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Gumlet video hosting and streaming API wrapper

Please note that this package is still in progress!

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Table of contents


Create and update videos & profiles...

Installing and Usage

Install with composer:

composer require corbpie/gumlet-api

Use like:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Corbpie\Gumlet;

$gm = new Gumlet\GumletVideo();

Setting API key:

Line 7 GumletBase.php



List Profiles


Set Profile

Requires $gm->profile_id to be set

$gm->profile_id = 'TJQuvxBnOcxQwnPOWc';

Get Profile

Requires $gm->profile_id to be set


Create a Profile

 $parameters = [
 'description' => 'The description for this new profile',
 'mp4_access' => true

 $format = 'HLS';//HLS, MPEG-DASH, MP4

 $gm->createProfile('the-new-profile-name', $format, $parameters);

List videos

Requires $gm->video_collection to be set


Get video details

 $gm->video_id = '65f1819d759d13a91c0a4c09';

 echo json_encode($gm->getVideo());

Create video from a URL

Requires $url and $gm->video_collection

 $gm->createVideoFromUrl($url, $format, $parameters);


Note setting $gm->profile_id will override everything except the $url and the collection id

string $url The URL to download the video from to use.

string $format Format for the video encoding "HLS, MPEG-DASH and MP4" ONLY!

array $parameters Optional values for the video creation:

'tag'=> 'example, another',
'title'=> 'title to video',
'description'=> 'This video is all about XYZ',
'width'=> '75%',
'height'=> '75%',
'resolution'=> '720p',
'mp4_access'=> true,
'per_title_encoding'=> false,
'process_low_resolution_input'=> true,
'audio_only'=> false,
'enable_drm'=> true

Example for creating a video from URL with multiple audio tracks:

$parameters = [
    'profile_id' => '65138fa952ccfd817db2a665',
    'title' => 'The title for this great video',
    'description' => 'The description for this great video',
    'mp4_access' => false,
    'audio_only' => false,
    'additional_tracks' => [
            'url' => '',
            'type' => 'audio',
            'language_code' => 'en',
            'name' => 'English'],
            'url' => '',
            'type' => 'audio',
            'language_code' => 'pl',
            'name' => 'Polish'

$video = $gm->createVideoFromUrl(

Update thumbnail from frame

 $gm->video_id = '65f1819d759d13a91c0a4c09';
 $frame = 20;

Update video title

 $gm->video_id = '65f1819d759d13a91c0a4c09';
 $gm->updateVideoTitle('The new title for this video');

Update video description

 $gm->video_id = '65f1819d759d13a91c0a4c09';
 $gm->updateVideoDescription('The new description for this video');

Delete video

 $gm->video_id = '65f1819d759d13a91c0a4c09';