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fix(lists): Escape special characters in comment, label, and name of …
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…a list node (DSP-1529) (#1846)
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SepidehAlassi committed Apr 26, 2021
1 parent f69f008 commit f96c069
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Showing 6 changed files with 164 additions and 17 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,12 @@ import org.knora.webapi._
import org.knora.webapi.exceptions._
import org.knora.webapi.messages.IriConversions._
import org.knora.webapi.messages.admin.responder.projectsmessages.ProjectADM
import{SparqlAskRequest, SparqlAskResponse}
import org.knora.webapi.messages.v1.responder.projectmessages.ProjectInfoV1
import org.knora.webapi.messages.v2.responder.KnoraContentV2
import org.knora.webapi.messages.v2.responder.standoffmessages._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3248,4 +3253,12 @@ class StringFormatter private (val maybeSettings: Option[KnoraSettingsImpl] = No
throw BadRequestException(s"Internal ontology <$iri> cannot be served")

def unescapeStringLiteralSeq(stringLiteralSeq: StringLiteralSequenceV2): StringLiteralSequenceV2 = {
stringLiterals = =>
StringLiteralV2(value = fromSparqlEncodedString(stringLiteral.value), language = stringLiteral.language))

Expand Up @@ -125,6 +125,30 @@ case class CreateNodeApiRequestADM(id: Option[IRI] = None,

def toJsValue: JsValue = createListNodeApiRequestADMFormat.write(this)

* Escapes special characters within strings
def escape: CreateNodeApiRequestADM = {
val escapedLabels: Seq[StringLiteralV2] = { label =>
val escapedLabel =
stringFormatter.toSparqlEncodedString(label.value, throw BadRequestException(s"Invalid label: ${label.value}"))
StringLiteralV2(value = escapedLabel, language = label.language)
val escapedComments = { comment =>
val escapedComment =
throw BadRequestException(s"Invalid comment: ${comment.value}"))
StringLiteralV2(value = escapedComment, language = comment.language)
val escapedName: Option[String] = name match {
case None => None
case Some(value: String) =>
Some(stringFormatter.toSparqlEncodedString(value, throw BadRequestException(s"Invalid string: $value")))
copy(labels = escapedLabels, comments = escapedComments, name = escapedName)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +658,23 @@ case class ListRootNodeInfoADM(id: IRI,

* unescapes the special characters in labels, comments, and name for comparison in tests.
def unescape: ListRootNodeInfoADM = {
val stringFormatter: StringFormatter = StringFormatter.getGeneralInstance

val unescapedLabels = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(labels)

val unescapedComments = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(comments)
val unescapedName: Option[String] = name match {
case None => None
case Some(value) => Some(stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(value))
copy(name = unescapedName, labels = unescapedLabels, comments = unescapedComments)

* Gets the label in the user's preferred language.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,6 +723,23 @@ case class ListChildNodeInfoADM(id: IRI,

* unescapes the special characters in labels, comments, and name for comparison in tests.
def unescape: ListChildNodeInfoADM = {
val stringFormatter: StringFormatter = StringFormatter.getGeneralInstance

val unescapedLabels = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(labels)

val unescapedComments = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(comments)
val unescapedName: Option[String] = name match {
case None => None
case Some(value) => Some(stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(value))
copy(name = unescapedName, labels = unescapedLabels, comments = unescapedComments)

* Gets the label in the user's preferred language.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,6 +848,22 @@ case class ListRootNodeADM(id: IRI,

* unescapes the special characters in labels, comments, and name for comparison in tests.
def unescape: ListRootNodeADM = {
val stringFormatter: StringFormatter = StringFormatter.getGeneralInstance

val unescapedLabels = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(labels)
val unescapedComments = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(comments)
val unescapedName: Option[String] = name match {
case None => None
case Some(value) => Some(stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(value))
copy(name = unescapedName, labels = unescapedLabels, comments = unescapedComments)

* Gets the label in the user's preferred language.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -850,6 +924,23 @@ case class ListChildNodeADM(id: IRI,

* unescapes the special characters in labels, comments, and name for comparison in tests.
def unescape: ListChildNodeADM = {
val stringFormatter: StringFormatter = StringFormatter.getGeneralInstance

val unescapedLabels = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(labels)
val unescapedComments = stringFormatter.unescapeStringLiteralSeq(comments)

val unescapedName: Option[String] = name match {
case None => None
case Some(value) => Some(stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(value))
copy(name = unescapedName, labels = unescapedLabels, comments = unescapedComments)

* Gets the label in the user's preferred language.
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde
name = name,
labels = StringLiteralSequenceV2(labels.toVector.sortBy(_.language)),
comments = StringLiteralSequenceV2(comments.toVector.sortBy(_.language))

// _ = log.debug("listsGetAdminRequest - items: {}", items)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde

rootNodeInfo = maybeRootNodeInfo match {
case Some(info: ListRootNodeInfoADM) => info.asInstanceOf[ListRootNodeInfoADM]
case Some(info: ListChildNodeInfoADM) =>
case Some(_: ListChildNodeInfoADM) =>
throw InconsistentRepositoryDataException(
"A child node info was found, although we are expecting a root node info. Please report this as a possible bug.")
case Some(_) | None =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde
labels = StringLiteralSequenceV2(labels.toVector.sortBy(_.language)),
comments = StringLiteralSequenceV2(comments.toVector.sortBy(_.language))
} else {
id = nodeIri.toString,
Expand All @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde
hasRootNode = hasRootNodeOption.getOrElse(
throw InconsistentRepositoryDataException(
s"Required hasRootNode property missing for list node $nodeIri."))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde
children =,
position = position,
hasRootNode = hasRootNode

for {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,8 +891,10 @@ class ListsResponderADM(responderData: ResponderData) extends Responder(responde
/* verify that the list node name is unique for the project */
projectUniqueNodeName <- listNodeNameIsProjectUnique(createNodeRequest.projectIri,
_ = if (!projectUniqueNodeName) {
val escapedName =
val unescapedName = stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(escapedName)
throw BadRequestException(
s"The node name ${} is already used by a list inside the project ${createNodeRequest.projectIri}.")
s"The node name ${unescapedName} is already used by a list inside the project ${createNodeRequest.projectIri}.")

// calculate the data named graph
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Expand Up @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ class NewListsRouteADMFeature(routeData: KnoraRouteData)
createRequest = if (apiRequest.parentNodeIri.isEmpty) {
// No, create a new list with given information of its root node.
createRootNode = apiRequest,
createRootNode = apiRequest.escape,
featureFactoryConfig = featureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = requestingUser,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID()
} else {
// Yes, create a new child and attach it to the parent node.
createChildNodeRequest = apiRequest,
createChildNodeRequest = apiRequest.escape,
featureFactoryConfig = featureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = requestingUser,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID()
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class OldListsRouteADMFeature(routeData: KnoraRouteData)
} yield
createRootNode = apiRequest,
createRootNode = apiRequest.escape,
featureFactoryConfig = featureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = requestingUser,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class OldListsRouteADMFeature(routeData: KnoraRouteData)
} yield
createChildNodeRequest = apiRequest,
createChildNodeRequest = apiRequest.escape,
featureFactoryConfig = featureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = requestingUser,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID()
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import akka.testkit._
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.knora.webapi._
import org.knora.webapi.exceptions.{BadRequestException, DuplicateValueException, UpdateNotPerformedException}
import org.knora.webapi.messages.StringFormatter
import org.knora.webapi.messages.admin.responder.listsmessages._
import{RdfDataObject, StringLiteralV2}
import org.knora.webapi.sharedtestdata.SharedTestDataV1._
Expand All @@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ class ListsResponderADMSpec extends CoreSpec(ListsResponderADMSpec.config) with

// The default timeout for receiving reply messages from actors.
implicit private val timeout = 5.seconds
private implicit val stringFormatter: StringFormatter = StringFormatter.getGeneralInstance

override lazy val rdfDataObjects = List(
RdfDataObject(path = "test_data/demo_data/images-demo-data.ttl", name = ""),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ class ListsResponderADMSpec extends CoreSpec(ListsResponderADMSpec.config) with
name = Some("neuelistename"),
labels = Seq(StringLiteralV2(value = "Neue Liste", language = Some("de"))),
comments = Seq.empty[StringLiteralV2]
featureFactoryConfig = defaultFeatureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = SharedTestDataADM.imagesUser01,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID
Expand All @@ -206,8 +208,46 @@ class ListsResponderADMSpec extends CoreSpec(ListsResponderADMSpec.config) with

"create a list with special characters in its labels" in {
val labelWithSpecialCharacter = "Neue \\\"Liste\\\""
val commentWithSpecialCharacter = "Neue \\\"Kommentar\\\""
val nameWithSpecialCharacter = "a new \\\"name\\\""
responderManager ! ListCreateRequestADM(
createRootNode = CreateNodeApiRequestADM(
name = Some(nameWithSpecialCharacter),
labels = Seq(StringLiteralV2(value = labelWithSpecialCharacter, language = Some("de"))),
comments = Seq(StringLiteralV2(value = commentWithSpecialCharacter, language = Some("de"))),
featureFactoryConfig = defaultFeatureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = SharedTestDataADM.imagesUser01,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID

val received: ListGetResponseADM = expectMsgType[ListGetResponseADM](timeout)

val listInfo = received.list.listinfo
listInfo.projectIri should be(IMAGES_PROJECT_IRI) should be(Some(stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(nameWithSpecialCharacter)))

val labels: Seq[StringLiteralV2] = listInfo.labels.stringLiterals
labels.size should be(1)
val givenLabel = labels.head
givenLabel.value shouldEqual stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(labelWithSpecialCharacter)
givenLabel.language shouldEqual Some("de")

val comments = received.list.listinfo.comments.stringLiterals
val givenComment = comments.head
givenComment.language shouldEqual Some("de")
givenComment.value shouldEqual stringFormatter.fromSparqlEncodedString(commentWithSpecialCharacter)

val children = received.list.children
children.size should be(0)

"update basic list information" in {
responderManager ! NodeInfoChangeRequestADM(
val changeNodeInfoRequest = NodeInfoChangeRequestADM(
listIri = newListIri.get,
changeNodeRequest = ChangeNodeInfoApiRequestADM(
listIri = newListIri.get,
Expand All @@ -216,18 +256,19 @@ class ListsResponderADMSpec extends CoreSpec(ListsResponderADMSpec.config) with
labels = Some(
StringLiteralV2(value = "Neue geänderte Liste", language = Some("de")),
StringLiteralV2(value = "Changed list", language = Some("en"))
StringLiteralV2(value = "Changed List", language = Some("en"))
comments = Some(
StringLiteralV2(value = "Neuer Kommentar", language = Some("de")),
StringLiteralV2(value = "New comment", language = Some("en"))
StringLiteralV2(value = "New Comment", language = Some("en"))
featureFactoryConfig = defaultFeatureFactoryConfig,
requestingUser = SharedTestDataADM.imagesUser01,
apiRequestID = UUID.randomUUID
responderManager ! changeNodeInfoRequest

val received: RootNodeInfoGetResponseADM = expectMsgType[RootNodeInfoGetResponseADM](timeout)

Expand All @@ -239,15 +280,15 @@ class ListsResponderADMSpec extends CoreSpec(ListsResponderADMSpec.config) with
labels.sorted should be(
StringLiteralV2(value = "Neue geänderte Liste", language = Some("de")),
StringLiteralV2(value = "Changed list", language = Some("en"))
StringLiteralV2(value = "Changed List", language = Some("en"))

val comments = listInfo.comments.stringLiterals
comments.size should be(2)
comments.sorted should be(
StringLiteralV2(value = "Neuer Kommentar", language = Some("de")),
StringLiteralV2(value = "New comment", language = Some("en"))
StringLiteralV2(value = "New Comment", language = Some("en"))

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