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Object-oriented UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols proxy


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DRTableViewManager (iOS)

Object-oriented UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols proxy

Simple wrapper around UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols that allows easy UITableView content configuration using blocks or custom objects representing sections and rows.

General logic behind DRTableViewManager:

  • DRTableViewManager - implements UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols, owns DRTableViewSectionController
  • DRTableViewSectionController - defines sections (DRTableViewSection) for given table view
  • DRTableViewSection - represents table view section; defines rows (DRTableViewRow) for that section; implements sections-connected part of UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols
  • DRTableViewRow - represents table view row; defines cell (UITableViewCell) for that row; implements rows-connected part of UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols

DRTableViewManager graph

Full UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols are supported. For example, DRTableViewSection also defines section's header and footer (as well as their heights), and DRTableViewRow defines UITableViewCell height, didSelect action etc.

In addition, DRTableViewManager was designed to allow using UITableViewAutomaticDimension cell height on iOS 7. Behaviour for resolving automatic cell height can be configured by setting automaticRowHeightResolvingType property on DRTableViewManager object. DRTableViewAutomaticRowHeightResolvingType has three available options:

  • DRTableViewResolveAutomaticRowHeightAutomatically - row height will be computed by iOS automatically using UITableViewAutomaticDimension (available only on iOS 8).
  • DRTableViewResolveAutomaticRowHeightManually - row height will be computed by resolving AutoLayout on cell. It will be handled automatically by DRTableViewManager if tableViewCellForComputingRowHeightAtIndexPathBlock is set for row.
  • DRTableViewResolveAutomaticRowHeightAutomaticallyIfAvailable (default value) - UITableViewAutomaticDimension will be used if availabe, otherwise height will be resolved like when using DRTableViewResolveAutomaticRowHeightManually option.

If you are using UIKit elements that requires setting preferredMaxLayoutWidth to layout properly, use DRTableViewResolveAutomaticRowHeightManually option to avoid issues on different iOS versions. See Example 2 for more details.


You can integrate DRTableViewManager with your project using CocoaPods. To do so, you will need to add one of the following lines to your Podfile:

For stable release (recommended):

pod 'DRTableViewManager', '~> 1.0.13'

Which creates dependecy for version >= 1.0.13 and < 1.1

You can also download zip archive of given release from releases page.


Check out included example project or TableViewDemo in its own reposotory.

Example 1

Shows basic usage, where sections and cells are statically defined in arrays.

Example 2

Shows basic usage as well, but configures automatic cell heights basing on their content. Works for both iOS 8 (using native UITableViewAutomaticDimension) and iOS 7 (computes height with AutoLayout - see source code for details).


Example usage:

DRTableViewGenericSectionsController *sectionsController = [[DRTableViewGenericSectionsController alloc] init];
sectionsController.sectionsCountBlock = ^NSInteger {
    return 3;
sectionsController.sectionAtIndexBlock = ^NSObject <DRTableViewSection> *(NSInteger sectionIndex) {
    return [DRTableViewGenericSection createWithBlock:^(DRTableViewGenericSection *section) {
        section.tableViewTitleForHeaderInSectionBlock = ^NSString *(UITableView *tableView, NSInteger tableSectionIndex) {
            return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Section %ld", (long)tableSectionIndex];
        section.tableViewHeightForHeaderInSectionBlock = ^CGFloat(UITableView *tableView, NSInteger tableSectionIndex) {
            return 30;
        section.tableViewNumberOfRowsInSectionBlock = ^NSInteger(UITableView *tableView, NSInteger tableSectionIndex) {
            return 3;
        section.rowAtIndexBlock = ^NSObject <DRTableViewRow> *(NSInteger rowIndex) {
            return [DRTableViewGenericRow createWithBlock:^(DRTableViewGenericRow *row) {
                row.tableViewHeightForRowAtIndexPathBlock = ^CGFloat(UITableView *tableView, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
                    return 44;
                row.tableViewCellForRowAtIndexPathBlock = ^UITableViewCell *(UITableView *tableView, NSIndexPath *indexPath) {
                    UITableViewCell *cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] init]; 
                    cell.textLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Row %ld", (long)indexPath.row];
                    return cell;
_tableViewManager = [[DRTableViewManager alloc] initWithSectionsController:sectionsController];
[_tableViewManager registerInTableView:self.tableView];



Fixed issue with manually computed row height on iOS 9


Added scrollViewDelegate (<UIScrollViewDelegate>) property to DRTableViewManager


Added helper methods to DRTableViewManager:

  • rowForCell:atIndexPath:
  • sectionForFooterHeaderView:atIndex:

Fixed import statements in header files


DRTableViewManager updated, added sectionAtIndex: and rowAtIndexPath: methods


DRTableViewGenericRow and DRTableViewGenericSection initialization adjusted to common patters, builder method renamed from createWithBlock: to newWithBlock:


Added cells cache to DRTableViewManager, useful for caching cells used for computing row height

Examples updated


Added automaticRowHeightResolvingType property to DRTableViewManager

Examples updated


Added tableView:cellForComputingRowHeightAtIndexPath: method to DRTableViewRow protocol for supporting UITableViewAutomaticDimension cell height under iOS 7

Added tableView:configureCell:forRowAtIndexPath: method to DRTableViewRow protocol

Examples updated


Deployment target changed to iOS 7.0, DRTableViewManager is compatible with both iOS 7 and iOS 8.

Added Example 2 that shows how to implement automatic cell heights that works natively on iOS 8, but also on iOS 7 with some additional code.


Fixed - wrong method called on DRTableViewRow object for tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: method from UITableViewDelegate protocol


Fixed invalid protocol compliance definitions for arrays


Minor fixes


Inital release, supports iOS 8


The MIT License (MIT) - check out included LICENSE file