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Phylodynamic simulations of influenza virus evolution with antigenic and deleterious mutations, implented in Java. This is a modified version of Trevor Bedford's program Antigen ( For more information on the model, see:


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Input file:\
There is one main control file, 'parameters_load.yml', that contains all the simulation parameters. The annotation describes what each parameter is or does. \
From the command line, you can run the code like this:\
>java -Xmx 2G  -jar Antigen.jar\
Make sure you are in the Antigen directory though or Java will not be able to find the 'parameters_load.yml' input file.\
The -Xmx argument tells Java how much memory to allocate before you launch the program. For population sizes of 40 million and running the sims with 40 years of antigenic evolution, I was using 48G of memory.\
All the output is written to files beginning with 'out.':\
out.antigenicDistance	<-- contains the antigenic distance matrix for all antigenic types in the tree\
out.antigenicSamples	<-- the number of samples belonging to each antigenic type over time which is used to reconstruct the time series of antigenic dynamics\
out.branches	<-- info about the branches in the tree (not used by me)\
our.mrcaSeries	<-- contains the time of the MRCA in the tree over time\
out.mutationSeries	<-- contains the population mutation load distribution over time\
out.simmapAntigenic	<-- the SimMap tree with annotation for the antigenic type of the lineages in the tree\
out.simmapLoad	<-- the SimMap tree with annotation for the mutational load of the lineages in the tree\
out.summary	<-- summary of simulation (not used by me)\
out.timeseries	<-- time series of the population dynamics\	<-- info about the tips in the tree (not used by me)\
out.trees	<-- the tree in newick format\
out.trunkAntigenicShifts	<-- the sizes of the antigenic transitions occurring along the trunk 
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Phylodynamic simulations of influenza virus evolution with antigenic and deleterious mutations, implented in Java. This is a modified version of Trevor Bedford's program Antigen ( For more information on the model, see:






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