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Crunchy Bytes 🥣

C++ Schema Serialization Library


What is Crunchy Bytes?

crunchy_bytes is a C++ 17 library that serializes structured data.

You bring the data definitions, and crunchy_bytes will generate C++ classes that can serialize and deserialize themselves into a compact binary representation that can be easily be transferred between processes.

crunchy_bytes is ideal for IPC, or long term data storage

Getting Started


python3 and the toml package for python

pip install toml


Schemas are defined by creating TOML documents.

Each provided .toml file will be converted into a C++ class that inherits from crunchy_bytes::Schema.

The only required top level properties of a TOML schema are it's name and its props.

  • name should be a valid C++ class name
  • props should be a dictionary of "propeties", where the dictionary key is the propety name

Here is a very simple example:

name = "OneBool"

    type = "bool"

More detail on schemas can be found here


Once you have your schemas the process to generate your C++ classes is pretty simple

Using CMake:

Add crunchy_bytes to your CMakeLists.txt as a subdirectory and tell it where to find your .toml schemas, and where to place the generated classes

# Either set `CRUNCHY_BYTES_SCHEMA_FILES` explicitly

# OR set `CRUNCHY_BYTES_SCHEMA_DIR` which will recursively search the directory for .toml files
set(CRUNCHY_BYTES_SCHEMA_DIR "./my-schemas")

# This will place the generated files in our build directory

# add the `crunchy_bytes` subdirectory
add_subdirectory(${PATH_TO_CRUNCHY_BYTES} crunchy_bytes_interface)

Then simply link crunchy_bytes_interface into your program

target_link_libraries(my_program crunchy_bytes_interface)

The advantage of using crunchy_bytes's CMakeLists.txt is that any change to crunchy_bytes or to your schemas will cause the generated C++ classes to be regenerated

Check out the test suite CMakeLists.txt for another example


First you need to use to generate the C++ classes

python -s ./my-schemas/* -o generated-classes/

Then simply include crunchy_bytes and the generated-classes in your build

g++ main.cpp -I./crunchy_bytes -I./generated-classes -o my_program


Generated C++ Schemas

The generated C++ schemas are more or less containers for lists of properties. Each property on the class translates into a getter method which will return a subclass of crunchy_bytes::Property.

For example, the schema generated by this TOML file

name = "Cereal"
    type = "bool"

    type = "string"
    max_length = 32

Will have an is_cereal method that returns a crunchy_bytes::Primitive<bool>

All crunchy_bytes::Property classes are simple wrappers that allow you to get or set the property.

Putting it all together:

Cereal c;
std::cout << "Example is cereal?: " << e.is_cereal().get() << std::endl;

Most properties have pretty sensible implicit conversions & operators, so you can also do things like this:

if (c.is_cereal() && e.brand() == "Honey nut cruncheyos") {


Sets provide a few std::vector like methods in addition to get and set

SetExample s;

assert(s.set_of_things()[0] == a_thing);

Nested schemas

The only property getter that won't return a crunchy_bytes::Property is the reference type.

When using the reference property type to nest schemas, the generated getter will return a reference to the referenced schema class

For example, with these schemas

name = "BoxDimensions"
    type = "float"
    type = "float"
    type = "float"
name = "CerealBox"
    type = "reference"
    reference = "BoxDimensions"

    type = "string"
    max_length = 32
CerealBox box;
box.brand().set("Kollogs Quran Flakes");

// And if you want to set all the dimensions at once you can use the `=` operator
CerealBox same_size_box;
same_size_box.box_dimensions() = box.box_dimensions();
same_size_box.brand().set("Crunchy Bytes");


You probably don't need it explained to you that you can serialize and deserialize crunchy_bytes schemas.

CerealBox box;
// TODO: set some of the properties
uint32_t length_written = box.serialize(buffer);

// Some time later...
uint32_t length_read = another_box.deserialize(buffer);


All crunchy_bytes schema classes contain a constants "namespace" 1

This will always contain schema_name which will be the schema's class name (and namespace)

static constexpr const char * schema_name = "CerealBox";

And max_serial_length, which will indicate the maximum length the schema can be when in serialized form

static constexpr size_t max_serial_length = 18;

In addition to this, it will contain any lengths that are defined as part of the schema.

E.g. for this schema

namespace = "inventory"
name = "CerealStock"
    type = "set"
    max_items = 100
    item = { type = "const_length_buffer", length = 32 }

    type = "const_length_buffer"
    length = 16

    type = "dynamic_length_buffer"
    length = 72

The constants will look like this:

static constexpr const char * schema_name = "inventory::CerealStock";
static constexpr size_t max_serial_length = 3292;
static constexpr size_t barcodes_max_items = 100;
static constexpr size_t barcodes_item_max_length = 32;
static constexpr size_t version_hash_max_length = 16;
static constexpr size_t signature_max_length = 72;

And then using it:

using namespace inventory;
CerealStock stock;

std::array<uint8_t, CerealStock::constants::signature_max_length> signature;
memcpy(stock.signature().get().data(),, signature.size());

std::array<uint8_t, CerealStock::constants::barcodes_item_max_length> code;
bool in_stock = false;
for (auto& barcode: stock.barcodes().get()) {
    if (0 == memcmp(barcode.get(),, code.size())) {
        in_stock = true;


The generated code will always include a file called crunchy_bytes_globals.hpp.

This will include the namespace crunchy_bytes::globals, containing constants & definitions. By default the only thing in here will be max_crunchy_bytes_serial_length, but you can add to this by supplying a global definitions file.

Globals can also be used to avoid repeating constant & enum definitions in multiple schema files.

More detail on globals can be found here


crunchy_bytes provides a router class that can be used to work with messages created with crunchy_bytes. It is small and simple to use

using namespace crunchy_bytes::router;
BasicRouter<MyCustomHeader> r([] (const MyCustomHeader& h) { return h.body_name().get(); });

r.attatch_route<ImportantEvent>([](const ImportantEvent& event) {
    // TODO handle important event

r.attatch_route<UrgentEvent>([](const UrgentEvent& event) {
    // TODO handle urgent event

while (true) {
    std::vector<uint8_t> crunchy_data = read_ipc();

It's up to you to define how you want your message headers to look, you just need to tell crunchy_bytes how to read your header.

More detail on routers can be found here

Why would anyone want to use this over ProtoBuf?

They probably wouldn't! :)

Seriously, ProtoBuf is a very mature, and well tested library with many more features, and it's developed by freaking Google. crunchy_bytes is a hobby project made by one dude. There is no way it can compete in terms of features, or stability.

However, if you need something small & simple, for C++ only, then maybe crunchy_bytes can work for you. Due to a slightly simpler design crunchy_bytes has a handful of advantages

It's tiny

  • The core library that supports the generated C++ classes is very small

  • It's header only, including the generated classes

  • It integrates very easily into CMake projects

  • There is no "compiler", just some python scripts that generate the C++ classes

Max sizes

Every crunchy_bytes schema has a maximum size when serialized. Having a determinate amount of memory required makes code safer & simpler.

And the generated code can always tell you how much space you need to buffer any of your schemas

std::array<uint8_t, crunchy_bytes::globals::max_crunchy_bytes_serial_length> msgBuffer;

This can make message handling logic very simple, as you can ensure each packet contains an entire message.

MIT License

This permissive license means you can take this library and build on top of it however you like.


  1. Actually C++ doesn't support namespaces inside a class, but a struct with the constructor deleted does the trick