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Faylixe committed Oct 8, 2020
1 parent 3f480a4 commit ba74eff
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Showing 56 changed files with 315,357 additions and 17 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/CODEOWNERS
Validating CODEOWNERS rules …
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
* @deezer @Faylixe @GuillaumeSalha @elenavepure @romi1502
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
name: Bug
about: Report a bug
title: "[Bug] name your bug"
labels: bug, invalid

- Any issue which does not respect following template or lack of information will be considered as invalid and automatically closed
- First check FAQ from wiki to see if your problem is not already known

## Description

<!-- Give us a clear and concise description of the bug you are reporting. -->

## Step to reproduce

<!-- Indicates clearly steps to reproduce the behavior: -->

1. Installed using `...`
2. Run as `...`
3. Got `...` error

## Output

Share what your terminal says when you run the script (as well as what you would expect).

## Environment

<!-- Fill the following table -->

| | |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------- |
| OS | Windows / Linux / MacOS / other |
| Installation type | Conda / pip / other |
| RAM available | XGo |
| Hardware spec | GPU / CPU / etc ... |

## Additional context

<!-- Add any other context about the problem here, references, cites, etc.. -->
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
name: Discussion
about: Ideas sharing or theorical question solving
labels: question
title: "[Discussion] your question"

<!-- Please respect the title [Discussion] tag. -->
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name: Feature request
about: Submit idea for new feature
labels: feature, enhancement
title: "[Feature] your feature name"

## Description

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## Additional information

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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .github/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# [Pull request title]

## Description

A few sentences describing the overall goals of the pull request's commits.

## How this patch was tested

You tested it, right?

## Documentation link and external references

Please provide any info that may help us better understand your code.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Make framework that provides generic docker based function
# and project values.
# @author Félix Voituret <>
# @version 1.0.0

SHELL = /bin/bash -x
PROJECT = muzeeglot
COMPOSE = docker-compose -p $(PROJECT)
COMPOSE_FILE = docker-compose.yaml
DOCKER = docker
CERTCOMMAND = certonly --webroot --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt -d $(DOMAIN) -d www.$(DOMAIN)
CERTVOLUMES = -v $(PROJECT)-certificates:/etc/letsencrypt
CERTVOLUMES += -v $(PROJECT)-certificates-data:/data/letsencrypt
BUILDERVOLUMES = $(CERTVOLUMES) -v frontend/nginx/certificate-builder.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro

.PHONY: api frontend

$(eval SHELL=/bin/bash)
@echo "Supported goals:"
@echo " * make [no-cache] api|frontend"
@echo " * make [ssl] run|start|stop"
@echo " * make clean|letsencrypt|logs"

$(eval COMPOSE_OPTS=$(COMPOSE_OPTS) --no-cache)

$(eval COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose-ssl.yaml)

-@$(DOCKER) volume rm $(PROJECT)-certificates
-@$(DOCKER) volume rm $(PROJECT)-certificates-data
@$(DOCKER) volume create $(PROJECT)-certificates
@$(DOCKER) volume create $(PROJECT)-certificates-data
@$(DOCKER) run -d $(BUILDERVOLUMES) -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --name $(PROJECT)-certificate-builder nginx
@$(DOCKER) run -it --rm $(CERTVOLUMES) deliverous/certbot $(CERTCOMMAND)
@$(DOCKER) kill $(PROJECT)-certificate-builder
@$(DOCKER) rm $(PROJECT)-certificate-builder

@$(COMPOSE) build $(COMPOSE_OPTS) api

@$(COMPOSE) build $(COMPOSE_OPTS) frontend

run: api frontend
@$(COMPOSE) up

start: api frontend
@$(COMPOSE) -f $(COMPOSE_FILE) up -d


@$(COMPOSE) -f $(COMPOSE_FILE) logs --follow

clean: stop
@docker volume rm $$(docker volume ls | grep muzeeglot | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2)
132 changes: 115 additions & 17 deletions
@@ -1,42 +1,140 @@
# Muzeeglot

In this repository, we present [Muzeeglot](, a propotype aiming at illustrating how
multilingual music genre embedding space representations can be leveraged to
**generate cross-lingual music genre annotations** for
[DBpedia]( music entities (artists, albums, tracks...).
In this repository, we present [Muzeeglot](,
a propotype aiming at illustrating how multilingual music genre embedding space
representations can be leveraged to **generate cross-lingual music genre annotations**
for [DBpedia]( music entities (artists, albums, tracks, etc ...).

<div align="center">
<a href="">Muzeeglot</a> includes a web interface to visualize these
multilingual music genre embeddings.

- :question: [How it works](#how-it-works)
- :gear: [Architecture](#architecture)
- :rocket: [Deployment](#deployment)
* :lock: [SSL support](#ssl-support)
- :computer: [Development](#development)
- :book: [Cite](#cite)

## How it works

Based on annotations from one or several sources languages, our system automatically
predicts the corresponding annotations in a target language.

Languages supported:

- French (fr)
- English (en)
- Spanish (es)
- Dutch (nl)
- Czech (cs)
- Japanese (ja)
- :fr: French
- :gb: English
- :es: Spanish
- :netherlands: Dutch
- :czech_republic: Czech
- :jp: Japanese

You will find more information about application usage [here](

## Architecture

[Muzeeglot]( is based on a classic _N-tier_ architecture
including :

- A [Redis]( instance as storage engine.
- A REST API developed in Python with [FastAPI](
- A frontend developed with [VueJS](, as a SPA (Single Page Application).

The overall stack is loadbalanced using [Nginx]( webserver :

<div align="center">

Data such as entities, tags, and languages are stored into the [Redis](
instance. Additionnally, a text search index based on [Whoosh](
is maintained using _ngram_ tokenization on entity names.

## Deployment

Deploying [Muzeeglot]( requires the following tools to be
installed :

- [Git](
- [GNU make](
- [Docker](
- [Docker compose](

You can then clone this repository and start [Muzeeglot](<sup>1</sup> :

## Technical Details
git clone
cd muzeeglot
make start

Behind the scene it will build the required [docker]( images and run a
[compose]( file with everything required locally in daemon mode.

> <sup>1</sup> first deployment will be long as it requires data ingestion and indexing.
### SSL support

In case you want to deploy [Muzeeglot]( with SSL
using [LetsEncrypt](, you need to first create certificate using
the provided bot challenge. Start by editing the following configuration files to add your
target domain :

- `frontend/nginx/certificate-builder.conf`
- `frontend/nginx/muzeeglot-ssl.conf`

Once you did so, you can run the following command to generate SSL certificates:

make letsencrypt DOMAIN=mydomain.tld

It will create a [docker]( volume and provision it with certificate.
Then you can run [Muzeeglot]( as follows:

make ssl start

[Muzeeglot]( will be presented as a demonstration at [JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2020](
## Development

This [extended abstract]( (in French) from the conference provides more information on [Muzeeglot]( Feel free to also check out those [slides]( for more information in English.
Project can be managed using `GNU Make` through the following goals :

## Demonstration
| Goal | Description |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| _api_ | Build api image |
| _frontend_ | Build frontend image |
| _run_ | Start the entire stack using docker-compose |
| _start_ | Start the entire stack in daemon mode |
| _stop_ | Stop the entier stack using docker-compose |
| _logs_ | Display stack logs when running in daemon mode |
| _clean_ | Clean docker volume for storage and indexes |
| _letsencrypt_ | Generate certificate volume |

In this repository, we will also soon release the source code of Muzeeglot.
Additional goals can be used to provide extra parameters:

| Goal | Description |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------ |
| _no-cache_ | Build images using `--no-cache` flag |
| _ssl_ | Enable SSL support |

If you want to use your own data, please provide the following files into `api/data` directory<sup>2</sup>:

- Embeddings for mapping are expected through `embeddings.csv` CSV file.
- Reduced embeddings for display are expected through `embeddings_reduced.csv` CSV file.
- Supported language are expected through `languages.csv` CSV file.
- Indexed entities are expected through `entites.csv` CSV file.
- Genre mapping corpus is expected through `corpus.csv` CSV file.

> <sup>2</sup> you need to clean the data storage and index to force data ingestion when you redeploy.
## Cite

Expand All @@ -49,4 +147,4 @@ In this repository, we will also soon release the source code of Muzeeglot.

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