train=true --do_eval=false --do_predict=true \
--path_to_train_file=fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_training_set.tsv --vocab_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt\
--bert_config_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json --output_dir=fever_models/sentence_retrieval_part_1 --max_seq_length=128\
--do_lower_case=False --learning_rate=2e-5 --train_batch_size=32 --num_train_epochs=2 \
--init_checkpoint=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt --use_hingeloss=yes --negative_samples=4 \
--file_test_results=fever_data/dev_set_sentences_predicted_part_1.tsv --prediction_file=fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_dev_set.tsv
  • second sentence retrieval module

Some of the combined evidence examples in the fever dataset have evidence sentences which are not only conditioned on the claim itself but also previously retrieved evidence.

Consider the example

claim: Ryan Gosling has been to a country in Africa.
Evidence 1: He [...] has traveled to Chad , Uganda and eastern Congo [...].
Evidence 2: Chad [...] is a landlocked country in Central Africa

The second evidence is hard to retrieve given the claim only because it is only valid evidence since Ryan Gosling has traveled to Chad, whereas a very similar sentence like "Sudan is a landlocked country in Africa" would not be valid evidence for the claim.

Therefore, we trained a second sentence retrieval module which is trained on all train examples containing two evidences (there are not too many examples which have more than two evidence sentences) where a positive example is "claim [SEP] evidence 1 + evidence 2 [SEP]" and a negative example is "claim [SEP] evidence 1 + random sentence [SEP]".

If we retrieve a positive sentence evid_1 in a wiki doc X, we collect all outgoing links in X and classify all sentences "claim [SEP] evid_1 sentence [SEP] for every sentence in the collected documents

# generate the training set
python src_legacy/generate_training_data/ --infile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/sentence_retrieval_2_training_set.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages

# generate dev set sentences
python src_legacy/domlin/ --infile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/sentence_retrieval_2_dev_set.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages/ --file_with_sentences_to_be_predicted fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_dev_set.tsv --predicted_evidence fever_data/dev_set_sentences_predicted_part_1.tsv

# train the model (maybe set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and nohup, takes a while)
python src_legacy/domlin/ --task_name=combined_evidence --do_train=true --do_eval=false --do_predict=true \
--path_to_train_file=fever_data/sentence_retrieval_2_training_set.tsv --vocab_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt\
--bert_config_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json --output_dir=fever_models/sentence_retrieval_part_2 --max_seq_length=256\
--do_lower_case=False --learning_rate=2e-5 --train_batch_size=16 --num_train_epochs=2 \
--init_checkpoint=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt --use_hingeloss=yes --negative_samples=2 \
--file_test_results=fever_data/dev_set_sentences_predicted_part_2.tsv --prediction_file=fever_data/sentence_retrieval_2_dev_set.tsv
  • RTE (recognize textual entailment) module

We found in preliminary experiments that BERT performs very well on the RTE part of the FEVER dataset and if we take only gold evidence (for the "SUPPORT/REFUTES" and ignoring the "NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION") classes, we get 90%+ accuracy. Therefore, we use our sentence retrieval modules to find evidence for the NEI class, concatenate all the evidence and then fine-tune another BERT checkpoint for the RTE module - this is very similar to the FEVER baseline in (Thorne et al., 2018).

First, we need to find evidence sentences for the NEI class:

# generate NEI evidence
python src_legacy/domlin/ --infile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/NEI_evidence_1.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages --NEI_evidence True

# predict NEI evidence
python src_legacy/domlin/ --task_name=ir --do_train=false --do_eval=false --do_predict=true \
--vocab_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt --bert_config_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
--output_dir=fever_models/sentence_retrieval_part_1 --max_seq_length=128 \
--do_lower_case=False --use_hingeloss=yes --file_test_results=fever_data/NEI_evidence_predicted.tsv --prediction_file=fever_data/NEI_evidence_1.tsv

# generate the RTE training set
python src_legacy/generate_training_data/ --infile fever_data/train.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/RTE_train_set.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages/ --NEI_evidence fever_data/NEI_evidence_1.tsv --NEI_predictions fever_data/NEI_evidence_predicted.tsv 

# generate the RTE dev set

python src_legacy/domlin/ --infile fever_data/dev.documents_retrieved.jsonl --outfile fever_data/RTE_dev_set.tsv \
--path_evid_1 fever_data/sentence_retrieval_1_dev_set.tsv --path_evid_1_predicted \
fever_data/dev_set_sentences_predicted_part_1.tsv --path_evid_2 fever_data/sentence_retrieval_2_dev_set.tsv \
--path_evid_2_predicted fever_data/dev_set_sentences_predicted_part_2.tsv --path_wiki_titles fever_data/wiki_pages

# actually train the model

python src_legacy/domlin/ --task_name=fever --do_train=true --do_eval=true --do_predict=false \
--vocab_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt --bert_config_file=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
--max_seq_length=370 --do_lower_case=false --learning_rate=3e-5 --train_batch_size=12 \
--num_train_epochs=2 --output_dir=fever_models/rte_model --init_checkpoint=cased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt \
--prediction_file=RTE_dev_set.tsv --train_file=fever_data/RTE_train_set.tsv

Download pre-trained models

Get the pre-trained models

# download models

wget -O
wget -O
wget -O

# move models to the right place

unzip fever_models/rte_model
unzip fever_models/sentence_retrieval_part_1
unzip fever_models/sentence_retrieval_part_2

or train the models with the steps above.

predict new claims

To predict new claims, run the following script. The script expects claims to be in the same format as the testset ("test.jsonl") of the FEVER shared task

# predict new file
bash $file_name $outfile_name


If anything should not work or is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact the authors


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