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Hive Spatial Queries with ESRI Libraries


  1. Clone this repo locally:
git clone
  1. Extract the 3 jars files from and copy them to hdfs. Grant ownership on these jar files to hive:hdfs.

  2. Connect to your hive database using your preferred CLI and execute the content of spatial-geometry-demo-ddl-dml.txt to create tables and populate with sample data.

  3. Before executing any query, add ESRI jar libraries to your session execution path, for the session or globally.

add jar hdfs://YourHDFSClientNode:8020/esri/esri-geometry-api.jar;

add jar hdfs://YourHDFSClientNode:8020/esri/spatial-sdk-hive-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;

add jar hdfs://YourHDFSClientNode:8020/esri/spatial-sdk-json-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar;
  1. Define temporary functions for better SQL-like experience.
create temporary function st_geomfromtext as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_GeomFromText';

create temporary function st_geometrytype as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_GeometryType';

create temporary function st_point as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Point';

create temporary function st_asjson as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_AsJson';

create temporary function st_asbinary as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_AsBinary';

create temporary function st_astext as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_AsText';

create temporary function st_intersects as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Intersects';

create temporary function st_x as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_X';

create temporary function st_y as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_Y';

create temporary function st_srid as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_SRID';

create temporary function st_linestring as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_LineString';

create temporary function st_pointn as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_PointN';

create temporary function st_startpoint as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_StartPoint';

create temporary function st_endpoint as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_EndPoint';

create temporary function st_numpoints as 'com.esri.hadoop.hive.ST_NumPoints';
  1. Execute the various spatial queries included in spatial-geometry-demo-queries.txt file also listed below:

Counts by geometry type -- assumes that other than ST_POINT values are possible:

select st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)), count(shape)
from demo_shape_point
group by st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape));

Counts by geometry type -- assumes that other than ST_LINESTRING values are possible:

select st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)), count(shape)
from demo_shape_linestring
group by st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape));

Counts by geometry type -- assumes that other than ST_POLYGON values are possible:

select st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)), count(shape)
from demo_shape_polygon
group by st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape));

X and Y coordinates of the point:

select st_x(st_point(shape)) AS X, st_y(st_point(shape)) AS Y 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Extract geometry from text shape:

select st_geomfromtext(shape) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Geometry type:

select st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Point geometry as a binary - implicitly:

select st_point(shape) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT" 
limit 1;

Point geometry as a binary - explicitly:

select st_asbinary(st_geomfromtext(shape)) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Point geometry as Json:

select st_asjson(st_geomfromtext(shape)) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Point geometry as a text:

select st_astext(st_point(shape)) 
from demo_shape_point 
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

SRID for a point:

select distinct st_srid(st_point(shape))
from demo_shape_point
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POINT"
limit 1;

Line as text:

select st_astext(st_linestring(shape))
from demo_shape_linestring
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_LINESTRING"
limit 1;

n point of a line:

select st_astext(st_point(st_astext(st_pointn(st_linestring(shape), 2))))
from demo_shape_linestring
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_LINESTRING"
limit 1;

Start and end points of a line:

select st_astext(st_startpoint(st_linestring(shape))) AS StartPoint, 
       st_astext(st_endpoint(st_linestring(shape))) AS EndPoint
from demo_shape_linestring
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_LINESTRING"
limit 1;

Number of points in a polygon:

select shape, st_numpoints(st_geomfromtext(shape)) as NumPoints
from demo_shape_polygon
where st_geometrytype(st_geomfromtext(shape)) = "ST_POLYGON"
limit 1;

Lines intersection - usually you would have two tables - this is just an example with a table with one row:

select st_intersects(a.s1, b.s2)
   (select st_point(shape) AS  `s1` 
      from demo_shape_point limit 1) a join
   (select st_point(shape) AS  `s2` 
      from demo_shape_point limit 1) b
limit 1;

Lines intersection - usually you would have two tables - this is just an example with a table with one row:

select st_intersects(a.s1, b.s2)
   (select st_linestring(0,0, 1,1) AS  `s1` 
      from demo_shape_linestring limit 1) a join
   (select st_linestring(1,1, 0,0) AS  `s2` 
      from demo_shape_linestring limit 1) b
limit 1;

Final Note

For more UDFs go to:


Hive Spatial Queries with ESRI Libraries






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