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JS Proto Danksharding

This is a pure* typescript version of EIP4844.


You can run the benchmarks using npm run benchmarks.

As a reference point, verifying a KZG proof will take around 57ms with this library.


Internally the library will only throw on bugs, so we return T | Error a lot. At the API level, the library will throw as this is common in libraries.


The API is a bytes array API, so a user should not need to rely on any types defined in this library.


npm install @crate-crypto/crate-4844

Example usage

// Taken from tests/index.test.ts
import { Context } from "../src/index.js"

let context = new Context()
let blob = ...
let { proof, commitment } = context.computeBlobKZGProf(blob)
let result = context.verifyBlobKZGProof(blob, commitment, proof)