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Use Dynamic Dead Code Elimination to super-minify your code.

this is just a POC, use at your own risk


Your web apps use a lot of libraries, and you probably don't use every piece of every library. So why should you ship all of that code when your users won't run all of it?

You don't have to ship it all! Enter uncoverage.

Just write an exhaustive automated run-through of your app, then generate a coverage.json. coverage.json tells uncoverage which code you're using, and which code is just dead weight.

Demo Usage

This is still in development, so these instructions only show how to compare the size of the demo bundle before and after removing unused code.

  1. First install the global and local dependencies:

    npm install -g browserify istanbul exorcist dalek

    npm install

  2. Open your terminal and run npm run start &. This will run the coverage collecting server. This will receive the coverage results from the run, and then save them into a coverage.json.

  3. Next, run npm run flow in the terminal. This will build an instrumented bundle to collect coverage, then run the app in Chrome automagically, then send the coverage to the server. Then uncoverage will remove the code that your app doesn't use!

  4. Now run npm run bundle to generate demo-app/bundle.js with a standard minification process. We will use this standard bundle to compare with the uncoveraged bundle.

  5. Compare the size of the uncoveraged demo-app/bundle.min.js and the standard demo-app/bundle.js. Try using ls -lh demo-app from the project root.

  6. Stand in awe of how wicked-awful this idea is!

Actual Usage

Integrating with uncoverage has two steps:

  1. Generating coverage.json

  2. Removing dead code which coverage.json indicates was not run.

Generating coverage.json

To accomplish the first step, use istanbul to instrument your app with extra coverage-detecting code.

# This example uses a browserify bundle,
# but it doesn't have to be one
istanbul instrument demo-app/bundle.unins.js > demo-app/bundle.js"

Then, run your app using the instrumented package instead of the usual un-instrumented code. And here is the tricky part: it is essential that you run through each and every use case, or uncoverage will remove the code for use cases that are not run.

You should automate this process with a tool like selenium or dalek.

When you run your instrumented app manually, you can access the coverage data in the console. It's stored as the global variable window.__coverage__ by default.

To automatically save coverage data, use a collecting server for the test runner to phone home to. See uncoverage/server.js and uncoverage/demo-app/dalek.js for sample details.

Removing dead code

Now that coverage.json is saved, uncoverage can free our users from dead code.

Again, a browserify transform is available, but the package can be used directly in code.

// Use it in code ...
var fs = require('fs');
var uc = require('uncoverage');
var uninstrumented = 'bundle.unins.js';
var coverage = 'coverage.json';
fs.writeFileSync('bundle.min.js', uc(uninstrumented, coverage));
# ... or in browserify
browserify bundle.unins.js -t [ uncoverage/transform --coverage overage.json ] -o bundle.min.js


Abuse a code coverage tool to super-minify your code.






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