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4 Transition to Swashbuckle 5.0

Helder Sepulveda edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 1 revision

This version of Swashbuckle makes the transition to Swagger 2.0. The 2.0 specification is significantly different to its predecessor (1.2) and forces several breaking changes to Swashbuckle's configuration API. If you're using Swashbuckle without any customizations, i.e. App_Start/SwaggerConfig.cs has never been modified, then you can overwrite it with the new version. The defaults are the same and so the swagger-ui should behave as before.

* If you have consumers of the raw Swagger document, you should ensure they can accept Swagger 2.0 before making the upgrade.

If you're using the existing configuration API to customize the final Swagger document and/or swagger-ui, you will need to port the code manually. The static Customize methods on SwaggerSpecConfig and SwaggerUiConfig have been replaced with extension methods on HttpConfiguration - EnableSwagger and EnableSwaggerUi. All options from version 4.0 are made available through these methods, albeit with slightly different naming and syntax. Refer to the tables below for a summary of changes:

4.0 5.0 Equivalent Additional Notes
ResolveBasePathUsing RootUrl
ResolveTargetVersionUsing N/A version is now implicit in the docs URL e.g. "swagger/docs/{apiVersion}"
ApiVersion SingleApiVersion now supports additional metadata for the version
SupportMultipleApiVersions MultipleApiVersions now supports additional metadata for each version
Authorization BasicAuth/ApiKey/OAuth2
GroupDeclarationsBy GroupActionsBy
SortDeclarationsBy OrderActionGroupsBy
MapType MapType now accepts Func<Schema> instead of Func<DataType>
ModelFilter SchemaFilter IModelFilter is now ISchemaFilter, DataTypeRegistry is now SchemaRegistry
OperationFilter OperationFilter DataTypeRegistry is now SchemaRegistry
PolymorphicType N/A not currently supported
SupportHeaderParams N/A header params are implicitly supported
SupportedSubmitMethods N/A all HTTP verbs are implicitly supported
CustomRoute CustomAsset