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Release: Preparation πŸš€ #2

Release: Preparation πŸš€

Release: Preparation πŸš€ #2

# This workflow is triggered manually and prepares a new release by creating a pull request
# All needed info is provided by the user in the workflow_dispatch dialog
# When the pull request is merged, the release-build workflow will be triggered automatically
name: "Release: Preparation πŸš€"
description: 'What type of release is this?'
required: true
default: 'stable'
type: choice
- stable
- hotfix
- rc
description: 'The codename for this release, empty for same as last'
required: false
description: 'The version date YYYY-MM-DD, empty for today'
required: false
name: Prepare Pull Request
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fail if branch is not master
if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/master'
run: |
echo "::error::This workflow should only be triggered on master"
exit 1
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Set git identity
run: |
git config --global "${{ }}"
git config --global "${{ }}"
- name: Prepare Environment
run: |
php .github/release.php new \
--date "${{ inputs.version }}" \
--name "${{ inputs.codename }}" \
--type "${{ inputs.type }}" \
- name: Check if a tag of the new release already exists
run: |
if git rev-parse "release-${{ env.next_version }}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "::error::Tag already exists, you may need to build a hotfix instead"
exit 1
- name: Create merge commit with version info
run: |
git merge -s ours origin/stable
echo '${{ env.next_raw }}' > VERSION
git add VERSION
sed -i 's/\$updateVersion = "[^"]*";/\$updateVersion = "${{ env.next_update }}";/' doku.php
git add doku.php
git commit --amend -m 'Release preparations for ${{ env.next_raw }}'
git log -1
git log origin/stable..master --oneline
git checkout -B auto-${{ env.next_version }}
git push --set-upstream origin auto-${{ env.next_version }}
- name: Create pull request
uses: repo-sync/pull-request@v2
source_branch: auto-${{ env.next_version }}
destination_branch: stable
pr_title: Release Preparations for ${{ env.next_raw }}
pr_body: |
With accepting this PR, the stable branch will be updated and the whole release and
deployment process will be triggered.
If you're not happy with the contents of this PR, please close it, delete the branch,
fix stuff and trigger the workflow again.
* ${{ env.current_raw }} -> ${{ env.next_raw }}
* Update Version ${{ env.current_update }} -> ${{ env.next_update }}
Before merging this PR, make sure that:
- [ ] All tests pass on the `master` branch (tests are not executed on PRs created in workflows)
- [ ] If this is a new stable release, make sure you merged `stable` into `old-stable` first
- [ ] Check that a meaningful [changelog]( exists
After merging, the release workflow will be triggered automatically.
After this is done, you need to do the following things manually:
- [ ] Update the [version symlinks](
- [ ] Update the update message system
- [ ] Announce the release on the mailing list, forum, IRC, social media, etc.