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Camila CLM CorDapp

Camila is a Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) network for inter-firm process automation. Camila is an open source CorDapp, built on Corda.

	   8 Node Network Graph | 28 Edges | 1 Notary

	 /--------\   /--------\   /--------\                                   
	|	   | |	        | |          |                  
	|  PartyB  | |  PartyC  | |  PartyD  | 
	|          | |	   	| |          |                   
 	 \--------/   \--------/   \--------/

 /--------\	      /--------\	   /--------\
|	   |	     |	        |	  |	     |
|  PartyA  |	     |  Notary  |	  |  PartyE  | 
|	   |	     |	        |	  |	     | 
 \--------/	      \--------/           \--------/

	 /--------\   /--------\   /--------\                                   
	|	   | |	        | |          |                            
	|  PartyH  | |  PartyG  | |  PartyF  | 
	|          | |	        | |          |                             
 	 \--------/   \--------/   \--------/


Camila CLM Network Setup

  1. Install the Camila CLM CorDapp locally via Git:
git clone
  1. Build and Deploy the Nodes
cd camila-cordapp
gradle clean build
gradlew.bat deployNodes (Windows) OR ./gradlew deployNodes (Linux)
  1. Run the Nodes
cd build 
cd nodes
runnodes.bat (Windows) OR ./runnodes (Linux)
  1. Run the Spring Boot Server
cd ..
cd ..
cd server
../gradlew.bat bootRun -x test (Windows) OR ../gradlew bootRun -x test

The Camila CLM Network API Swagger UI will be running at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/ in your browser

To change the name of your organisation or any other parameters, edit the node.conf file and repeat the above steps.

Joining the Network

Add the following to the node.conf file:


This is the current network map and doorman server URL

  1. Remove Existing Network Parameters and Certificates
cd build
cd nodes
cd Dapps
rm -rf nodeInfo-* network-parameters certificates additional-node-infos
  1. Download the Network Truststore
curl -o /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks
  1. Initial Node Registration
java -jar corda.jar --initial-registration --network-root-truststore /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks --network-root-truststore-password trustpass
  1. Start the Node
java -jar corda.jar

Node Configuration

  • Corda version: Corda 4
  • Vault SQL Database: PostgreSQL
  • Cloud Service Provider: GCP
  • JVM or Kubernetes (Docker)

CLM Network States

Agreement States are transferred between party and counterparty on the network.


// *********
// * Agreement State *
// *********

data class Agreement(val agreementNumber: String,
                     val agreementName: String,
                     val agreementStatus: AgreementStatus,
                     val agreementType: AgreementType,
                     val totalAgreementValue: Int,
                     val party: Party,
                     val counterparty: Party,
                     val agreementStartDate: Date,
                     val agreementEndDate: Date,
                     val active: Boolean,
                     val createdAt: Instant,
                     val lastUpdated: Instant,
                     override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) 

The Agreement has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateAgreement - Create an Agreement between your organization and a known counterparty on the DSOA
  • ActivateAgreement - Activate the Agreement between your organization and a counterparty on the DSOA
  • TerminateAgreement - Terminate an existing or active agreement
  • RenewAgreement - Renew an existing agreement that is or is about to expire
  • ExpireAgreement - Expire a currently active agreement between you and a counterparty

The Agreement Status and Agreement Type enums are listed as follows:

enum class AgreementStatus {

enum class AgreementType {


The Junction State of the Agreement and the Line Item is the Agreement Line Item.

In order to cope with the increased complexity that multiple state types introduce, we can use the concepts of high cohesion and low coupling.

The Agreement and the Agreement Line Item are bounded together by Command to that the creation of the states via a transaction occure simultaneously as well as a StateRef in the child state property.

The Agreement Line Item state is as follows:

// ****************************
// * Agreement Line Item State *
// ****************************

data class AgreementLineItem (val agreement: Agreement,
                              val agreementNumber: String,
                              val agreementLineItemName: String,
                              val agreementLineItemStatus: AgreementLineItemStatus,
                              val agreementLineItemValue: Int,
                              val party: Party,
                              val counterparty: Party,
                              val lineItem: LineItem,
                              val active: Boolean,
                              val createdAt: String,
                              val lastUpdated: String,
                              override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : LinearState, ContractState {

    override val participants: List<AbstractParty> get() = listOf(party, counterparty)



data class Invoice(val invoiceNumber: String,
                   val invoiceName: String,
                   val billingReason: String,
                   val amountDue: Amount<Currency>,
                   val amountPaid: Amount<Currency> = Amount(0, amountDue.token),
                   val amountRemaining: Amount<Currency> = Amount(0, amountPaid.token),
                   val subtotal: Amount<Currency> = Amount(0, amountDue.token),
                   val total: Amount<Currency> = Amount(0, subtotal.token),
                   val party: Party,
                   val counterparty: Party,
                   val dueDate: String,
                   val periodStartDate: String,
                   val periodEndDate: String,
                   val paid: Boolean?,
                   val active: Boolean?,
                   val createdAt: String?,
                   val lastUpdated: String?,
                   override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) : ContractState, LinearState, QueryableState 

The Invoice has the following business flows that can be called:

  • CreateInvoice - Create an Invoice between your organization and a known counterparty
  • PayInvoice - Pay the Invoice between your organization and a counterparty
  • FactorInvoice - Factor a the invoice and generate a loan

Transaction Flow

			Transaction Flow

   Party                 Counterparty                 Notary
         |                       |                       |
  Chooses a notary
         |                       |                       |
   Starts building
    a transaction                |                       |
   Adds the output               |                       |
         |                       |                       |
      Adds the
 CreateAgreement command         |                       |
    Verifies the                 |                       |
         |                       |                       |
     Signs the
    transaction                  |                       |
         |                       |                       |
                                                    Notarises the
         |                       |                   transaction
         |                       |                       |
    Records the
    transaction                  |                       |
         |---------------------->|                       |
         |                  Records the                  |
         |                       |                       |