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C-Voxel is Decentralized "Proof-of-Career" Protocol

C-Voxel is a Voxel which has your work data tied to your transfer transaction hash on any chain. It can be generated on Ceramic Network by very simple steps with NO FEES.

You can stack your C-Voxels as C-Voxel collection, and the collection become your own on-chain work history / verifiable credentials.

Furthermore, You can easily share your C-Voxel Collection to any DAOs and platforms on Web3.0.

Currently, C-Voxel is running on a testnet as alpha version. Release on the main net is scheduled for 2Q2022.

How does it work?

C-Voxel generates a decentralized user-owned online CV on the Ceramic Network, which is one of the greatest decentralized data network.

This protocol is part of verifiable credentials and forms a decentralized identification. Each job details are tied to on-chain transactions and stored with the signatures of both the payee and the payer.

C-Voxel is open and platform independent, allowing users to take it with them wherever they go. In addition, in the future the generated CVoxel can be minted as NFT on various on-chains (we plan to deploy NFT function on ETH L2 at first.). Furthermore, development is underway for integration with distributed DB, which will make the VC protocol even more useful and cooperative.

In the future, we will expand C-Voxel ecosystem by developing products based on C-Voxel such as identification and recruiting tools for DAOs, and credit provision services.

For more infomation like the spec or the structure, please see below.

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How to create new C-Voxel?

Please check out our guide!

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Environment in Alpha C-Voxel


Ceramic Network Testnet

Supported transactions / chains

  • Ethereum Mainnet
  • Polygon Mainnet

Supported Wallet



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