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Programming Phoenix Notes

2. The Lay of the Land

  • You can think of any web server as a function.
  • Each time you type a URL, think of it as a function call to some remote server.
  • That function takes your request and generates some response.

|>, the pipe operator

The |>, or pipe operator:

  • takes the value on the left, and
  • passes it as the first argument to the function on the right.

We can chain together several different function calls like this:

definc(x),do​: x + 1
defdec(x),do​: x - 12|> inc|> inc|> dec

We call:

  • these compositions pipes or pipelines,
  • each individual function a segment or pipe segment.

Pipelines are also functions, so you can make pipelines of pipelines.

A classic HTTP-style request in Phoenix

|> endpoint
|> router
|> pipelines
|> controller
  • Each request comes in through an endpoint, the first point of contact.
  • From there, requests go into our router layer, which directs a request into the appropriate controller, after passing it through a series of pipelines.
  • A pipeline groups functions together to handle common tasks:
    • a pipeline for browser requests,
    • a pipeline for JSON requests.

Controllers as pipelines of functions

|> controller
|> common_services
|> action
  • The connection flows into the controller and calls common_services.
  • In Phoenix, those common_services are implemented with Plug.
  • actions will do many different things:
    • access other websites,
    • authenticate a user,
    • access a database,
    • render a view.

An action to show a user:

|> find_user
|> view
|> template

Pure vs Impure functions and Ecto

In Phoenix, whenever it's possible,

  • we try to limit side effects (impure) to the controller.
  • we try to keep the functions in our models and views side effects free (pure), so that calling the same function with the same arguments will always yield the same results.

In Phoenix, you'll want to separate pure from impure functions:

  • PURE: process data in the model.
  • IMPURE: read or write data through the controller:
    • call another web server,
    • fetch data from a database.

Ecto, the persistence layer, allows us to organize our code in this way, separating:

  • the code with side effects, which changes the world around us,
  • the code that's only transforming data.


mix local.hex
* creating /Users/***/.mix/archives/hex-0.12.0.ezmix archive.install
* creating /Users/***/.mix/archives/phoenix_new.ez

Creating your first Phoenix app

mix hellocd hellomix ecto.create
The database for Hello.Repo has been created.mix phoenix.server

Atom Keys vs. String Keys?

Convention followed throughout Phoenix:

  • external parameters have string keys "name" => name,
  • internal paramters have atom keys name: name

External data can't safely be converted to atoms, because the atom table isn't garbage-collected. Instead, we explicitly match on the string keys, and then our application boundaries like controllers and channels will convert them into atom keys, which we'll rely on everywhere else inside Phoenix.

Phoenix file struture

  • config: configuration.
  • lib:
    • supervision trees,
    • long-running processes:
      • Phoenix's PubSub system,
      • the database connection pool,
      • ...
    • the code in lib is NOT reloaded.
  • test: tests.
  • web:
    • models, views, templates, controllers, ...
    • the code in lib is reloaded.

TODO: Going Deeper: The Request Pipeline

  • Plugs are functions.
  • Your web applications are pipelines of plugs.

3. Controllers, Views, and Templates


Example of a User Controller flow:

|> endpoint            # (lib/rumbl/endpoint.ex)
|> router              # (web/router.ex)
  |> browser_pipeline
    |> plug:accepts, ["​​html"]
    |> plug:fetch_session|> plug:fetch_flash|> plug:protect_from_forgery|> plug:put_secure_browser_headers​”
  |> routes
|> UserController     # (web/controllers/user_controller.ex​)
  |> UserController.index
  |> UserView.render("index.html")

Maps vs Structs

Elixir structs are built on top of maps:

defmodule Rumbl.User do
  defstruct [:id, :name, :username, :password]

Elixir maps offer protection for bad keys only at runtime, when we effectively access the key:

iex> user = %{usernmae: "jose", password: "elixir"}
%{password: "elixir", usernmae: "jose"}

iex> user.username
** (KeyError) key :username not found in: %{password: "elixir", usernmae: "jose"}

Elixir structs offer protection for bad keys at compilation time:

iex> chris = %User{nmae: "chris"}
** (CompileError) iex:3: unknown key :nmae for struct User

A struct is a map that has a __struct__ key:

iex> jose = %User{name: "Jose Valim"}
%User{id: nil, name: "Jose Valim", username: nil, password: nil}

iex> jose.__struct__

Elixir structs are Elixir's main abstraction for working with structured data.

Views vs Templates

  • Templates are web pages or fragments that allow both static markup and native code to build response pages, compiled into a function.
  • Views are modules containing rendering functions that convert data into a format the end user will consume, like HTML or JSON.
  • In Phoenix, you eventually compile both to functions.

4. Ecto and Changesets

Understanding Ecto's changesets

Ecto has a feature called changesets that:

  • holds all changes you want to perform on the database.
  • encapsulates the whole process of receiving external data, casting and validating it before writing it to the database.

About Models

In Phoenix, models, controllers, and views are layers of functions:

  • A controller is a layer to transform requests and responses according to a communication protocol.
  • A model is a group of functions to transform data according to our business requirements.

We use the word:

  • schema to describe the native form of the data,
  • struct to refer to the data itself (but structs are not models).

The important thing to understand is that the model is the layer of functions that supports our business rules rather than the data that flows through those functions.


Phoenix uses migrations to make the database reflect the structure of our application.


mix ecto.gen.migration create_user
Compiled web/models/user.ex
Compiled web/views/user_view.ex
* creating priv/repo/migrations
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20160526172142_create_user.exs

In general, migrating a database, both up for a successful deploy and down for an unsuccessful deploy, should be an automated and repeatable process.

More about Ecto's changesets

  • Ecto is using changesets as a bucket to hold everything related to a database change, before and after persistence.
  • You can use the information contained inside a changeset to do more than see what changed, like:
    • Write code to do the minimal required database operation to update a record.
    • Check a particular change against a database constraint (such as a unique index).
    • Enforce validations without hitting the database.

5. Authenticating Users

Anatomy of a Plug

There are two kinds of plugs (they work the same):

  • function plugs: single functions.
  • module plugs: modules that provides two functions with some configuration details.

Both use the same request interface:

  • take a conn and optional opts,
  • return a conn.

Module Plugs

You specify a module plug by providing the module name:

plug Plug.Logger

A module plug:

  • must have 2 functions:
    • init(opts).
    • call(conn, opts).
  • can simply (a plug that does nothing):
    • return the given options on init.
    • return the given connection on call.
defmodule DoNothingPlug do
  def init(opts),        do: opts
  def call(conn, _opts), do: conn


init will happen at compile time, being a great place to:

  • validate opts,
  • prepare some of the work,
  • do some heavy lifting to transform opts.

call(conn, opts)

call will happen at runtime:

  • It's where the main work of a module plug happens.
  • We want it to do as little work as possible.

Comunication between init and call

Plug uses the result of init as the second argument to call, that way, call can be as fast as possible because init has already done the heavy lifting.

Function Plugs

You specify a function plug with the name of the function as an atom:

plug :protect_from_forgery

More about Plug.Conn

conn is only a Plug.Conn struct:

  • conn is the data we pass through every plug.
  • conn has the details for any request.
  • The request is morphed in tiny steps until we eventually send a response.
  • Online documentation for Plug.Conn

6. Generators

Generating resources

Phoenix includes two Mix tasks to bootstrap applications:

  • phoenix.gen.html creates a simple HTTP scaffold with HTML pages,
  • phoenix.gen.json creates a simple REST-based API using JSON.

You get migrations, controllers, and templates for basic CRUD operations of a resource, as well as tests so you can hit the ground running.


mix phoenix.gen.html Video videos user_id:references:users url:string title:string description:text

Following the mix phoenix.gen.html command, we have:

  • Video, the name of the module that defines the model,
  • videos, the plural form of the model name,
  • user_id:references:users url:string title:string description:text, each field, with some type information.

7. Ecto Queries and Constraints

Instead of treating the database as pure dumb storage, Ecto uses the strengths of the database to help keep the data consistent.

Convention for seeding data

Phoenix defines a convention for seeding data. Check the Phoenix generated comments at priv/repo/seeds.exs.

Composable Ecto Queries

Ecto queries are composable, which means you can define the query bit by bit:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Category

iex(4)> query = Category
iex(5)> query = from c in query, order_by:
#Ecto.Query<from c in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Category,
 order_by: [asc:]>
iex(6)> query = from c in query, select: {,}
#Ecto.Query<from c in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Category,
 order_by: [asc:], select: {,}>

iex(7)> Repo.all query
[debug] SELECT c0."name", c0."id" FROM "categories" AS c0 ORDER BY c0."name" [] OK query=89.4ms queue=28.2ms
[{"Action", 1}, {"Arthouse", 2}, {"Comedy", 3}, {"Drama", 4}, {"Romance", 5},
 {"Sci-fi", 6}]

instead of building the whole query at once:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Category

iex(4)> query = from c in Category,
...(4)>         order_by:,
...(4)>         select: {,}
#Ecto.Query<from c in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Category,
 order_by: [asc:], select: {,}>

iex(5)> Repo.all query
[debug] SELECT c0."name", c0."id" FROM "categories" AS c0 ORDER BY c0."name" [] OK query=159.6ms queue=28.7ms
[{"Action", 1}, {"Arthouse", 2}, {"Comedy", 3}, {"Drama", 4}, {"Romance", 5},
 {"Sci-fi", 6}]

This strategy works because:

  • Ecto defines the queryable protocol.
  • from receives a queryable, and you can use any queryable as a base for a new query.
  • queryable is an Elixir protocol.
  • Protocols like Enumerable (for Enum) define APIs for specific language features.

Because both Category and query implement the Ecto.Queryable protocol, we can call Repo.all either as:

  • Repo.all(Category)
  • Repo.all(query)

By abiding by the protocol, you can quickly layer together sophisticated queries with Ecto.Query:

  • maintaining clear boundaries between your layers,
  • adding sophistication without complexity.

The ^ (pin) operator in Ecto Queries

The ^ operator interpolates values into our queries where Ecto can scrub them and safely put them to use, without the risk of SQL injection:

iex(4)> username = "andreitarkovsky"
iex(4)> query = from u in User,
...(4)>         where: u.username == ^username
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User,
 where: u.username == ^"andreitarkovsky">
iex(5)> query

If you forget the ^ operator, the Elixir compiler will yell at you:

iex(6)> query = from u in User,
...(6)>         where: u.username == username
** (Ecto.Query.CompileError) variable `username` is not a valid query expression. Variables need to be explicitly interpolated in queries with ^
    (ecto) expanding macro: Ecto.Query.where/3
           iex:13: (file)
    (ecto) expanding macro: Ecto.Query.from/2
           iex:13: (file)

Differences between traditional vs Phoenix MVC (from the perspective of controllers)

We’d like to:

  • keep impure functions in the controller,
  • keep pure functions in the model and view layers.

Since Ecto splits the responsibilities between:

  • the repository,
  • its data API,

it fits our world view perfectly:

  1. When a request comes in, the controller is invoked.
  2. The controller might read data from the socket (an IO side effect) and parse it into data structures (like the params map).
  3. When we have the parsed data (like the params map), we send it to the model, which transforms those parameters into Ecto changesets or Ecto queries.
  4. Elixir structs, Ecto changesets, and Ecto queries are just data, we can build or transform (no side effects) any of them by passing them from function to function, slightly modifying the data on each step.
  5. When we've molded the data to the shape of our business-model requirements, we invoke the entities that can change the world around us (side effects, again), like:
    • the repository (Repo),
    • the system responsible for delivering emails (Mail).
  6. Finally, we can invoke the view.
  7. The view converts
    • the model data, such as:
      • Ecto changesets,
      • Elixir structs,
    • into view data, such as:
      • JSON maps
      • HTML strings...
  8. ...which is then written to the socket via the controller (a side effect).
  9. Because the controller already encapsulates IO side effects (by reading and writing to the socket), it's the perfect place to put interactions with the repository, while the model and view layers are kept pure.

The same strategy that improves the manageability of our code will also make our code easier to test.

Writing Ecto Queries

The query syntax you choose depends on your taste and the problems you're trying to solve:

  • with Keywords: probably more convenient for pulling together ad-hoc queries and solving one-off problems.
  • with |>s: probably better for building an application’s unique complex layered query API.

Each approach has its advantages.

Writing Ecto Queries with Keywords Syntax

Expresses different parts of the query by using a keyword list (key-value pairs):

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User

iex(4)> users_count = from u in User,
...(4)>               select: count(
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User, select: count(>

iex(5)> ingmar_users_count = from u in users_count,
...(5)>                      where: ilike(u.username, ^"ingmar%")
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User,
 where: ilike(u.username, ^"ingmar%"), select: count(>

iex(6)> users_count
[debug] SELECT count(u0."id") FROM "users" AS u0 [] OK query=0.6ms

iex(7)> ingmar_users_count
[debug] SELECT count(u0."id") FROM "users" AS u0 WHERE (u0."username" ILIKE $1) ["ingmar%"] OK query=0.7ms

Writing Ecto Queries with |>s

Expresses different parts of the query with the |> operator:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User

iex(4)> User |>
...(4)>   select([u], count( |>
...(4)>   where([u], ilike(u.username, ^"ingmar%")) |>
[debug] SELECT count(u0."id") FROM "users" AS u0 WHERE (u0."username" ILIKE $1) ["ingmar%"] OK query=1.5ms

Writing Ecto Query Framents

A programming truism is that the best abstractions offer an escape hatch, one that exposes the user to one deeper level of abstraction on demand.

Ecto has such a feature, called the query fragment.

A query fragment sends part of a query directly to the database but allows you to construct the query string in a safe way:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User

iex(4)> ingmar_bergman = "IngmarBergman"

iex(5)> ingmar_bergman_query =
...(5)>   from u in User,
...(5)>   where: fragment("lower(username) = ?", ^String.downcase(ingmar_bergman))
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User,
 where: fragment("lower(username) = ?", ^"ingmarbergman")>

iex(6)> ingmar_bergman_count_query =
...(6)>   from u in ingmar_bergman_query,
...(6)>   select: count(
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User,
 where: fragment("lower(username) = ?", ^"ingmarbergman"), select: count(>

iex(7)> ingmar_bergman_count_query
[debug] SELECT count(u0."id") FROM "users" AS u0 WHERE (lower(username) = $1) ["ingmarbergman"] OK query=113.8ms queue=30.5ms

Whether the interpolated values are Ecto query expressions or Postgres SQL fragments, Ecto safely escapes all interpolated values.


When everything else fails and even fragments aren’t enough, you can always run direct SQL with Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query.

iex -S mix

iex(1)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo

iex(2)> Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(
...(2)>   Repo,
...(2)>   "SELECT power($1, $2)",
...(2)>   [2, 10]
...(2)> )
[debug] SELECT power($1, $2) [2, 10] OK query=2.7ms
 %{columns: ["power"], command: :select, connection_id: 81445, num_rows: 1,
   rows: [[1024.0]]}}

It's best to stick to Ecto query expressions wherever possible, but you have a safe escape hatch when you need it.

Querying Relationships

Very basic example:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User

iex(4)> query = from u in User,
...(4)>         limit: 1,
...(4)>         preload: [:videos]
#Ecto.Query<from u in MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User, limit: 1,
 preload: [:videos]>

iex(5)> user_with_videos = query
[debug] SELECT u0."id", u0."name", u0."username", u0."password_hash", u0."inserted_at", u0."updated_at" FROM "users" AS u0 LIMIT 1 [] OK query=1.0ms
[debug] SELECT v0."id", v0."url", v0."title", v0."description", v0."user_id", v0."category_id", v0."inserted_at", v0."updated_at" FROM "videos" AS v0 WHERE (v0."user_id" IN ($1)) ORDER BY v0."user_id" [1] OK query=0.9ms queue=0.1ms

iex(6)> user_with_videos.videos
  description: "Just an example video for andrei",
  id: 2,
  user_id: 1}]

More elaborated example:

iex -S mix

iex(1)> import Ecto.Query
iex(2)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.Repo
iex(3)> alias MysteryScienceTheater_3000.User

iex(4)> Repo.all from u in User,
...(4)>          join: v in assoc(u, :videos),
...(4)>          join: c in assoc(v, :category),
...(4)>          where: == "Arthouse",
...(4)>          select: {u, v}
[debug] SELECT u0."id", u0."name", u0."username", u0."password_hash", u0."inserted_at", u0."updated_at", v1."id", v1."url", v1."title", v1."description", v1."user_id", v1."category_id", v1."inserted_at", v1."updated_at" FROM "users" AS u0 INNER JOIN "videos" AS v1 ON v1."user_id" = u0."id" INNER JOIN "categories" AS c2 ON c2."id" = v1."category_id" WHERE (c2."name" = 'Arthouse') [] OK query=1.4ms
     username: "andreitarkovsky"},
     category_id: 2,
     description: "This time with `Arthouse` Category",
     id: 3,
     title: "Second example video",
     user_id: 1}

Constraints and Ecto terminology

Constraints allow us to use underlying relational database features to help us maintain database integrity.

  • constraint: explicit database constraint (uniqueness constraint on an index, or an integrity constraint between primary and foreign keys).
  • constraint error: The Ecto.ConstraintError, (like when we tried to add a category twice).
  • changeset constraint: A constraint annotation added to the changeset that allows Ecto to convert constraint errors into changeset error messages.
  • changeset error messages: Beautiful error messages for the consumption of humans.

Data consistency across records

Ensuring data is consistent across records is a critical job that all database-backed applications need to handle.

You have three approaches to solving this problem:

  1. Let the application (and the web framework) manage relationships for you (Rails ActiveRecord).
  2. Let the database manage all code that touches data (through the use of layers such as stored procedures).
  3. Let the application layer (and web server) use database services (hybrid approach) like referential integrity and transactions to strike a balance between the needs of the application layer and the needs of the database (Ecto managing constraints).

*_constraint changeset functions examples

The *_constraint changeset functions are useful when the constraint being mapped is triggered by external data, often as part of the user request.

Using changeset constraints only makes sense if the error message can be something the user can take action on.


The unique_constraint converts unique constraint errors into human-readable error messages.

user_changeset |> unique_constraint(​:username​)� guarantees that you can't create a new user if the new username already exists in the database.


The assoc_constraint converts foreign-key constraint errors into human-readable error messages.

video_changeset |> assoc_constraint(​:category​)� guarantees that a video is created only if the category exists in the database.

IEx v(n) trick

IEx allows us to fetch a previous value by using v(n):

  • n is the number of the expression.
  • Pass a negative value to grab the last nth expression.
iex(11)> Repo.update changeset
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{ ... }

iex(12)> {:error, changeset} = v(-1)
{:error, %Ecto.Changeset{ ... }

iex(13)> changeset.errors
[category: "does not exist"]


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