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Connecting an iCal Client (Thunderbird, Apple iCal)

Craig Knudsen edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 1 revision

You can configure WebCalendar to support an iCal client in one of two ways:

  1. Read-only client: The iCal client will subscribe to WebCalendar and all changes to the calendar must take place through the WebCalendar user interface.
  2. Read-write client: The iCal client will subscribe to WebCalendar and changes can be made either on the client side or from the WebCalendar user interface.

Setting Up a Read-only Client


  1. Go to your WebCalendar System Settings (from the Settings menu)
  2. Click on the "Other" tab
  3. Set "Allow remote calendars" to "Yes"
  4. Click the "Save" button at the bottom
  5. Go to your User Preferences (from the Settings menu)
  6. Click on the "Publish/Subscribe" tab
  7. Set "Allow remote subscriptions" to "Yes"
  8. Click the "Save Preferences" button at the bottom
  9. Within your iCal client, subscribe to the WebCalendar URL shown on the Preferences page underneath the "Allow remote subscriptions" setting.

Setting up a Read-write Client


Your server needs to be configured to allow HTTP PUT requests. On some Apache installations, the following may need to be added to the httpd.conf file:

 <Directory "/var/www/html/webcalendar">
    Script PUT /icalclient.php

Of course, replace /var/www/html/webcalendar with the directory where you installed WebCalendar.


Follow the steps above for Setting Up a Read-only Client and the also do the following:

  1. Go to your User Preferences (from the Settings menu)
  2. Click on the "Publish/Subscribe" tab
  3. Set "Allow remote publishing" to "Yes"
  4. Click the "Save Preferences" button at the bottom
  5. Within your iCal client, subscribe to the WebCalendar URL shown on the Preferences page underneath the "Allow remote publishing" setting.

Note: Publishing from your iCal client is not an optimal process. This should improve when/if CalDAV support is added to WebCalendar (code contributions welcome!). Every time you make a change to the calendar in your local iCal client, the iCal client will send the entire calendar database to WebCalendar. WebCalendar then needs to examine each event and compare it to its own copies of the events looking for changes.