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Command line interface

Damien Farrell edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 12 revisions

Installing the package provides the command epitopepredict in your path. This is a command line interface to the library without the need for any Python coding. It provides pre-defined functionality with settings specified in a text configuration file. Using this you can make MHC predictions with your chosen alleles and predictors. If you are using the IEDB prediction tools they should be installed locally and you can specify the path in the [iedbtools] section. Otherwise ignore those settings. Note that if settings are left out generally defaults will be used so you can have a minimal file as in the examples.

You can also choose to do additional analysis of the results. Since it may take some time to predict many sequences/many alleles the analysis can be re-run using existing predictions that have been saved from a previous run. You can get significant speed ups by using more cpus which predicts sequences in parallel.

Table of Contents


Usage largely involves setting up the config file and having your input files prepared. Running the command epitopepredict -c <yourfilename>.conf will create a new config file for you to work from if it doesn't exist. Just edit this with a text editor and then to execute:

epitopepredict -c <yourfilename>.conf -r

You can also test the pipeline after installing by running:

epitopepredict -t

This will generate predictions using a set of sample HIV-1 sequences and save the results to a folder called hiv1_test which you can open in the web app to view (see below). This should work 'out of the box' as it only uses the built in prediction algorithm, tepitope.

Configuration file settings

The advantage of configuration files is in avoiding long commands that have to be remembered or are prone to mistakes. Also the config files can be kept to recall what setting we used or to copy them for another set of files. The current options available in the file are shown below.

predictors = tepitope
mhc2_alleles = HLA-DRB1*01:01,HLA-DRB1*04:01
mhc1_alleles = HLA-A*01:01
mhc1_length = 11
mhc2_length = 15
n = 2
cutoff_method = default
cutoff = 4
sequence_file = 
path = results
overwrite = no
verbose = no
names = 
plots = no
genome_analysis = no
cpus = 1

iedbmhc1_path = 
iedbmhc2_path = 
iedb_mhc1_method = IEDB_recommended
iedb_mhc2_method = IEDB_recommended

Settings explained:

name example value meaning
predictors tepitope name of predictor can be: tepitope, iedbmhc1, iedbmhc2, netmhciipan, mhcflurry
mhc1_alleles HLA-A*01:01,HLA-A*03:01 list of MHC-I alleles or preset name
mhc2_alleles HLA-DRB1*0101,HLA-DRB1*0103,HLA-DRB1*0401 list of MHC-II alleles or preset name
mhc1_length 11 length of n-mers for MHC-I prediction
mhc2_length 15 length of n-mers for MHC-II prediction
n 3 minimum number of alleles for promiscuous binders
cutoff_method score cutoff method, score or rank used for getting binders
cutoff 4 percentile cutoff for counting promiscuous binders, i.e. top 4 percent
sequence_file set of protein sequences in genbank or fasta format
path results folder to save results to, can be empty for current folder
overwrite no overwrite the previous results
names Rv0011c,Rv0019c protein/sequence/locus tag names to predict in your file, optional
verbose no displays more information while running
plots yes make plots of protein binders
genome_analysis no global analysis for all proteins
cpus 1 number of processors to use, use 0 for all available
iedbmhc1_path folder where the IEDB MHC-I tools are installed, not required unless used
iedbmhc2_path folder where the IEDB MHC-II tools are installed, not required unless used
iedb_mhc1_method IEDB_recommended predictor to use within the IEDB MHC-I tools (see below)
iedb_mhc2_method IEDB_recommended predictor to use within the IEDB MHC-II tools (see below)

Preset allele lists

For convenience there are some lists of common alleles that you can use without having to type allele names into the config file. These have been taken from various sources and are only a rough guide. Use epitopepredict -p to see the available presets. The format of allele names is discussed on the MHC Allele Nomenclature page.

The current selection is:

name description
mhc1_supertypes 6 MHC-I supertypes
mhc2_supertypes 7 MHC-II supertypes
us_caucasion_mhc1 30 most common US caucasion MHC-I
us_african_mhc1 30 most common US african MHC-I
human_common_mhc2 11 most prevalent HLA-DR alleles worldwide
broad_coverage_mhc1 26 alleles providing broad coverage
bovine_like_mhc2 8 HLA-DR alleles chosen to approximate bovine response

IEDB tool methods

The IEDB combines multiple prediction methods into its tools. Generally it's recommended to use their consensus methods but individual methods may be preferred. You can specify these using the iedb_mhc*_method options. Remember they do not all support all alleles. See Installing IEDB MHC tools.






MHC-II binding predictions for preset alleles of proteins in a genbank file

Using preset allele lists saves you the trouble of writing the alleles out. You can get the built-in presets by using -p at the command line. If you provide MHC-I alleles for a class II predictor like tepitope the program will give an error. More cpus means speed improvements.

predictors = tepitope
mhc1_alleles = human_common_mhc2
n = 2
cutoff = 5
sequence_file =
path = results
names = 
plots = yes
genome_analysis = no
cpus = 2


Defining 'promiscuous binders'

The cutoff in the config file is an upper percentile value above which a peptide is defined as a binder. There is no hard and fast rule for this cutoff. By default a global cutoff will be defined for each allele in all proteins loaded. Alternatively you can specify cutoff_method=rank to use the ranking within each protein/sequence, ensuring you capture e.g. the top 5% in each protein. This would be useful for small numbers of sequence but for a lot of proteins might produce too many false positives. Promiscuous binders are those above the cutoffs in more than n alleles.


In each results folder you will find csv files with the predictions for each sequence. This is the primary raw output. There is a separate folder for each prediction method. These folders can be re-used as input in the analysis section without re-running predictions.