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Bystander selection in the outpatient setting

Author: Christine Tedijanto
Last update: January 10, 2019
Publication: Estimating the proportion of bystander selection for antibiotic resistance among potentially pathogenic bacterial flora


Antibiotic use creates a selective pressure for resistance. In this paper, we estimate the extent of bystander selection, which we define as selective pressures experienced by an organism due to antibiotics that were intended to treat another pathogen. We estimate a metric termed the "proportion of bystander exposures" using existing data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS), the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), and published carriage and etiology studies. This repository containss the analysis code and data needed to estimate the proportion of bystander exposures for 9 commonly carried bacterial species and 17 commonly used antibiotics in the United States.


  • The .Rdata file contains the relevant Human Microbiome Project, ICD-9 code, and etiology data that are required for this project. The included dataframes are detailed below:

    1. ICD9v28: ICD9 diagnosis codes (v28) with long and short description from NBER.
    2. conditionCodes: ICD9 diagnosis codes to include or exclude in condition categories. Based on conditions in Fleming-Dutra et al. 2016. Codes are written using regular expressions (regex) for use in grepl function.
    3. etiologies: Estimated etiologies by condition, species, and age group. See Supporting Information in paper for sources.
    4. microbiome.adults: Carriage prevalence by species and visit number among adults participating in the Human Microbiome Project. Estimates for several species were based on additional carriage studies; see Supporting Information in paper for sources.
    5. microbiome.kids0: Carriage prevalence by species, body site, and study among children under 1yo. See Supporting Information in paper for sources.
    6. microbiome.kids1to5: Carriage prevalence by species, body site, and study measured in children 1-5yo. See Supporting Information in paper for sources.

* Data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) and the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) are made publicly available by the CDC [here]( This analysis uses the Stata files from the 2010 and 2011 surveys.


Place outpatient_bystander_analysis.R, outpatient_bystander_analysis.Rdata, and NAMCS/NHAMCS Stata files in the same directory. For baseline analysis, code chunk B2(ix) ALTERNATE viii creating tiered diagnosis (from Fleming-Dutra et al. 2016) should be commented out. Run entire file. Dataframes bystander.df and bystanderbyclass.df contain bystander proportions for all species across individual antibiotics and antibiotic classes, respectively.

In order the run the sensitivity analysis using the tiered diagnosis, comment out code chunk B2(viii) and comment in code chunk B2(ix). Rerun all code.


The baseline analysis may take up to 30 minutes to run (majority of runtime due to code chunk B3).

1. Microbiome file

Using the code and data included above, the age group-specific weighted prevalences for the first 5 rows of the microbiome dataframe should be as follows:

Species.strain.Key wtprev_adults wtprev_kids0 wtprev_kids1to5
Escherichia_coli 0.66349810 0.94870000 1.00000000
Haemophilus_influenzae 0.68631179 1.00000000 0.95896469
Klebsiella_pneumoniae 0.07414449 0.39097000 0.15000000
Moraxella_catarrhalis 0.02281369 0.45485113 0.50790000
Pseudomonas_aeruginosa 0.01901141 0.01359456 0.01359456
2. NAMCS/NHAMCS summary file

In the baseline analysis, using the code and data included above, the first 5 rows of the NAMCS.summary dataframe should be as follows:

antibiotic dataset condition agegroup wtVisits drugclass
AMOXICILLIN namcs2010 acuteSinusitis adults 2356812 565377.953 PENICILLINS
AMOXICILLIN namcs2010 acuteSinusitis kids0 70355 70355.000 PENICILLINS
AMOXICILLIN namcs2010 acuteSinusitis kids1to5 158253 67000.831 PENICILLINS
AMOXICILLIN namcs2010 chronicSinusitis adults 1769606 337174.213 PENICILLINS
AMOXICILLIN namcs2010 chronicSinusitis kids0 166430 106789.037 PENICILLINS

In the baseline analysis, using the code and data included above, the first 5 rows of the NAMCS.summary.byclass dataframe should be as follows:

dataset condition agegroup drugclass wtVisits
namcs2010 acuteSinusitis adults PENICILLINS 3448543 681417.82
namcs2010 acuteSinusitis kids0 PENICILLINS 70355 70355.00
namcs2010 acuteSinusitis kids1to5 PENICILLINS 158253 67000.83
namcs2010 chronicSinusitis adults PENICILLINS 3650426 562887.03
namcs2010 chronicSinusitis kids0 PENICILLINS 166430 106789.04
3. Bystander output

In the baseline analysis, using the code and data included above, the first 3 columns of the first 5 rows of the bystander.df dataframe should be as follows:

species antibiotic bystander_prop
Streptococcus_pneumoniae AMOXICILLIN 0.8185041
Streptococcus_pneumoniae AMOXICILLIN-CLAVULANATE 0.8576846
Streptococcus_pneumoniae PENICILLIN 0.9867820
Streptococcus_pneumoniae AZITHROMYCIN 0.9160512
Streptococcus_pneumoniae CLINDAMYCIN 0.9825318


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