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A .Net framework for SQL Server calling stored procedures. The purpose of this framework is to allow stored procedures, their parameters and their return types to be represented in strongly typed .Net classes. These can then be used in conjunction with a SqlConnection, DbConnection or DbContext to execute the stored procedure. This framework can be used with or without the presence of Entity Framework, but a separate dll (Dibware.StoredProcedureFrameworkForEF which is part of this project) is required when using with EF.


Requires .net v4.0

Please Note:

This is an on-going project, v1.0.3 is the most up todate stable version.


Documentation on how to use the StoredProcedureframework can be found here []

Nuget Package

The library is available on NuGet, here: [] and also here, for the EF extensions package []


  • 1.0.3 Support for Dynamic Fields within Multiple Recordsets added (Full Release / NuGet Release)
  • 1.0.2 Support for Dynamic Fields added (Full Release / NuGet Release)
  • 1.0.1 (First Full Release / NuGet Release)
  • 0.9 (Release Candidate) Contains bug fix for Issue #8
  • 0.8 (Release Candidate) Dropped the .Net framework dependency from v4.5 down to v4.0, ability to alias result column names, and some other minor re-factoring.
  • 0.7 (Release Candidate) Added initial support for Scalar functions and Table value functions. ("ParameterDbTypeAttribute" made obsolete and refactoreed to "DbTypeAttribute")
  • 0.6 (Release Candidate) Cleaned code, bug fix for Issue No. 5 and preparation for adding SQL UDF support
  • 0.5 (Release Candidate) This version supports transactions.
  • 0.4
  • 0.3 This version supports stored procedures with Table Value Parameters.
  • 0.2 This version will support multiple RecordSets and will have a different API to version 1.0.
  • 0.1 This was the initial version which did not support multiple RecordSets. To enable multiple RecordSets to be supported alongside single RecordSets a break to the API is required. Development has stopped on this version but the code will remain available for use.

Project Brief

The aim of this project is to provide the following:

  • (Must) Ability to support a POCO that represent a stored procedure Done
  • (Must) Ability to support a POCO that represents a row that is returned by a stored procedure Done
  • (Must) Ability to support a POCO that represents the parameters Done
  • (Must) Ability to execute the stored procedure represented by the POCO against DBConnection using extensions Done
  • (Must) Ability to execute the stored procedure represented by the POCO against SqlConnection using extensions Done
  • (Must) Ability to execute the stored procedure represented by the POCO against DBContext using extensions Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle output parameters Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle all common parameter types Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle all common return data types Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle precision and scale for number data types Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle size for string data types Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle stored procedures that return no results Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle parameters with NULL value Done
  • (Must) Ability to handle return types with NULL values Done
  • (Must) Ability to support Table Value Parameters Done
  • (Must) Ability to support Transactions Done
  • (Must) Entity Framework specific extensions must be in own assembly to remove dependency on EF DLLs for main project assembly Done
  • (Must) Tighten scope of any classes not in the agreed public API Done
  • (Should) Implement ability to call stored procedures from DbContext like "MyContext.MyStoredProcedure.Execute()" Done
  • (Should) Ability to handle multiple RecordSets returned from a stored procedure Done
  • (Should) Contain a suite of Example Tests that document usage of both assemblies Done
  • (Should) Contain a suite of Integration Tests for both assemblies Done
  • (Should) Contain a suite of Unit Tests that test all public accessors Done
  • (Should) Ability to handle lesser used parameter types Not currently on roadmap
  • (Should) Ability to handle lesser used return data types Not currently on roadmap
  • (Should) Warn calling code if parameter value data may be truncated due to smaller parameter type On-going Investigation
  • (Should) Implement David Doran's "FastActivator" for object instantiation Investigated: no gain
  • (Could) Ability to return results from Sql User Defined Scalar Function Done
  • (Could) Ability to return results from Sql User Defined Table Function Done
  • (Could) Not have any "Resharper" warnings WIP
  • (Could) Investigate any TODOs in code and either implement or remove WIP
  • (Could) Not have any "Code Clones" in production code WIP


Please visit the wiki for examples how to define classes which represent a stored procedure and use them in code to call the stored procedures they represent WIKI link

Bugs, Enhancement or Feature Requests

For any bugs, enhancements or for feature requests please raise an Issues with the appropriate label; bug or enhancement.


for a bug, please describe the bug and steps to reproduce. Please provide one or more unit or integration tests which prove the existence of the bug and will pass once the bug is fixed. This will greatly speed up bug detection and fixing. Where possible included the SQL code for a self contained stored procedure which can be used to test for the bug and the fix.

Enhancement or Feature Requests

For enhancements or feature requests, please detail what the feature is. Please also include one or more integration tests which describe how the feature will be called and how teh results shoudl appear.


The solution is written in C# .Net v4.0. The decision to write in v4.0 and not a later version is to enable other projects with this framework version and above to be able to consume it.

Folder Structure

The folder structure is as follows.

  • Solution
    • Binaries
      • 0.3
      • 0.4
      • 0.5 RC
      • 0.6 RC
      • 0.7 RC
      • 0.8
      • 0.9 RC
    • CodeBase
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.csproj
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFrameworkForEF.csproj
    • Documents
    • Examples
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.Examples.csproj
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.Examples.Database.sqlproj
    • Tests
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.IntegrationTests.csproj
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.IntegrationTests.Database.sqlproj
      • Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework.UnitTests.csproj


This folder contains the compiled DLLs in folders with the respective version numbers.


This folder contains the physical code which is compiled in to the binaries folder, above.


This folder contains the documentation for this project. It includes this document.


This folder contains two projects. The first is a unit test project which contains examples describing how to use the framework. The second project is the database project for the examples in the first project.


This project contains three projects. The first is the Integration Test project which contains test which interact with a test database. The second project is the database project for the Integration Test project. The third project is a Unit Test project. No database project is needed for this.


A .Net framework for calling stored procedures







No releases published


No packages published
