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wiki de pasquale edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 1 revision

Why is it useful?

Current methods of network request debugging are either directly dependent on Google Chrome, require downloading additional apps written in bulky React, are an uncontrollable dependency madness or simply do not grant you the immediate pleasure of sharing buggy network request with your colleague.

I like none of these so I made my own. Include only the things you want or need and nothing more. Modify every piece of the library as a user, not as a contributor.


repositories {

dependencies {
    debugImplementation "io.github.diareuse:gecko-core:+"
    debugImplementation "io.github.diareuse:gecko-okhttp:+"
    debugImplementation "io.github.diareuse:gecko-android:+"
    debugImplementation "io.github.diareuse:gecko-android-ui:+"

Please note that you need to take additional steps in order to make Gecko debug only!

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