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Git Me

Git-Me is a one stop shop portfolio builder for GitHub developers. Simply login in with your github username and add or edit the skills you desire. Results page will formulate your chart of developers skill set.

Getting Started

- Clone the repo: `git clone`
- Fork the repo


GitMe requires Node.js v4+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ cd Enter terminal
$ cd /folder
$ npm install 
$ Create new MySQL connection using the information provided from sequelize.config.json file under config folder.	

# Plugins

GitMe is currently extended with the following plugins. Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.

| Plugin | README |
| ------ | ------ |

| Github | [plugins/github/] [PlGh] |
| Node.js| [plugins/] [PlGd] |
| MySQl | [] [PlOd] |
| Workbench mySQL | [] [PlMe] |
| multer | [] [PlGh] |
| morgan| [] [PlGd] |
| passport | [] [PlOd] |
| cookie-parser| [] [PlMe] |
| jsonwebtoken | [] [PlGh] |
| aws s3 | [] [PlGd] |
| request-promise | [] [PlOd] |
| handlebars helper | [] [PlMe] |
| d3 | [] [PlMe] |
| fs  | [plugins/] [PlOd] |
| path | [plugins/] [PlMe] |
| Sequelize  | [] [PlGh] |
| env  | [] [PlOd] |
| config   | [] [PlMe] |

* Clone the repo: `git clone`
* Fork the repo

# Prerequisites
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Github Account
Workbench mySQL

# To Begin
Enter terminal 
Npm install
Create new MySQL connection using the information provided from sequelize.config.json file under config folder.

# Motivation
GitHub developers lacks a section in their GitHub profile that demonstrates all there skillset in one clean location. GitMe allows GitHub developers to use this resource and share to the world and future employers. 

# Tests

### Todos

 - Write MOAR Tests
 - Add Widgets
 - Add easier layout for Employers 


© GitMe was created by and maintained by Hyungwu Pae (
Marco Alvarado( 
Stephen Urena(
David Naimi(


No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
