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Virtual Machine Installation Guide

evazion edited this page Dec 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

This guide explains how to set up a virtual machine to run Danbooru on Windows. After setting up the virtual machine, you can proceed to the Manual Installation Guide.

Install VirtualBox

Install VirtualBox and download the latest Ubuntu Server ISO file.

Create Virtual Machine

After installing VirtualBox, load it up and create a new virtual machine.

  • Type: Linux
  • Version: Ubuntu 64/34-bit.
  • Memory size: 1024
  • Hard disk: 10 GB
  • Network: Add a 2nd network card as the type "Host-only Adapter"
  • Optical drive: Choose the Ubuntu server ISO downloaded prior

Install Ubuntu

Start the VM and follow the various prompts to install Ubuntu.

  • Configure proxy: Skip if it isn't needed.
  • Hard disk: Select all of the defaults for setting up the hard disk.
  • Profile setup: The fields do not matter, so anything can be used.
  • SSH Setup: Set to install an OpenSSH server.
  • Extra options page: Select nothing.

Once complete, reboot the server and follow the Manual Installation Guide.

Additional hints

Installing SSH

Connecting to the VM over SSH holds several advantages to using the console window on the virtual machine. First, coping and pasting into and out of the console window is much easier. Second, the program output can be logged, which allows for any useful information or errors to be captured.

First, download a SSH application.

Open the Putty application. Go to Session in the sidebar.

  • Host IP address: This is the same address as noted in the virtual machine installation.
  • Saved sessions: The name of the saved session.

To log the program output, go to Session >> Logging in the sidebar.

  • Session logging: Printable output
  • Log file name: Full path to the log file (The browse button can be used for this, even if the file doesn't currently exist).
  • What to do if the log file already exists: Always append to the end of it.

Then go back to Session in the sidebar and click the save button. Now the same settings can be loaded whenever a new Putty window is opened by clicking the session name and then clicking the load button.

Finally, to connect to the virtual machine, click the open button. There will be a prompt to add a new key the first time connecting to the virtual machine. Click to accept, and then a console window will open. The login is the same as the virtual machine.

Installing SCP

Connecting to the VM over SCP allows an easy transfer of files to and from the server. This can allow for easier editing of files using a preferred program on the host machine.

Open the WinSCP application. Click "New Site" in the sidebar.

  • Host name: This is the same address as noted in the virtual machine installation.
  • User name: danbooru

Then click the save button. The "Site name" is what the settings profile will be called in the sidebar. Once completed, ensure the settings profile is selected in the profile, then click the login button. The login is the same as the virtual machine.