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Releases: csmberkeley/csm_web

Spring 2020 - Coordinator/Exec Support

19 Feb 06:32
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This release introduces first-class support for Coordinators/Exec in a third central role within Scheduler, joining the existing Mentor and Student functionality. In the past common tasks coordinators needed to perform at the beginning of the semester such as adding/dropping students to/from sections, adding new sections for mentors, and other logistical changes such as these had to be performed manually by tech. Previous experience had shown that Django's admin interface exposed too many implementation details to be easily usable by non-maintainers. The new features leverage much of the existing code, and more importantly much of the existing design, allowing coordinators/exec to get their work done without needing instructions from tech. Screenshots are included below showcasing the bulk of the new features:

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 10 24 57 PM

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 10 25 16 PM

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 10 25 22 PM

Screen Shot 2020-02-18 at 10 25 40 PM

Spring 2020 – Redesign

05 Feb 01:26
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Collaborating with the student group Innovative Design, Scheduler's frontend has been completely redesigned to be more user friendly, more featureful, and overall prettier than it ever has been before. Attached below are screenshots of most the application's primary functions (with fake user data) to document the new design.








