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refactor(v3): add project slice (DEV-1009) (#2076)
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BalduinLandolt committed Sep 8, 2022
1 parent 82703d7 commit bd2d31e
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Showing 30 changed files with 1,561 additions and 147 deletions.
26 changes: 25 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Expand Up @@ -202,15 +202,39 @@ test-repository-upgrade: build init-db-test-minimal ## runs DB upgrade integrati
@$(MAKE) -f $(THIS_FILE) stack-up

.PHONY: test
test: build ## runs all tests
test: build test-shared test-user-slice test-role-slice test-project-slice ## runs all tests
sbt -v coverage "webapi/test"
sbt -v coverage "schemaCore/test"
sbt coverageAggregate

.PHONY: test-shared
test-shared: ## tests the shared projects (build is not called from this target)
sbt -v coverage "shared/test"

.PHONY: test-user-slice
test-user-slice: ## tests all projects relating to the user slice (build is not called from this target)
sbt -v coverage "userCore/test"
sbt -v coverage "userHandler/test"
sbt -v coverage "userInterface/test"
sbt -v coverage "userRepo/test"
sbt coverageAggregate

.PHONY: test-role-slice
test-role-slice: ## tests all projects relating to the role slice (build is not called from this target)
sbt -v coverage "roleCore/test"
sbt -v coverage "roleHandler/test"
sbt -v coverage "roleInterface/test"
sbt -v coverage "roleRepo/test"
sbt coverageAggregate

.PHONY: test-project-slice
test-project-slice: ## tests all projects relating to the project slice (build is not called from this target)
sbt -v coverage "projectCore/test"
sbt -v coverage "projectHandler/test"
sbt -v coverage "projectInterface/test"
sbt -v coverage "projectRepo/test"
sbt coverageAggregate

## Database Management
Expand Down
56 changes: 55 additions & 1 deletion build.sbt
Expand Up @@ -37,14 +37,22 @@ lazy val root: Project = Project(id = "root", file("."))
// user
// role
// project
// schema
.enablePlugins(GitVersioning, GitBranchPrompt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,6 +360,52 @@ lazy val userCore = project

// project projects

lazy val projectInterface = project
scalacOptions ++= customScalacOptions,
name := "projectInterface",
libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.projectInterfaceLibraryDependencies,
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("zio.test.sbt.ZTestFramework"))
.dependsOn(shared, projectHandler)

lazy val projectHandler = project
scalacOptions ++= customScalacOptions,
name := "projectHandler",
libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.projectHandlerLibraryDependencies,
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("zio.test.sbt.ZTestFramework"))
projectRepo % "test->test"
) // projectHandler tests need mock implementation of ProjectRepo

lazy val projectCore = project
scalacOptions ++= customScalacOptions,
name := "projectCore",
libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.projectCoreLibraryDependencies,
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("zio.test.sbt.ZTestFramework"))

lazy val projectRepo = project
scalacOptions ++= customScalacOptions,
name := "projectRepo",
libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.projectRepoLibraryDependencies,
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("zio.test.sbt.ZTestFramework"))
.dependsOn(shared, projectCore)

// schema projects

lazy val schemaCore = project
Expand Down
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions dsp-project/core/src/main/scala/dsp/project/api/ProjectRepo.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Copyright © 2021 - 2022 Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities and/or DaSCH Service Platform contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package dsp.project.api

import zio._
import zio.macros.accessible

import dsp.project.domain._
import dsp.valueobjects.Project._
import dsp.valueobjects._

* The trait (interface) for the project repository. The project repository is responsible for storing and retrieving projects.
* Needs to be used by the project repository implementations.
@accessible // with this annotation we don't have to write the companion object ourselves
trait ProjectRepo {

* Writes a project to the repository (used for both create and update).
* If this fails (e.g. the triplestore is not available), it's a non-recovable error. That's why we need UIO.
* When used, we should do it like:
* @param project the project to write
* @return The project ID
def storeProject(project: Project): UIO[ProjectId]

* Gets all projects from the repository.
* @return a list of [[Project]]
def getProjects(): UIO[List[Project]]

* Retrieves the project from the repository by ID.
* @param id the project's ID
* @return an optional [[Project]]
def getProjectById(id: ProjectId): IO[Option[Nothing], Project]

* Retrieves the project from the repository by ShortCode.
* @param shortCode ShortCode of the project.
* @return an optional [[Project]].
def getProjectByShortCode(shortCode: ShortCode): IO[Option[Nothing], Project]

* Checks if a project ShortCode is available or if it already exists in the repo.
* @param shortCode ShortCode of the project.
* @return Success of Unit if the ShortCode is available, Error of None if not.
def checkIfShortCodeIsAvailable(shortCode: ShortCode): IO[Option[Nothing], Unit]

* Deletes a [[Project]] from the repository by its [[ProjectId]].
* @param id the project ID
* @return Project ID or None if not found
def deleteProject(id: ProjectId): IO[Option[Nothing], ProjectId]
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* Copyright © 2021 - 2022 Data and Service Center for the Humanities and/or DaSCH Service Platform contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package dsp.project.domain

import zio.prelude.Validation

import dsp.errors.ValidationException
import dsp.valueobjects.Project._
import dsp.valueobjects._

* Represents the project domain object.
* @param id the ID of the project
* @param name the name of the project
* @param description the description of the project
sealed abstract case class Project private (
id: ProjectId,
name: Name,
description: ProjectDescription
// TODO-BL: [domain-model] missing status, shortname, selfjoin
) extends Ordered[Project] { self =>

* Allows to sort collections of [[Project]]s. Sorting is done by the IRI.
def compare(that: Project): Int =

* Updates the name of the project.
* @param name the new name
* @return the updated Project or a ValidationException
def updateProjectName(name: Name): Validation[ValidationException, Project] =
id =,
name = name,
description = self.description

* Updates the description of the project.
* @param description the new description
* @return the updated Project or a ValidationException
def updateProjectDescription(description: ProjectDescription): Validation[ValidationException, Project] =
id =,
name =,
description = description
object Project {
def make(
id: ProjectId,
name: Name,
description: ProjectDescription
): Validation[ValidationException, Project] =
Validation.succeed(new Project(id = id, name = name, description = description) {})

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
* Copyright © 2021 - 2022 Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities and/or DaSCH Service Platform contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package dsp.project.domain

import zio.test._

import dsp.valueobjects.Iri
import dsp.valueobjects.Project._
import dsp.valueobjects.ProjectId
import dsp.valueobjects.V2

* This spec is used to test [[dsp.project.domain.ProjectDomain]].
object ProjectDomainSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {

private val shortCode = ShortCode.make("0001").fold(e => throw e.head, v => v)
private val id = ProjectId.make(shortCode).fold(e => throw e.head, v => v)
private val name = Name.make("proj").fold(e => throw e.head, v => v)
private val description = ProjectDescription
.make(Seq(V2.StringLiteralV2("A Project", Some("en"))))
.fold(e => throw e.head, v => v)

override def spec =

val projectCreateTests = suite("create project")(
test("create a project from valid input") {
(for {
project <- Project.make(id, name, description)
} yield (
assertTrue( == id) &&
assertTrue( == name) &&
assertTrue(project.description == description)

val projectCompareTests = suite("compare projects")(
test("compare projects by IRI") {
val iri1String = s""
val iri2String = s""
(for {
iri1 <- Iri.ProjectIri.make(iri1String)
iri2 <- Iri.ProjectIri.make(iri2String)
id1 <- ProjectId.fromIri(iri1, shortCode)
id2 <- ProjectId.fromIri(iri2, shortCode)
project1 <- Project.make(id1, name, description)
project2 <- Project.make(id2, name, description)
listInitial = List(project1, project2)
listSorted = listInitial.sorted
listSortedInverse = listInitial.sortWith(_ > _)
} yield (
assertTrue(listInitial == listSorted) &&
assertTrue(listInitial != listSortedInverse) &&
assertTrue(listInitial == listSortedInverse.reverse)

val projectUpdateTests = suite("update project")(
test("update a project name when provided a valid new name") {
(for {
newName <- Name.make("new project name")
project <- Project.make(id, name, description)
updatedProject <- project.updateProjectName(newName)
} yield (
assertTrue( == &&
assertTrue( != &&
assertTrue(project.description == updatedProject.description) &&
assertTrue( == name) &&
assertTrue( == newName)
test("update a project description when provided a valid new description") {
(for {
newDescription <- ProjectDescription.make(Seq(V2.StringLiteralV2("new project name", Some("en"))))
project <- Project.make(id, name, description)
updatedProject <- project.updateProjectDescription(newDescription)
} yield (
assertTrue( == &&
assertTrue( == &&
assertTrue(project.description != updatedProject.description) &&
assertTrue(project.description == description) &&
assertTrue(updatedProject.description == newDescription)

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