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v0.0.22: Formatting

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@daddykotex daddykotex released this 04 Apr 14:36
· 70 commits to dss since this release

This release brings in formatting to the language server. This means that editor can leverage the language server to format Smithy file.

In VS Code, you can use the formatting action, shown below:
Screenshot 2023-04-04 at 10 28 53.

If you're using format on save, but want to disable it for Smithy, you can use the following setting:

  "[smithy]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

The release is tagged 0.0.22. By default the latest.stable version is pulled by the extension but you can override this behaviour. For instance, if you'd like to keep using the previous version, you can tweak the behaviour of the extension using the following in smithy-build.json at the root of your project:

  "languageServer": "com.disneystreaming.smithy:smithy-language-server:x.x.x"

You can also use other language server jar like for example.