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A pipeline to automatically preprocess, analyze and visualize resting state EEG data.


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DISCOVER-EEG: an EEG pipeline for biomarker discovery

This is a workflow that automatically preprocess, analyzes and visualizes resting state EEG data in Matlab using EEGLab and FieldTrip toolboxes. It has been tested on the LEMON dataset, the TD-BRAIN dataset, and the Chronic Pain EEG dataset.

The accompanying publication in Scientific Data can be found here.


New in v.2.0.0. (see CHANGELOG):

  • Preprocessing event-related data is now possible.
  • Log files are created during preprocessing for each recording.
  • All parameters are documented in the README.
  • Some preprocessing steps and the extraction of brain features are optional now.




Input: the input data needs to be raw EEG data in BIDS format, please check that you comply with the standard with the BIDS validator.

Output: the output data are the preprocessed EEG data, the below-mentioned EEG features, a visualization of the preprocessing steps and EEG features, and individual log files for the preprocessing.


  1. Downsampling (optional)
  2. Line noise removal
  3. High pass filtering and bad channel removal
  4. Re-referencing to the average reference
  5. Independent Component Analysis automatic detection and removal of artifactual independent components
  6. Interpolation of rejected bad channels
  7. Detection and rejection of bad time segments (optional rejection)
  8. Segmentation into epochs (optional)

Feature extraction

  1. Power spectrum (sensor space)
  2. Alpha Peak Frequency (sensor space)
  3. Power topographies (source space)
  4. Functional connectivity (source space): phase-based (dwPLI) and amplitude-based (AEC)
  5. Brain network characteristics (source space): two local graph theory measures (degree, clustering coefficient) and three global measures (global clustering coefficient, global efficiency, smallworldness).

By default, brain features in the source space are computed separately for four frequency bands of interest (theta, alpha, beta, and gamma).

Preprocessing event-related data

Preprocessing of event-related data is possible since v.1.1.0. Please note that for this type of data, the extraction of brain features is omitted. During event-related data preprocessing, downsampling is not performed (DownsamplingRate: []), bad time segments are not rejected (RejectBadTimeSegments: "off"), and data is not segmented into epochs (EpochLength: []). In addition, the parameters PreprocEventData, EventMarker and EventBounds have to be specified. Please see params_example_preproc_event.json for an example.

Getting started


  • Matlab with Signal Processing Toolbox, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, and Parallel Computing Toolbox (optional). The code was developed and tested on Matlab R2020b, and also tested in R2022a.
  • EEGLab (Developed and tested with v2022.0) The following EEGlab plugins need to be installed:
  • Fieldtrip (tested with fieldtrip-20220104)
  • Brain connectivity toolbox (Developed and tested with version 2019_03_03)


  • Download the pipeline code here
  • Download Matlab and the above-listed Matlab toolboxes
  • Download EEGLab
    • Download the aforementioned EEGlab plugins via the EEGLab GUI or in the provided URL. If you choose the second option, add them to the eeglab/plugins folder. Note that in eeglab/plugins there must not be a same-named subfolder for any plugin (e.g. eeglab/plugins/clean_rawdata-master/clean_rawdata is NOT correct; it should be eeglab/plugins/clean_rawdata).
    • Change EEGLab preferences in EEGLab GUI. Make sure that the box 'Keep at most one dataset in memory' is selected.
  • Download FieldTrip
  • Download the BCT toolbox

Test data

You can download a resting-state EEG test dataset in BIDS format here:

Executing the pipeline

  • Copy the file params_example.json and rename it to params.json.
  • Update the params.json according to your needs. See below for a description of all parameters.
  • Run main_pipeline.m
  • By default, the output of the pipeline will be found in a subfolder of your raw data folder called 'derivatives_vYYYY_MM_DD'

Parameters description

Parameter Required Type Description
NCores Optional Number Number of cores to run in parallel used in CleanLineNoise and Independent Component Analysis.
EEGLabPath Required String Absolute path to EEGLab.
FieldtripPath Required String Absolute path to FieldTrip.
BrainConnectivityToolboxPath Required String Absolute path to the Brain Connectivity Toolbox.
StudyName Optional String Name of the study.
RawDataPath Required String Absolute path to the raw data in BIDS format.
PreprocessedDataPath Optional String Absolute path to store the preprocessed data. If not specified, it will be derivatives_timestamp.
Session Optional String or Array Label(s) of the session(s) to process (e.g., ["sess1", "sess2"]). If set to [] all the sessions are analyzed.
Run Optional Number or Array Label(s) of the run(s) to process (e.g., [1, 2, 3]). If set to [] all the runs are analyzed.
Task Optional String or Array Label(s) of the task(s) to process (e.g., ["baseline", "task"]). If set to [] all the tasks are analyzed.
BidsChanloc Required String "on" keeps channel locations from BIDS electrodes.tsv file, "off" reads channel locations from MNI template (standard_1005.elc).
NoseDir Optional String Indicates the coordinate system of electrodes.tsv according to EEGLab nomenclature, e.g. RAS is '+Y'. This parameter is required if BidsChanloc is "on".
RefCoord Optional Object Coordinates X,Y,Z of the reference electrode in the same system as electrodes.tsv. This parameter is required if BidsChanloc is "on" and AddRefChannel is "on".
DownsamplingRate Optional Number Rate in Hz to which the data will be downsampled. Set to [] to skip this preprocessing step.
FlatLineCriterion Required Number or String Maximum tolerated flatline duration of a channel in seconds before being rejected. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Default: 5. To deactivate, set to "off".
ChannelCriterion Required Number or String Minimum channel correlation. If a channel is correlated less than this value to an estimate based on other channels, it will be considered abnormal in the given time window. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Range: 0 - 1. Default: 0.8. To deactivate, set to "off".
LineNoiseCriterion Required Number or String If a channel has more line noise relative to its signal than this value, in standard deviations, based on the total channel population, it is considered abnormal. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Default: 4. To deactivate, set to "off".
HighPass Required Array or String Transition band for the initial high-pass filter in Hz. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Default: [0.25, 0.75]. To deactivate, set to "off".
AddRefChannel Required String "on" adds the reference channel to the data after rereferencing to average reference, "off" does not add the reference channel back. Default: "off".
NICARepetitions Optional Number Number of repetitons over the steps 4. ICA, 5. Channel interpolation and 6. Bad segment rejection. Default: 10.
ICLabel Required Array 2x7 array of floats indicating the probability thresholds to select a component. Maximum and minimum probability thresholds in the range 0-1 have to be specified for each of the seven IC categories: 'Brain','Muscle','Eye','Heart','Line Noise','Channel Noise' and 'Other'. If thresholds are set to null, the category will not be considered. Parameter derived from pop_icflag(). For further documentation consult this function. By default only ICs whose probability of being 'Muscle' or 'Eye' is higher than 0.8 are selected: [[null, null], [0.8, 1], [0.8, 1], [null, null],[null, null],[null, null],[null, null]]
BurstCriterion Required Number or String Standard deviation cutoff for removal of bursts via ASR. Data portions whose variance is larger than this threshold relative to the calibration data will be removed. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Default: 20. To deactivate, set to "off".
WindowCriterion Required Number or String Criterion for removing time windows that were not repaired completely. This may happen if the artifact in a window was composed of too many simultaneous uncorrelated sources (for example, extreme movements such as jumps). This is the maximum fraction of contaminated channels that are tolerated in the final output data for each considered window. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Range: 0 - 1. Default: 0.25. To deactivate, set to "off".
WindowCriterionTolerances Optional Array Power tolerances outside of which a channel in the final output data is considered "bad" in standard deviations relative to a robust EEG power distribution. Any time window in the final output which has more than the tolerated fraction of channel with power outside this range will be considered incompletely repaired and removed from the output. Parameter derived from clean_artifacts(). Default: "[-Inf, 0.7]".
RejectBadTimeSegments Optional String "on" rejects portions of data containing bad time segments, concatenates remaining clean data and includes boundary events at appended timepoints, "off" returns the original data and a time mask in EEG.etc.clean_sample_mask where clean samples are marked with 1 and bad samples with 0. Default: "on".
EpochLength Optional Number Length in seconds in which to segment the preprocessed data. If set to [], segmentation into epochs is skipped. This parameter is required for subsequent analyses.
EpochOverlap Optional Number Amount of epoch overlap in range 0-1. O is no overlap, 1 is complete overlap. Default: 0.
PreprocEventData Optional Boolean If true, event-related data are extracted and preprocessed based on the parameters "EventMarker" and "EventBounds". If set to true, data should not be downsampled, bad time segments will not be rejected and data will not be cut into epochs. Default: false.
EventMarker Optional String Name of the marker of the event of interest. Default: [].
EventBounds Optional Array Uper and lower limits in seconds that determine the time window of interest surrounding the "EventMarker". For example, [-2, 1] selects a window -2 seconds before the marker and 1 second after the marker. Default: [].
BrainFeatExtr Optional Boolean If true, the pipeline performs brain feature extraction, if false, preprocessing only is performed. Brain feature extraction will only be performed if EpochLength is defined. Default: true.
FreqRes Optional Number Frequency resolution for estimating the power spectrum in Hz. By default is set to 1/EpochLength. If a lower resolution is specified, zero-padding will be applied to the required epoch length.
Pad Optional Number Length in seconds to which the data will be padded during frequency analysis. The padding will determine the spectral resolution. Parameter derived from ft_freqanalysis. Default: [].
FreqBand Optional Object Frequency bands in which to divide the power spectrum. Each element of the object must include the name of the frequency band of interest and the specified range in Hz, e.g. "beta": [13, 30]. By default the analized frequency bands are theta (4 - 7.9), alpha (8 - 12.9), beta (13 - 30) and gamma (30.1 - 80), with the limits defined by the COBIDAS MEEG specification.
Taper Optional String Taper applied during frequency analysis. E.g. 'dpss' or 'hanning'. Parameter derived from ft_freqanalysis. Default: 'dpss'.
Tapsmofrq Optional Number Amount of spectral smoothing through multitapering. Required if Taper is set to 'dpss'. Parameter derived from ft_freqanalysis. Default: 1.
HeadModelPath Optional String Path to the head model or name of the template if included in FieldTrip. Default: "standard_bem.mat" contained in FieldTrip.
SurfaceModelPath Optional String Path to the surface model or name of the model if included in FieldTrip. Default: "surface_white_both.mat" contained in FieldTrip.
AtlasPath Optional String Path to the source atlas. Default: Schaefer atlas with 100 ROIs contained in the parcellations folder ("parcellations/Schaefer2018_100Parcels_7Networks_order_FSLMNI152_1mm.Centroid_RAS.csv").
FreqResConnectivity Optional Number Frequency resolution for the computation of the debiased weighted phase lag index. For example, if this parameter is set to 0.5, fourier components of the virtual channel data in the alpha band will be computed at 8, 8.5, 9 ... 12.5 Hz and dwpli will be estimated at these frequencies. Default: 0.5.
ConnMatrixThreshold Optional Number Threshold to binarize connectivity matrices when estimating graph-theory measures. E.g. if set to 0.2, 20% of the strongest connections will be kept. Range: 0 - 1. Default: 0.2.


If you use this code in your project, please cite:

Gil Ávila C, Bott FS, Tiemann L, Hohn VD, May ES, Nickel MM, Zebhauser PT, Gross J, Ploner P. DISCOVER-EEG: an open, fully automated EEG pipeline for biomarker discovery in clinical neuroscience. Sci Data 10, 613 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41597-023-02525-0

Additionally, to cite the specific version of DISCOVER-EEG used in your analyses you can use the following Zenodo reference: 10.5281/zenodo.8207523


For bugs or problems contact or open an issue here


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


A pipeline to automatically preprocess, analyze and visualize resting state EEG data.







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