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An i18n solution with plural forms support for Redux/React

Workers of all countries, unite!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Supported languages list with expected codes for pluralize mechanics switching

  • Russian ( ru, ru-RU )
  • English ( en, en-US, en-UK )
  • French ( fr )
  • German ( de )
  • Polish ( pl )
  • Czech ( cs )
  • Portuguese ( pt )
  • Brazilian Portuguese ( pt-BR, br )
  • Arabic ( ar-AR, ar )
  • Turkish ( tr )
  • Occitan ( oc )
  • Belarusian ( be )
  • Bosnian ( bs )
  • Croatian ( hr )
  • Serbian ( sr )
  • Ukrainian ( uk )
  • ...

Example Demo

What's in demo?

  • webpack/gulp dev/prod build system
  • languages:
    • English
    • Russian
    • Polish
    • French
    • Belarusian
    • ...
  • language switcher component
  • simple key demo
  • key with pluralization demo
git clone redux-react-i18n
cd redux-react-i18n/example
npm i

and then



gulp prod

Short code demo

Write ( jsx ):

<Loc locKey="your_key_1"/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={1}/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={2}/>
<Loc locKey="your_key_2" number={5}/>

Result ( html ):

<span>Перевод вашего первого ключа из словаря для текущего языка</span>
<span>Пришла 1 кошечка</span>
<span>Пришли 2 кошечки</span>
<span>Пришло 5 кошечек</span>

What am I using:

pluralizer: ( github or npm ) for plural forms changing

translator: ( github or npm ) for translation (translator demo)



npm i redux-react-i18n

What's in the box


  • Loc ( Container Component )
  • LocPresentational ( Presentational Component )


  • setCurrentLanguage( languageCode )
  • setLanguages( languageCode )
  • addDictionary( languageCode, dictionary )
  • setDictionaries( dictionaries )


  • i18n

Full code demo ( complete solution for Redux ):

import { i18nReducer, i18nActions, Loc } from 'redux-react-i18n'

// "reducers" contains your reducers
reducers.i18n = i18nReducer

const store = createStore( combineReducers( reducers ) )

// Set dictionaries (simpliest example) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// This dictionaries can be supported by Localization team without need to know somth about interface or project,
// and you just can fetch it to your project
const dictionaries = {
    'ru-RU': {
        'key_1': 'Первый дефолтный ключ',
        'key_2': [ '$Count', ' ', ['штучка','штучки','штучек']], // 1 штучка, 3 штучки, пять штучек
        'key_3': {
            'nested_1': 'Первый вложенный ключ',
            'nested_2': 'Второй вложенный ключ',
        /* ... */
        /* Other keys */
    'en-US': {
        'key_1': 'First default key',
        'key_2': [ '$Count', ' ', ['thing','things']], // 1 thing, 2 things, 153 things
        'key_3': {
            'nested_1': 'First nested key',
            'nested_2': 'Second nested key',
    /* ... */
    /* Other dictionaries */
store.dispatch( i18nActions.setDictionaries( dictionaries ) )
// / Set dictionaries (simpliest example) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Set languages (simpliest example) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const languages = [
        code: 'ru-RU',
        name: 'Русский'
        code: 'en-US',
        name: 'English (USA)'
    /* ... */
    /* Other languages */

store.dispatch( i18nActions.setLanguages( languages ) )
// / Set languages (simpliest example) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Set current language code (you can map this action to select component or somth like this)
store.dispatch( i18nActions.setCurrentLanguage( 'ru-RU' ) )

And now you can use "Loc" container component

import { Loc } from 'redux-react-i18n'

  <Loc locKey="key_1"/> // => Первый дефолтный ключ

  <Loc locKey="key_2" number={7}/> // => 7 штучек

  <Loc locKey="key_3.nested_1"/> // => Первый вложенный ключ
  <Loc locKey="key_3.nested_2"/> // => Второй вложенный ключ

If you don't want to use a complete solution:

Just use a dumb component and you can design store/actions/reducers by yourself like you want

// Just import presentational component LocPresentational
import { LocPresentational } from 'redux-react-i18n'
// Then map data to props => currentLanguage, dictionary (See more in src/Loc.js):
const mapStateToProps = ( { /*getting data from the state*/ }, ownProps ) => ({
    currentLanguage: yourCurrentLanguageFromState,
    dictionary: yourDictionaryFromState
Loc = connect( mapStateToProps )( LocPresentational )
  <Loc locKey="YOUR_KEY_1"/>

  <Loc locKey="YOUR_KEY_2"  number={42}/>

See more in src/*.js

Using with React Native


The "Span Problem"

If the span tag is a big problem (in "option" tag for example), you can use translate from 'translatr' like this

import translate from 'translatr'
   <option value="1">
      { translate( dictionary, currentLanguage, key, number ) }

and just a simple example of mapStateToProps as a bonus:

const mapStateToProps = ( {i18n: { currentLanguage, dictionaries }}, ownProps ) => ({
    currentLanguage: currentLanguage,
    dictionary: dictionaries[ currentLanguage ]


With <Loc locKey="your_key" ></Loc> you'll get:

  <option> <span>Translated Text</span> </option>

With translate you'll get:

  <option> Translated Text </option>

... but you'll have to write extra code

PS You already have translatr as a dependency of redux-react-i18n in your node_modules