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davlgd tech blog

This blog is based on AstroPaper theme, built & hosted as a static website on Clever Cloud.

Create your own AstroPaper blog

You'll need Node.js to init such a project. It will create you a new folder and, if asked, a local git repository:

npm create astro@latest -- --template satnaing/astro-paper
yarn create astro --template satnaing/astro-paper

You can use some options if needed:

       --template <name>  Specify your template.
--install / --no-install  Install dependencies (or not).
        --git / --no-git  Initialize git repo (or not).
              --yes (-y)  Skip all prompts by accepting defaults.
               --no (-n)  Skip all prompts by declining defaults.
               --dry-run  Walk through steps without executing.
          --skip-houston  Skip Houston animation.
                   --ref  Choose astro branch (default: latest).
                 --fancy  Enable full Unicode support for Windows.
   --typescript <option>  TypeScript option: strict | strictest | relaxed.

For example for this blog I used:

yarn create astro --template satnaing/astro-paper labs --no-install --git --typescript relaxed -y

Note: it will work the same with most of Astro themes.

Configure blog, edit content

To configure and use this blog/theme, you can:

You can go further thanks to Astro documentation and AstroPaper documentation.

To check the generated website, launch npm run start. It will be available at https://localhost:4321.

Host as a static website on Clever Cloud with Tiniest vWeb Server (tws)

You'll need a Clever Cloud account to access the Console or to use the CLI, Clever Tools:

npm i -g clever-tools
clever login

First, create a Node.js application, the CLI command is:

clever create -t node

As a PaaS platform, a deployment on Clever Cloud starts with a build phase, where the static website will be generated. I host it through Tiniest vWeb Server, downloaded and setup via the script. You can use any of your choice. HTTPS acces is automatically configured (thanks to the Sōzu load balancer).

No external runner such as GitHub Action is needed. Configuring the build phase is as easy as:

clever scale --flavor pico    # A tiny instance is enough for static blog
clever scale --build-flavor M # A bigger instance to quickly build the website

clever env set CC_WEBROOT "/dist"
clever env set CC_OVERRIDE_BUILDCACHE "/tws-linux-x86_64:/dist:/package.json"
clever env set CC_PRE_BUILD_HOOK "./"
clever env set CC_POST_BUILD_HOOK "npm run build"
clever env set CC_RUN_COMMAND "./tws-linux-x86_64 dist"

You can also set this through the Console or import environment variables of the .env file of this repository:

clever env import < .env

To change the Node.js version (latest 21.x in this example), edit this in the package.json file:

"engines": {
  "node": "21"

Then, just git push the source code:

git add . && git commit -m "Deploy my static website" && clever deploy
clever open

You now access your website through a generic domain ( You can add the one of your choice (you'll need to change DNS configuration) and set it as the default:

clever domain
clever domain add your.domain.tld
clever domain favourite set your.domain.tld

If you need to regularly rebuild the blog (for scheduled posts for example), follow this tutorial.

From GitHub

You can link your GitHub account to your Clever Cloud account for an easier login. It will also enable automatic deployment after a push on a specific branch (it's how this blog is published).