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resource "azurerm_container_registry" "acr" {
  for_each = { for registry in var.registries : => registry }

  name                          =
  resource_group_name           = each.value.rg_name
  location                      = each.value.location
  admin_enabled                 = each.value.admin_enabled
  sku                           = title(each.value.sku)
  public_network_access_enabled = try(each.value.public_network_access_enabled, null)
  quarantine_policy_enabled     = try(each.value.quarantine_policy_enabled, null)
  zone_redundancy_enabled       = try(each.value.zone_redundancy_enabled, null)
  export_policy_enabled         = try(each.value.export_policy_enabled, null)
  data_endpoint_enabled         = try(each.value.data_endpoint_enabled, null)
  anonymous_pull_enabled        = try(each.value.anonymous_pull_enabled, null)
  network_rule_bypass_option    = try(each.value.network_rule_bypass_option, null)
  tags                          = each.value.tags

  dynamic "georeplications" {
    for_each = title(each.value.sku) == "Premium" && each.value.georeplications != null ? [each.value.georeplications] : []
    content {
      location                = georeplications.value.location
      zone_redundancy_enabled = georeplications.value.zone_redundancy_enabled
      tags                    = georeplications.value.tags

  dynamic "network_rule_set" {
    for_each = each.value.sku == "Premium" && each.value.network_rule_set != null ? [each.value.network_rule_set] : []
    content {
      default_action = network_rule_set.value.default_action

      dynamic "ip_rule" {
        for_each = network_rule_set.value.ip_rule != null ? [network_rule_set.value.ip_rule] : []
        content {
          action   = ip_rule.value.action
          ip_range = ip_rule.value.ip_range

      dynamic "virtual_network" {
        for_each = network_rule_set.value.virtual_network != null ? [network_rule_set.value.virtual_network] : []
        content {
          action    = virtual_network.value.action
          subnet_id = virtual_network.value.subnet_id

  dynamic "retention_policy" {
    for_each = each.value.retention_policy != null ? [each.value.retention_policy] : []
    content {
      days    = retention_policy.value.days
      enabled = retention_policy.value.enabled

  dynamic "trust_policy" {
    for_each = each.value.trust_policy != null ? [each.value.trust_policy] : []
    content {
      enabled = trust_policy.value.enabled

  dynamic "identity" {
    for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
    content {
      type = each.value.identity_type

  dynamic "identity" {
    for_each = each.value.identity_type == "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
    content {
      type         = each.value.identity_type
      identity_ids = try(each.value.identity_ids, [])

  dynamic "identity" {
    for_each = each.value.identity_type == "UserAssigned" ? [each.value.identity_type] : []
    content {
      type         = each.value.identity_type
      identity_ids = length(try(each.value.identity_ids, [])) > 0 ? each.value.identity_ids : []

  dynamic "encryption" {
    for_each = each.value.encryption != null ? [each.value.encryption] : []
    content {
      enabled            = encryption.value.enabled
      key_vault_key_id   = encryption.value.key_vault_key_id
      identity_client_id = encryption.value.identity_client_id

locals {
  flattened_pools = flatten([
    for registry in var.registries :
    registry.agent_pool != null ? [
      for pool in registry.agent_pool : {
        registry_name =
        pool          = pool
    ] : []

resource "azurerm_container_registry_agent_pool" "agent_pool" {
  for_each = { for item in local.flattened_pools : "${item.registry_name}-${}" => item }

  name                    =
  resource_group_name     = azurerm_container_registry.acr[each.value.registry_name].resource_group_name
  location                = azurerm_container_registry.acr[each.value.registry_name].location
  container_registry_name = azurerm_container_registry.acr[each.value.registry_name].name

  instance_count            = try(each.value.pool.instance_count, 1)
  tier                      = try(each.value.pool.tier, "S1")
  virtual_network_subnet_id = try(each.value.pool.virtual_network_subnet_id, null)
  tags                      = try(each.value.pool.tags, null)


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_container_registry.acr resource
azurerm_container_registry_agent_pool.agent_pool resource


Name Description Type Default Required
registries List of registry configurations.
name = string
rg_name = string
location = string
admin_enabled = optional(bool, false)
sku = optional(string, "Standard")
public_network_access_enabled = optional(bool, true)
quarantine_policy_enabled = optional(bool, false)
zone_redundancy_enabled = optional(bool, false)
export_policy_enabled = optional(bool, false)
data_endpoint_enabled = optional(bool, false)
anonymous_pull_enabled = optional(bool, false)
network_rule_bypass_option = optional(string, "AzureServices")
georeplications = optional(list(object({
location = string
zone_redundancy_enabled = optional(bool)
tags = optional(map(string))
network_rule_set = optional(object({
default_action = string
ip_rule = optional(list(object({
action = string
ip_range = string
virtual_network = optional(list(object({
action = string
subnet_id = string
retention_policy = optional(object({
days = number
enabled = bool
trust_policy = optional(object({
enabled = bool
identity_type = optional(string)
identity_ids = optional(list(string))
encryption = optional(object({
enabled = bool
key_vault_key_id = optional(string)
identity_client_id = optional(string)
tags = optional(map(string))
agent_pool = optional(list(object({
name = string
instance_count = optional(number, 1)
tier = optional(string, "S1")
virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string)
tags = optional(map(string))
[] no


Name Description
agent_pool_ids The IDs of the Azure Container Registry Agent Pools.
agent_pool_locations The locations of the Azure Container Registry Agent Pools.
agent_pool_names The names of the Azure Container Registry Agent Pools.
registry_admin_passwords The admin passwords of the created Azure Container Registries, if admin is enabled.
registry_admin_usernames The admin usernames of the created Azure Container Registries, if admin is enabled.
registry_identities The identities of the Azure Container Registries.
registry_ids The IDs of the created Azure Container Registries.
registry_locations The locations of the created Azure Container Registries.
registry_login_servers The login servers of the created Azure Container Registries.
registry_skus The SKUs of the created Azure Container Registries.
registry_tags The tags associated with the created Azure Container Registries.