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Damn Interesting

A platform to curate and share high quality contents privately with friends.

Running DI locally


  • nodejs (version: see .tool-versions)
  • yarn
  1. in a terminal: cp .env.example .env
  2. open .env and set the environment variables to your liking
  3. in a terminal: yarn dev


  • You might need to generate the prisma definitions manually:
    1. in a terminal: yarn prisma generate --schema=./prisma/schema.prisma
    2. start, or restart, the dev server: yarn dev

Hosting a small instance for free

If you're reading this, I assume you already have some experience in programming and hosting your code, so I won't go into every detail of these steps.


On Github

  1. Fork this repository, keep the resulting repository public
  2. Locally: use git clone to have your local instance

Deploying to

In your local folder:

  1. copy .env.example as .env, edit .env with your own values
  2. Create the app on flyctl launch
    It will attempt to deploy and will fail. This is normal.
  3. Create a new 1Gb volume for that app (for the sqlite db) : fly volumes create data -s 1
  4. Set the environment variables:
    fly secrets set \
    ENCRYPTION_SALT=<some_secure_string> \
    ENCRYPTION_SECRET=<some_secure_string> \
    PUBLIC_OWNER_USERNAME=<your_superuser_username> \
  5. Deploy:
  • To deploy your current local dev code "as is": fly deploy
  • Or git push to github into a branch named fly. This will trigger a deployment automatically from the this fly branch.
  1. You might need to run the db migration manually on
    fly ssh console
    cd app
    yarn prisma migrate deploy


  • For ENCRYPTION_SECRET and ENCRYPTION_SALT: make sure to use long and secure strings different than the ones found in .env.example
  • PUBLIC_OWNER_USERNAME has to match exactly your username inside the app
  • PUBLIC_OWNER_SLUG has to match exactly the slug (your slugified username) associated to you inside the app
  • PUBLIC_YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY is optional. It is used to get video durations. It is recommended to have 2 different keys for local dev and for production:
    • for local dev:
    • for production:
      • do the same, but restrict it to your domain for security purposes! (Under "Website restrictions > add an item").


At this point:

  • you should be able to run a deploy/build successfully on Vercel.
  • every new commit/push/pull request/merge in your Github repository should automatically trigger a new deployment on Vercel.

Please remember this is open-source software under GNU-GPL V3 and as such requires proper attribution etc.


a platform to curate and share high quality contents with friends







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