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Google+ Auth - Ionic Implementation

As I wanted to integrate Google+ Auth in one my project, I started searching out documentation and tutorials for Google+ Auth Ionic Implementation. Unfortunately there is no proper documentation or tutorial to guide integration properly. Since I dont want any one to waste time on google, I made a small standalone implementation

If you want to integrate on existing Ionic App , use this command to retrive the SHA-1 KEY

keytool -exportcert -keystore D:\Personal\ionic-google-auth\gauth.keystore -list -v

Here D:\Personal\ionic-google-auth\gauth.keystore is path to my keystore

If you want to integrate on a new project, make sure you always test with signed APK , use the following command to generate SIGNED CERTIFICATE

keytool -genkey -v -keystore gauth.keystore -alias gauth -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 100000

With SHA-1 KEY Obtained from the previous step , navigate to and enable Google+ API

Next move is to create credentials ,

Click on Create Credentials to create a OAuth Client ID . Use the retrived SHA-1 signing-certificate fingerprint and your package name in config.xml to complete the step

Once you completed this you'll get client ID, now you can process to ionic implementation.

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-googleplus --save --variable REVERSED_CLIENT_ID=myreversedclientid

If you are building a hybrid application (iOS and Android), or an Android application, you have to replace myreversedclientid with the reverse value of Client ID in your Release credential generated , on Google Developer's Console, this will be: "com.googleusercontent.apps.uniqueId", without quotes. Example: '' becomes 'com.googleusercontent.apps.123-abc123'.

Now all its done, play with your code . Make sure you always build and test with signed apk. So that you dont need to update SHA-1 Certificate of your APK everytime in the console

GAuth GAuth
GAuth GAuth