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Releases: defagos/CoconutKit

UIWebView removal

12 Mar 12:51
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Any reference to the now deprecated UIWebView has been removed.

iOS 13 preliminary support

13 Aug 13:12
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🚧Official iOS 13 support will be delivered when iOS 13 is officially released 🚧

  • The project runs fine on iOS 13 and builds with Xcode 11 without any significant warning.

Maintenance release

14 Jan 13:11
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  • Fixed non working model manager duplication (#42).
  • Prevent potential leaks due to exceptions being thrown. Leaks related to Apple framework exceptions being caught (e.g. -performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: with unknown selector) cannot be eliminated, see Clang documentation.

Xcode 10 / iOS 12 compatibility and iTunes Connect binary submission issue fix

13 Sep 07:42
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  • CoconutKit is now officially compatible with iOS 12 and Xcode 10.
  • Fix a binary submission issue for applications delivered with bitcode.

Static framework compatibility

11 Sep 12:13
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CoconutKit can now be integrated as a static framework using Carthage. Refer to the installation instructions for more information.

Fix incorrect navigation title attributes

07 Jun 05:55
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CoconutKit dynamic localization mechanism was conflicting with navigation title attributes, preventing them from being correctly applied since iOS 11. This has been fixed.

Performance fix

08 Jan 08:10
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This release potential performance issues when the CoconutKit resource bundle is accessed.

iOS 11 / Xcode 9 compatibility

18 Sep 20:08
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This release updates CoconutKit for proper iOS 11 support, and in particular for the new iPhone X.

The code only compiles with Xcode 9 and above.

Attributed string fix

20 Jun 15:58
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This releases fixes an issue with attributed strings, which could lose their attributes because of CoconutKit being linked.