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A C++ program that efficiently calculates the average values of nodes at each level in a binary tree, employing a level-order traversal approach for accurate and fast computation.


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Average of Levels in Binary Tree


This C++ program is designed to efficiently calculate the average values of each level in a binary tree. It primarily focuses on the averageOfLevels function, which showcases effective tree traversal and complex calculations.

Main Algorithm: averageOfLevels


The averageOfLevels function calculates the average values of nodes at each level in a binary tree. It uses a queue to perform a level-order traversal, summing node values at each level and then computing the average.

Implementation Details

  • Initial Checks: The function begins by handling edge cases, such as an empty tree or a tree with only a root node.
  • Queue for Traversal: A queue is used to facilitate level-order traversal. The root node is initially enqueued.
  • Looping Through Levels: The function enters a while loop, which continues until there are no more nodes to process. Inside this loop, it performs the following steps:
    • Determining Level Size: The current size of the queue, which indicates the number of nodes at the current level, is recorded.
    • Summing Node Values: The function iterates over each node at this level, dequeuing each node, adding its value to a cumulative sum, and enqueueing its children (if they exist).
    • Calculating Average: After processing all nodes at a level, it calculates the average value for that level by dividing the cumulative sum by the number of nodes.
    • Storing the Average: This average is then stored in a result vector.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the number of nodes in the tree. Each node is visited exactly once.
  • Space Complexity: O(M), where M is the maximum number of nodes at any level in the tree. This space is required for the queue in the level-order traversal.

Code Snippet

vector<double> averageOfLevels(TreeNode* root) {
	// Edge Cases
	if (!root) { return {}; }
	if (!root->left && !root->right) { return { double(root->val) }; }

	// Store level averages in a vector
	vector<double> averages;

	// Create a queue for level order traversal
	queue<TreeNode*> q;

	while (!q.empty()) {
		// Keep track of current queue size and level average
		int queueSize = q.size();
		double levelSum = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < queueSize; ++i) {
			TreeNode* current = q.front();

			// Add current node's value to level sum
			levelSum += current->val;

			// Enqueue left child
			if (current->left) {

			// Enqueue right child
			if (current->right) {
		averages.push_back(levelSum / queueSize);
	return averages;

Helper Functions

In addition to the main algorithm, the program includes several utility functions for managing binary trees:

1. buildTree

Constructs a binary tree from a vector of integers. INT_MIN is used to represent null nodes, allowing for the construction of a range of binary tree configurations.

2. deleteTree

Safely deallocates the memory used by the binary tree. This function ensures efficient memory management and prevents memory leaks by recursively deleting all nodes in the tree.

3. printVector

A utility function to print the contents of a vector. It is primarily used for displaying the results of averageOfLevels, showing the average values at each level of the binary tree.

Usage Instructions

To use this program:

  1. Include the TreeNode.h header in your project.
  2. Compile and run the provided C++ files.
  3. Utilize the buildTree function to create a binary tree from a vector representation.
  4. Pass the root of this tree to the averageOfLevels function to compute the average values at each level.
  5. Use printVector to print these averages for verification.

Test Cases

The main function includes several test cases to demonstrate the functionality of the program:

  • Empty Tree
  • Partially Filled Tree
  • Single Node Tree
  • Full Tree
  • Left-skewed Tree
  • Right-skewed Tree
  • Tree with only left children
  • Tree with only right children

Each case is designed to test different scenarios and tree structures.


Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your improvements.


A C++ program that efficiently calculates the average values of nodes at each level in a binary tree, employing a level-order traversal approach for accurate and fast computation.







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