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Releases: decenomy/KYAN

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.5.1 Non-Mandatory Update

04 Sep 15:40
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Hello, KYAN, and DECENOMY community!

This new wallet version is non-mandatory. It contains fixes to the setautocombinethreshold RPC command and the related GUI elements. These are the changes:

  • Only allow integers as input.
  • The value for the threshold must be at least 1.
  • In wallets that used the now deprecated autocombinethreshold command, the value was not saved correctly. We introduced a mechanism that would allow us to continue supporting the old wallets while saving the value correctly when you change it the next time.

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.5.0 Mandatory Update

02 Jun 13:32
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Hello, KYAN, and DECENOMY community!

We are sorry for the short-period updates. We must address them to ensure everything works as it should, so this update is URGENT and MANDATORY!

  • Improves the syncing of the masternode list
  • Includes all the recently started masternodes into the eligible list to avoid syncing issues

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.4.0 Mandatory Update

29 May 17:37
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Hello, KYAN, and DECENOMY community!

This release is mandatory, and you should update it ASAP.

It introduces a fix that removes duplicate masternodes on the same address from the masternode list.

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.3.0 Mandatory Update

22 May 14:49
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Hello, KYAN, and DECENOMY community!

We are excited to announce that we have released a new version of our wallet software, which includes some important updates and enhancements.

This version is mandatory for all users and must be installed by May 26th. If you do not upgrade your wallet by then, you cannot use the KYAN network or access your funds.

In this post, we will briefly summarize the main features and improvements we have introduced in our wallet's previous and current versions. We hope you will find them useful and enjoy our wallet's improved performance and functionality.

Previous version features:

  • Multinode capability: This feature enables you to operate multiple masternodes on the same server. This way, you can simplify your masternode management and increase your rewards.
  • Masternode Collateral Window: This feature allows you to adjust the collateral amount of your masternode before the deadline, making the collateral change phase more fair and flexible. You can send a new transaction with the new collateral amount and restart the masternode up to 7 days (one week) before the deadline. This way, you can prepare your masternode for the next phase in advance.
  • Last paid V2 and Masternode payment V2: These features enhance the reliability and fairness of the masternode payment system. They ensure that every masternode receives its reward based on the actual blockchain data and that every masternode is accounted for.
  • Seamless MN upgrade between protocols: This feature allows you to upgrade your masternode protocol version without restarting it on the hot wallet. You can simply install the new wallet version and your masternode will automatically switch to the new protocol.
  • Support for multinode hot reloading: This feature enables you to reload your masternode configuration file without having to stop or restart your masternodes. You can simply edit the file and save it, and your masternodes will apply the changes on the fly.
  • getactivemasternodecount rpc/cli command: This command allows you to check how many active masternodes are currently running on your masternode server.
  • Last Paid V2 fix: This fix resolves a bug that caused some masternodes to receive incorrect last paid values, which affected their ranking and payment frequency, and it will be needed to activate this feature fully.
  • checkconnection RPC call: This call allows you to test the connectivity of your server with other nodes on the network.
  • mnping RPC call: This call allows you to send a ping message to your masternode and receive a pong response. It helps you verify that your masternode is online and responsive.
  • reloadmasternodeconfig RPC call and a corresponding GUI element: This call and element allow you to reload your masternode configuration file from the command line or the user interface. It is useful if you want to make changes to your masternode settings without stopping or restarting them.
  • Speed up the listmasternodes RPC command: This improvement reduces the execution time of the listmasternodes command, which returns a list of all masternodes on the network along with their status and information. It makes it faster and easier to query the network state and monitor your masternodes.
  • -rewindblockindex option and the corresponding GUI element: This option and element allow you to rewind your block index in case of a fork or a corrupted database. It deletes all blocks after a specified height and re-syncs with the network from that point. It can help you recover from various issues that may affect your wallet functionality or integrity.
  • setautocombinethreshold command and UI support: This command replaces the deprecated autocombinerewards command, which automatically combined small inputs into larger ones to reduce transaction fees and improve privacy. The new command allows you to set a threshold amount for auto-combining inputs and enable or disable this feature from the command line or the user interface.

Current version features:

  • Last Paid V2 and Masternode Payment V2 fixes: This fixes resolves a bug that caused some masternodes to receive incorrect last paid values, incorrect masternode payments and masternode payment validation errors while syncing.
  • Rewing Block Index RPC: This improvement makes the argument option rewindblockindex released on the previous version as a regular RPC console command;

We hope that you are satisfied with these updates and improvements and that they will enhance your experience with our wallet software. We always work hard to provide the best service and technology possible. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through our official channels.

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty!

The DECENOMY team.

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.2.1 Mandatory Update

04 May 12:44
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Hello, KYAN, and DECENOMY community!

We are excited to announce that we have released a new version of our wallet software, which includes some important updates and enhancements.

This version is mandatory for all users and must be installed by May 10th. If you do not upgrade your wallet by then, you cannot use the KYAN network or access your funds.

In this post, we will briefly summarize the main features and improvements we have introduced in our wallet's previous and current versions. We hope you will find them useful and enjoy our wallet's improved performance and functionality.

Previous version features:

  • Multinode capability: This feature enables you to operate multiple masternodes on the same server. This way, you can simplify your masternode management and increase your rewards.
  • Masternode Collateral Window: This feature allows you to adjust the collateral amount of your masternode before the deadline, making the collateral change phase more fair and flexible. You can send a new transaction with the new collateral amount and restart the masternode up to 7 days (one week) before the deadline. This way, you can prepare your masternode for the next phase in advance.
  • Last paid V2 and Masternode payment V2: These features enhance the reliability and fairness of the masternode payment system. They ensure that every masternode receives its reward based on the actual blockchain data and that every masternode is accounted for.
  • Seamless MN upgrade between protocols: This feature allows you to upgrade your masternode protocol version without restarting it on the hot wallet. You can simply install the new wallet version and your masternode will automatically switch to the new protocol.
  • Support for multinode hot reloading: This feature enables you to reload your masternode configuration file without having to stop or restart your masternodes. You can simply edit the file and save it, and your masternodes will apply the changes on the fly.
  • getactivemasternodecount rpc/cli command: This command allows you to check how many active masternodes are currently running on your masternode server.

Current version features:

  • Last Paid V2 fix: This fix resolves a bug that caused some masternodes to receive incorrect last paid values, which affected their ranking and payment frequency, and it will be needed to activate this feature fully.
  • checkconnection RPC call: This call allows you to test the connectivity of your server with other nodes on the network.
  • mnping RPC call: This call allows you to send a ping message to your masternode and receive a pong response. It helps you verify that your masternode is online and responsive.
  • reloadmasternodeconfig RPC call and a corresponding GUI element: This call and element allow you to reload your masternode configuration file from the command line or the user interface. It is useful if you want to make changes to your masternode settings without stopping or restarting them.
  • Speed up the listmasternodes RPC command: This improvement reduces the execution time of the listmasternodes command, which returns a list of all masternodes on the network along with their status and information. It makes it faster and easier to query the network state and monitor your masternodes.
  • -rewindblockindex option and the corresponding GUI element: This option and element allow you to rewind your block index in case of a fork or a corrupted database. It deletes all blocks after a specified height and re-syncs with the network from that point. It can help you recover from various issues that may affect your wallet functionality or integrity.
  • setautocombinethreshold command and UI support: This command replaces the deprecated autocombinerewards command, which automatically combined small inputs into larger ones to reduce transaction fees and improve privacy. The new command allows you to set a threshold amount for auto-combining inputs and enable or disable this feature from the command line or the user interface.

We hope that you are satisfied with these updates and improvements and that they will enhance your experience with our wallet software. We always work hard to provide the best service and technology possible. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through our official channels.

v1.1.2.1 update enhances the syncing and networking performance of our platform.

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty!

The DECENOMY team.

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.1.0 Mandatory Update

25 Jan 22:09
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Dear Kyanite (KYAN) friends,

This new wallet version is mandatory.

The following improvements and fixes were included:

  • Multinode capability;
  • Last paid V2 and Masternode payment V2 fixes and improvements;
  • Takes into account the collateral of the previous collateral change window on CMasternodeBroadcast::CheckInputsAndAdd;
  • Speeds up the masternode count operation;
  • Seamless MN upgrade between protocols;
  • Adds support for multinode hot reloading;
  • Adds the getactivemasternodecount rpc/cli command;

This update is mandatory, but you don't need to restart the masternode if you update it quickly.

However, this version is mandatory, and when the masternode network support reaches 80%, all the old nodes will be cut off from the network.

Thanks techy2 and kyeno, for your suggestions and contributions.

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.0.1 Non-Mandatory Update

10 Jan 17:31
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Dear Kyanite (KYAN) friends,

This new wallet version is non-mandatory, but it is a highly recommended update. It includes the following improvements:

  • Fixes the interruption of the getmasternodestatus command when the MN is not found in the internal masternode list in the MN daemon;
  • Improves startmasternode;

Kyanite (KYAN) v1.1.0.0 Mandatory Update

03 Jan 16:20
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Dear Kyanite (KYAN) friends,

This new wallet version is mandatory.

The following improvements were also introduced:

  • Multinode capability;
  • UI privacy mode;
  • Staking improvements (staking needs to be activated to be used);
  • Staking hash rate report on the dashboard;
  • Last paid V2 (needs activation by spork);
  • Masternode payment V2 (needs activation by spork);
  • Reconsider Window (needs activation by spork);
  • Masternode collateral seven days window (needs activation by spork);

Kyanite (Kyan) v1.0.0.1 Non-Mandatory Update

28 Jan 18:02
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Dear KYAN friends,

This new version of the wallet is non-mandatory, but it is highly recommended update. It includes the following improvements:

  • Includes burn addresses;
  • Updates to the last DSW code;
  • Increased default network connectivity;
  • Removes timedata UI freezing warning;

Kyanite (KYAN) Mandatory update

31 Jul 20:28
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Dear Kyanite (KYAN) friends,
The new wallet has arrived!