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fix(authentication): make cookie name unique between environments (#2091
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subotic committed Jul 7, 2022
1 parent 94d2b46 commit 680021e
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Showing 9 changed files with 445 additions and 174 deletions.
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions sipi/scripts/basexx.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
-- util functions

local function divide_string( str, max )
local result = {}

local start = 1
for i = 1, #str do
if i % max == 0 then
table.insert( result, str:sub( start, i ) )
start = i + 1
elseif i == #str then
table.insert( result, str:sub( start, i ) )

return result

local function number_to_bit( num, length )
local bits = {}

while num > 0 do
local rest = math.floor( math.fmod( num, 2 ) )
table.insert( bits, rest )
num = ( num - rest ) / 2

while #bits < length do
table.insert( bits, "0" )

return string.reverse( table.concat( bits ) )

local function ignore_set( str, set )
if set then
str = str:gsub( "["..set.."]", "" )
return str

local function pure_from_bit( str )
return ( str:gsub( '........', function ( cc )
return string.char( tonumber( cc, 2 ) )
end ) )

local function unexpected_char_error( str, pos )
local c = string.sub( str, pos, pos )
return string.format( "unexpected character at position %d: '%s'", pos, c )


local basexx = {}

-- base2(bitfield) decode and encode function

local bitMap = { o = "0", i = "1", l = "1" }

function basexx.from_bit( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
str = string.lower( str )
str = str:gsub( '[ilo]', function( c ) return bitMap[ c ] end )
local pos = string.find( str, "[^01]" )
if pos then return nil, unexpected_char_error( str, pos ) end

return pure_from_bit( str )

function basexx.to_bit( str )
return ( str:gsub( '.', function ( c )
local byte = string.byte( c )
local bits = {}
for _ = 1,8 do
table.insert( bits, byte % 2 )
byte = math.floor( byte / 2 )
return table.concat( bits ):reverse()
end ) )

-- base16(hex) decode and encode function

function basexx.from_hex( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
local pos = string.find( str, "[^%x]" )
if pos then return nil, unexpected_char_error( str, pos ) end

return ( str:gsub( '..', function ( cc )
return string.char( tonumber( cc, 16 ) )
end ) )

function basexx.to_hex( str )
return ( str:gsub( '.', function ( c )
return string.format('%02X', string.byte( c ) )
end ) )

-- generic function to decode and encode base32/base64

local function from_basexx( str, alphabet, bits )
local result = {}
for i = 1, #str do
local c = string.sub( str, i, i )
if c ~= '=' then
local index = string.find( alphabet, c, 1, true )
if not index then
return nil, unexpected_char_error( str, i )
table.insert( result, number_to_bit( index - 1, bits ) )

local value = table.concat( result )
local pad = #value % 8
return pure_from_bit( string.sub( value, 1, #value - pad ) )

local function to_basexx( str, alphabet, bits, pad )
local bitString = basexx.to_bit( str )

local chunks = divide_string( bitString, bits )
local result = {}
for _,value in ipairs( chunks ) do
if ( #value < bits ) then
value = value .. string.rep( '0', bits - #value )
local pos = tonumber( value, 2 ) + 1
table.insert( result, alphabet:sub( pos, pos ) )

table.insert( result, pad )
return table.concat( result )

-- rfc 3548:

local base32Alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"
local base32PadMap = { "", "======", "====", "===", "=" }

function basexx.from_base32( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
return from_basexx( string.upper( str ), base32Alphabet, 5 )

function basexx.to_base32( str )
return to_basexx( str, base32Alphabet, 5, base32PadMap[ #str % 5 + 1 ] )

-- crockford:

local crockfordAlphabet = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"
local crockfordMap = { O = "0", I = "1", L = "1" }

function basexx.from_crockford( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
str = string.upper( str )
str = str:gsub( '[ILOU]', function( c ) return crockfordMap[ c ] end )
return from_basexx( str, crockfordAlphabet, 5 )

function basexx.to_crockford( str )
return to_basexx( str, crockfordAlphabet, 5, "" )

-- base64 decode and encode function

local base64PadMap = { "", "==", "=" }

function basexx.from_base64( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
return from_basexx( str, base64Alphabet, 6 )

function basexx.to_base64( str )
return to_basexx( str, base64Alphabet, 6, base64PadMap[ #str % 3 + 1 ] )

-- URL safe base64 decode and encode function


function basexx.from_url64( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
return from_basexx( str, url64Alphabet, 6 )

function basexx.to_url64( str )
return to_basexx( str, url64Alphabet, 6, "" )


local function length_error( len, d )
return string.format( "invalid length: %d - must be a multiple of %d", len, d )

local z85Decoder = { 0x00, 0x44, 0x00, 0x54, 0x53, 0x52, 0x48, 0x00,
0x4B, 0x4C, 0x46, 0x41, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x3E, 0x45,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x08, 0x09, 0x40, 0x00, 0x49, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x47,
0x51, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A,
0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32,
0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A,
0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x4E, 0x43, 0x00,
0x00, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10,
0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18,
0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20,
0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x4F, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00 }

function basexx.from_z85( str, ignore )
str = ignore_set( str, ignore )
if ( #str % 5 ) ~= 0 then
return nil, length_error( #str, 5 )

local result = {}

local value = 0
for i = 1, #str do
local index = string.byte( str, i ) - 31
if index < 1 or index >= #z85Decoder then
return nil, unexpected_char_error( str, i )
value = ( value * 85 ) + z85Decoder[ index ]
if ( i % 5 ) == 0 then
local divisor = 256 * 256 * 256
while divisor ~= 0 do
local b = math.floor( value / divisor ) % 256
table.insert( result, string.char( b ) )
divisor = math.floor( divisor / 256 )
value = 0

return table.concat( result )

local z85Encoder = "0123456789"..

function basexx.to_z85( str )
if ( #str % 4 ) ~= 0 then
return nil, length_error( #str, 4 )

local result = {}

local value = 0
for i = 1, #str do
local b = string.byte( str, i )
value = ( value * 256 ) + b
if ( i % 4 ) == 0 then
local divisor = 85 * 85 * 85 * 85
while divisor ~= 0 do
local index = ( math.floor( value / divisor ) % 85 ) + 1
table.insert( result, z85Encoder:sub( index, index ) )
divisor = math.floor( divisor / 85 )
value = 0

return table.concat( result )


return basexx
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion sipi/scripts/get_knora_session.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-- * Copyright © 2021 - 2022 Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities and/or DaSCH Service Platform contributors.
-- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

basexx = require( "basexx" )

-- This function is called from the route to get the Knora session id from the cookie.
-- The cookie is sent to Sipi by the client (HTTP request header).
Expand All @@ -17,13 +19,37 @@ function get_session_id(cookie)
return nil

-- name of the cokie depends on the environment defined as host:port combination
-- this combination is "mangled" using base32 and appended to "KnoraAuthentication"
-- to get the correct cokie, we need to calculate first the mangled host-port combination
local webapi_hostname = os.getenv("KNORA_WEBAPI_KNORA_API_EXTERNAL_HOST")
local webapi_port = os.getenv("KNORA_WEBAPI_KNORA_API_EXTERNAL_PORT")
if webapi_hostname == nil then
send_error(500, "KNORA_WEBAPI_KNORA_API_EXTERNAL_HOST not set")
return nil
if webapi_port == nil then
send_error(500, "KNORA_WEBAPI_KNORA_API_EXTERNAL_PORT not set")
return nil

host_port = webapi_hostname .. ':' .. webapi_port
server.log("host_port: " .. host_port, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)

local customPadMap = { "", "999999", "9999", "999", "9" }
host_port_base32 = basexx.to_basexx(host_port, base32Alphabet, 5, customPadMap)
server.log("host_port_base32: " .. host_port_base32, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)

-- tries to extract the Knora session id from the cookie:
-- gets the digits between "sid=" and the closing ";" (only given in case of several key value pairs)
-- ";" is expected to separate different key value pairs (
-- space is also treated as a separator
-- returns nil if it cannot find the session id (pattern does not match)
server.log("extracted cookie: " .. cookie, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)
local session_id = string.match(cookie, "KnoraAuthentication=([^%s;]+)")
local session_id = string.match(cookie, "KnoraAuthentication" .. host_port_base32 .. "=([^%s;]+)")
server.log("extracted session_id: " .. session_id, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)

return session_id

Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions webapi/src/main/resources/application.conf
Expand Up @@ -283,8 +283,6 @@ app {

show-internal-errors = true // If true, clients will see error messages from internal errors. Useful for debugging. If false, those error messages will appear only in the log.

skip-authentication = false // If true, the authentication process is skiped and the Lothar Schmidt user is returned by default.

bcrypt-password-strength = 12 // Value range is 10-32.
bcrypt-password-strength = ${?KNORA_WEBAPI_BCRYPT_PASSWORD_STRENGTH}

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ final case class AppConfig(
defaultTimeout: String,
dumpMessages: Boolean,
showInternalErrors: Boolean,
skipAuthentication: Boolean,
bcryptPasswordStrength: Int,
jwtSecretKey: String,
jwtLongevity: String,
Expand Down

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