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An R package for hosting data & code, and for running the Dam Impact Analysis (DIA) developed by Nieland et al. (2015)


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An R package for hosting code and data, and running the Atlantic salmon Dam Impact Analysis (DIA) model.


The development version of dia can be installed with devtools in R using the repository url:


To install dia, you will need to have devtools installed ahead of time in R, but that requires some special tools. To install on Windows, you will need to download and install the appropriate version of Rtools. To install on Mac, you will need to have the XCode command-line tools installed. And, if running from Linux, you will need to install the developer version of R (r-base-dev) if you have not already.


data/ Contains built-in data sets for the package

man/ help files and documentation

R/ R functions in scripts

inst/shiny-examples/dia_shiny includes server and ui files for run_dia_shiny(), a shiny-based user interface

tests/ Includes package tests for default parameter accuracy conducted on package build

Getting started

There are two primary user-facing functions within the dia package. The run_dia() function can be called within an Rscript to run the Dam Impact Analysis (DIA) model using default or user-defined inputs. The run_dia_shiny() function launches a graphical user interface (GUI) that opens in a web browser and is written with the shiny package. The former provides functionality for large-scale simulation studies in R whereas the latter provides and intuitive interface for running smaller numbers of management scenarios.


The run_dia() function provides the primary user-facing function for the dia package. The purpose of the function is to run the Dam Impact Analysis for some number of generations (15 by default). The output of this function is a dataframe (ie. data table) containing number of wild and hatchery-origin adult returns in each generation. All default argument values (model inputs) are based on the most-recent version of the NOAA Dam Impact Analysis Excel-based model (v67, Nieland et al. 2013, 2015; Nieland and Sheehan 2020).

The run_dia() function allows user to specify number of generations, number of starting wild and hatchery adults, whether stocking is turned on or off, how many fish are stocked in each production unit of the river, upstream and downstream dam passage rates, and other life-history or dam-related vital rates.

You can find the help file for the run_dia() function in R by running: ?dia::run_dia. This file contains all accepted user arguments, explanations of what they mean and what are default values, and examples of how to use the run_dia() function. Examples are shownd at the bottom of this page.


The run_dia_shiny() package provides and intuitive user interface for running the DIA model. Though more limited in flexibility that run_dia(), the simplified interface should allow full exploration of management scenarios. The primary difference is that run_dia_shiny() does not allow the user to input custom distributions or values for some input parameters such as the straying_matrix or inefficiency_matrix implemented in the run_dia() function.

Currently, the shiny interface for the DIA model can only be called directly from R or Rstudio by running the following lines of code:


This will open the user-interface in a local instance of the default web browser on the computer where further instructions are provided.

Examples using run_dia()

Single simulation

An example of a single simulation using run_dia() is demonstrated below, using the default values based on Nieland et al. (2013, 2015) and Nieland and Sheehan (2020).

  n_generations = 15,
  n_wild = 31,
  n_hatchery = 306,
  stocking = 1,
  n_stocked = rep(545000, 15),
  upstream = list(
    medway = 0, 
    mattaceunk = 0.9, 
    west_enfield = 0.95, 
    upper_dover = 0.92, 
    browns_mills = 0.92, 
    sebec = 0, 
    milo = 0, 
    howland = 0.95, 
    lowel = 0.92,
    stillwater = 0, 
    milford = 0.95, 
    great_works = 1, 
    orono = 0, 
    veazie = 1, 
    frankfort = 1),
  downstream = list(
    medway = 0, 
    mattaceunk = 1, 
    west_enfield = 0.96,
    upper_dover = 0.9215, 
    browns_mills = NA,
    sebec = NA, 
    milo = NA, 
    howland = 1, 
    lowell = NA,
    stillwater = 0.96, 
    milford = 0.96, 
    great_works = 1, 
    orono = 0.96, 
    veazie = 1,
    frankfort = NA),
  in_river_s = NA,
  mattaceunk_impoundment_mortality = 0.072,
  p_stillwater = NA,
  indirect_latent_mortality = 0.06,
  p_female = 0.6,
  new_or_old = "new",
  marine_s_hatchery = NA,
  marine_s_wild = NA,
  straying_matrix = NULL,
  p_mainstem_up = 1,
  n_broodstock = 150

Multiple simulations for a single scenario

An example of a single simulation using run_dia() is demonstrated below, using the default values based on Nieland et al. (2013, 2015) and Nieland and Sheehan (2020).


# Choose number of iterations
n <- 100

# Create a list holding model output
outlist <- foreach(1:n) %do%
    n_generations = 15,
    n_wild = 31,
    n_hatchery = 306,
    stocking = 1,
    n_stocked = rep(545000, 15),
    upstream = list(
      medway = 0, 
      mattaceunk = 0.9, 
      west_enfield = 0.95, 
      upper_dover = 0.92, 
      browns_mills = 0.92, 
      sebec = 0, 
      milo = 0, 
      howland = 0.95, 
      lowel = 0.92,
      stillwater = 0, 
      milford = 0.95, 
      great_works = 1, 
      orono = 0, 
      veazie = 1, 
      frankfort = 1),
    downstream = list(
      medway = 0, 
      mattaceunk = 1, 
      west_enfield = 0.96,
      upper_dover = 0.9215, 
      browns_mills = NA,
      sebec = NA, 
      milo = NA, 
      howland = 1, 
      lowell = NA,
      stillwater = 0.96, 
      milford = 0.96, 
      great_works = 1, 
      orono = 0.96, 
      veazie = 1,
      frankfort = NA),
    in_river_s = NA,
    mattaceunk_impoundment_mortality = 0.072,
    p_stillwater = NA,
    indirect_latent_mortality = 0.06,
    p_female = 0.6,
    new_or_old = "new",
    marine_s_hatchery = NA,
    marine_s_wild = NA,
    straying_matrix = NULL,
    p_mainstem_up = 1,
    n_broodstock = 150
# Collect results into a single dataframe
names(outlist) <- paste0("run_", seq(1, length(outlist)))
out_df <-, outlist)

# Summarize results across number of runs
plotter <- out_df %>% 
          group_by(generation, origin, production_unit) %>% 
          summarize(abund = median(abundance),
                    lwr = quantile(abundance, 0.025),
                    upr = quantile(abundance, 0.975)
                    ) %>% 
          group_by(generation, origin) %>% 
          summarize(abundance = sum(abund),
                    lwr = sum(lwr),
                    upr = sum(upr)

# Plot results
ggplot(plotter, aes(x = generation, y = abundance,
            color = origin, fill = origin)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_ribbon(aes(x = generation, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, color = NULL),
              alpha = 0.1)    


An R package for hosting data & code, and for running the Dam Impact Analysis (DIA) developed by Nieland et al. (2015)








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