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@AdrianKoshka AdrianKoshka released this 12 Jan 04:44
· 619 commits to master since this release

We've moved to flathub!

And there is a new build for windows!

New Users

This is for users who haven't installed the flatpak:

  1. go to and follow the instructions for your distro
  2. then run: flatpak install flathub com.github.debauchee.barrier (optionally pass --user if you want the flatpak installed at the user level, or use a GUI package manager like GNOME software)

Current Users:

This is for users who already have the flatpak installed:

  1. in a terminal run flatpak uninstall com.github.debauchee.barrier
  2. Then run: flatpak remote-delete barrier (or whatever you named our flatpak repo)
  3. And finally: flatpak install flathub com.github.debauchee.barrier