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* Linux (32-bit or 64-bit)
* OCaml >= 3.11.2


1:  ./configure [options]

Usefull options (examples):
      default is a system-wide installation path
      default is 'ocp-build' if found, `pwd`/boot/ocp-build.boot otherwise
      default is to install Emacs auto-complete, unless found in lispdir
      binary-annotate typerex sources (for typerex developpers)

2:  make
3:  sudo make install

Append (and/or customize) the contents of emacs.append to your ~/.emacs:

4:  cat emacs.append >>~/.emacs


To remove installed binaries and libraries:

- sudo make uninstall

Generating .cmt(i) files for TypeRex sources

Unless you already compiled TypeRex a first time, here is how to
generate .cmt(i) files for TypeRex itself:

1:  ./configure   (without '--enable-cmt')
2:  make
3:  ./configure --enable-cmt
4:  make