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Get up and running with Zeek


Make sure you have VirtualBox, Packer, Vagrant and Ansibleinstalled. See the install section below for more info.

curl -fsSL | /bin/bash can be run again if the build fails:

  bin/ attempts to load the box and runs it.


Login to your new VM

  vagrant ssh

Work interactively with zeek (as zeek user)

  sudo -u zeek -i 

NB: -i, --login tells sudo to run as login shell.

Start zeek

  $ zeekctl
[ZeekControl] > deploy
stopping workers ...
creating crash report for previously crashed nodes: worker-1-1, worker-1-2, worker-2-1, worker-2-2
stopping proxy ...
creating crash report for previously crashed nodes: proxy-1
stopping manager ...
creating crash report for previously crashed nodes: manager
stopping logger ...
creating crash report for previously crashed nodes: logger
starting ...
starting logger ...
starting manager ...
starting proxy ...
starting workers ...
[ZeekControl] > status
Name         Type    Host             Status    Pid    Started
logger       logger  localhost        running   3186   16 Dec 13:00:04
manager      manager localhost        running   3233   16 Dec 13:00:05
proxy-1      proxy   localhost        running   3279   16 Dec 13:00:07
worker-1-1   worker  localhost        running   3372   16 Dec 13:00:08
worker-1-2   worker  localhost        running   3371   16 Dec 13:00:08
worker-2-1   worker  localhost        running   3373   16 Dec 13:00:08
worker-2-2   worker  localhost        running   3370   16 Dec 13:00:08�
[ZeekControl] > exit

NB: output from deploying Zeek and starting in cluster mode


zeeksuite is a collection of tools to help you get started or maintain an existing Zeek install. This repository contains Packer templates configured to create an Ubuntu64 18.04 image installed with Zeek running on VirtualBox.

Zeek is installed from source with Ansible. The virtual machine the script produces has been configured in cluster mode. cluster mode is optional. Zeek is configured to listen to the 'eth0' which has been made promiscuous mode for collection. A mirror port setup is in the works.

The Ansible Zeek role should install on any existing Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine.


Zeek is installed in /opt/zeek. It's currently deployed in cluster mode. It's configured with the AF_PACKET and hassh packages from zkg.

zkg is available to install new packages. Add or remove packages from defaults/main.yml in the zeek role.

Zeek listens to the interface defined as the Ansible variable zeek_interface. The VM is configured with a mirror port (brigde on a second eth) that has been set to promiscuous.

The current repository is cloned from the latest stable branch release/3.0

Packet Capture

Zeeksuite supports both PF_RING and AF_PACKET. AF_PACKET was favored as it was a quicker install.

Change defaults/main.yml in the zeek ansible role to modify settings.


The following tools are needed to build new zeek machines.


VirualBox can be intalled via brew

brew cask install virtualbox

NB: Mac VirtualBox install:

I had to explicitly allow the installer to complete in System Preferencs > Security. See the following for help.


If you're on a Mac you can use homebrew to install Packer.

brew install packer

Or, Packer can be downloaded and installed via the downloads page.


If you're on a Mac you can use homebrew to install Vagrant.

brew cask install vagrant

Vagrant binaries can also be downloaded at

The repo contains Vagrantfile, which has been configured to run the box file produced by Packer. Run a custom virtual machine by changing the following line in the Vagrantfile: = ""


Ansible can be installed with pip. If you're on a fresh system, pip can be installed with easy_install pip (which assumes you have python installed).

pip3 install --user ansible molecule

If you already have an Ubuntu 18.04 image you want to use, you can add Zeek using the included Ansible playbook!

cd ansible
ansbile-playbook playbook.yml
Testing & Molecule

This has been tested on OSX (Mojave v10.14.6) and Arch Linux (kernel v5.4.2).

The zeek role was built and tested with molecule. The configuration has been updated to use VirualBox. Rudimentary Testinfra tests have been included but could stand to be expanded.


See role's for a full breakdown of variables currently available

Next Steps

Next up: continue to tackle remaining low-hanging fruit: Build images with CI, add a second nic to add a capture nic. Validate PF_RING and address bugs are being tracked in Issues.


This repo and it's contents are free (as in beer) under the Apache-2.0 license. Please see LICENSE for more information


Created by Jonathan Stasiak, sponsored by Corelight

Pull requests welcome!