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Admission Test Documentation

This Admission Test was designed to evaluate how well you know the technologies and concepts we use in our daily activities at DevSquad. You will be required to develop a Task Board Management Application following the instructions given in the following sections.

Product Vision

The Task Board Management Application will allow users to define their own Task Life Cycle (adding or removing lanes to the Task Board) and use it to manage their tasks using Drag & Drop capabilities.

The application is a simplified version of tools like:

Technology Stack

Note 1:

Use the "Laravel Way" to implement the features of the application. Remember that we are interested in 
knowing how much you know about the framework and its features.

Note 2:

Apply as many best practices as you can think of. They will be important to determining your level of 


The application is composed of 5 pages where 4 of them can be easily created using Laravel scaffolding system.

  1. Registration Page
  2. Login Page
  3. Reset Password Page
  4. Recover Password Page
  5. Task Board Page

Instead of fully detailed requirements, we are sending you 8 User Stories. They are simplified in such a way that you will not need further clarification on how to implement them. The Acceptance Criteria will be used as guidelines when reviewing your delivery.

[1] Registration

As a Visitor, I want to register providing my email and a password So that I can become a user of the system

Acceptance Criteria
    • The email must be unique.
    • The email must be verified.
    • The password must be confirmed.
    • There must be a link to the Login Page.
    • After registration the user will be redirected to the Task Board Page.

[2] Login

As a User, I want to login using my email and password So that I can access the restricted area of the system

Acceptance Criteria
    • After authentication, the user must be sent to the Task Board Page.
    • There must be a link to the Recover Password Page*.
    • There must be a link to the Registration Page.

[3] Recover Password

As a User, I want to be able to recover my password So that when I forget it, I can create a new one.

Acceptance Criteria
    • The form should ask only for the email.
    • The email must be sent with a link to the Reset Password Page.

[4] Reset Password

As a User, I want to be able to reset my password So that a new password is created for my account.

Acceptance Criteria
    • The email must match the same email used in the Recover Password Page.
    • The password must be confirmed.
    • After resetting the password, the user should be sent to the Task Board Page.

[5] Task Board

As a User, I want to Have a Task Board So that I can easily create and manage tasks

Acceptance Criteria
    • While the email is not verified, a message will be displayed informing the user on how to verify the email.
    • The default board will have three lanes: To Do, In Progress, Done.
    • The Task Board will contain all tasks from all users.
    • The user will be able to drag and drop tasks from one lane to another.
    • The Task Board must be synchronized among all the users in the system in real time without having to refresh the page.

[6] Task Management

As a User, I want to create new tasks and modify or remove existing tasks So that I can manage them using the Task Board

Acceptance Criteria
    • When creating a task, the name must be required.
    • New tasks will be added to the first lane to the left of the Task Board.
    • When modifying a task, the name will still be required.
    • Ask the user for a confirmation when removing a task.

[7] Lane Management

As a User, I want to create new lanes and remove or modify existing lanes So that the life cycle of the tasks can be modified

Acceptance Criteria
    • When creating a new lane, the name of the lane will be required.
    • When modifying an existing lane, only the name will still be required.
    • The Task Board must have at least 1 lane.
    • New lanes will be added to the right side of the Task Board.
    • The tasks of a removed lane will be sent to the first lane to the left.
    • Ask the user for a confirmation when removing a task.

[8] Task Assignment

As a User, I want to to assign tasks to me or any other user So that they can see the tasks assigned to them

Acceptance Criteria
    • A task can have only one user assigned to it.
    • There must be a way to remove the assignee from a task.


These are the steps we are going to take to deploy your application:

composer install
npm install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
php artisan migrate --seed
npm run dev


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