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RIS Norms

This repository contains a web app supporting the Federal Documentation of Statutes (DE: "Normendokumentation") in their task of keeping the documentation of federal norms up-to-date through amendments (DE: "Fortschreibung").

The name "RIS Norms" refers to

  • "RIS", which is the German acronym for "Information system on the law" (DE: "Rechtsinformationssystem")
  • "Norms", which makes explicit that within RIS, we're explicitly dealing with federal laws and similar documents (and not, for example, with court verdicts)

Structure of the Repository

This is a mono-repository containing

Each of the above has its own with more details on that component.

Additional Documentation

There are two places where documentation can be found:


Please refer to for details.

Contributions Welcome!

🇬🇧 Everyone is welcome to contribute to the development of RIS Norms. You can contribute by opening pull requests, providing documentation, answering questions or giving feedback. Please do follow our guidelines and our Code of Conduct.

🇩🇪 Jede:r ist herzlich eingeladen, die Entwicklung von RIS Norms mitzugestalten. Du kannst einen Beitrag leisten, indem du Pull-Requests eröffnest, die Dokumentation erweiterst, Fragen beantwortest oder Feedback gibst. Bitte befolge die Richtlinien und unseren Verhaltenskodex.

Code Contributions

🇬🇧 Open a pull request with your changes and it will be reviewed by someone from the team. When you submit a pull request, you declare that you have the right to license your contribution to DigitalService and the community. By submitting the patch, you agree that your contributions are licensed under the GPLv3 license.

Please make sure that your changes have been tested before submitting a pull request.

🇩🇪 Nach dem Erstellen eines Pull Requests wird dieser von einer Person aus dem Team überprüft. Wenn du einen Pull Request einreichst, erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, deinen Beitrag an den DigitalService und die Community zu lizenzieren. Durch das Einreichen des Patches erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass deine Beiträge unter der GPLv3-Lizenz lizenziert sind.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass deine Änderungen getestet wurden bevor du einen Pull Request sendest.