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a simplified version of abp vnext web api template with integrated dapr



Get Started


Similar to installing other dotnet tools, you can use dotnet new command to install this template on your computer.

-- it will install this template in your computer
dotnet new -i Ingos.Abp.Templates

Also, if you want to install the specified version, you need to add the version no after the name of the template

-- it will install the 1.0.0 version of this template 
dotnet new -i Ingos.Abp.Templates::1.0.0

When you see the following picture, it means that the template has been installed successfully


2、How to use

After you have installed this template, you can use dotnet cli to create a new project based on this template, just like the following shell.

-- it will create a project which named Sample 
dotnet new ingos-abp-api -n Sample

PS, please do not include special symbols in the project name

If you want to learn more about this template, you can enter the following shell script to get help information.

dotnet new ingos-abp-api --help

If you want to see the use case of this template, you can view this repository(ingos-configuration)

Or you can using the latest Visual Studio to create the project, but please note that this cannot modify the default database option. The default database is MySQL.


When you create a new project, you need to change the connection string first, it located in the appsetting.json file

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "Server=Server Address;Port=3306;Database=Change_To_Your_Database_Here;Uid=root;Pwd=Change_To_Your_Password_Here"

Locate the *.Infrastructure path in the console, and then you can execute the ef migrations command to restore framework built-in tables, wait for the command execution complete

-- create a new migration
dotnet ef migrations add Initialize

-- apply the changes
dotnet ef database update

Now you can run this project, wait for the browser to open automatically and then enjoy you development



-- it will uninstall this template from your computer
dotnet new -u Ingos.Abp.Templates


If you want to find some related development documents, you can try from the link below

  1. Implementing domain driven design using abp template
  2. 墨墨墨墨小宇's CnBlog Site(only Chinese)