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Support for Windows 7 and Earlier

Corey Butler edited this page Dec 27, 2018 · 3 revisions

NVM for Windows doesn't support anything Microsoft doesn't support in their mainstream support line. Windows 7 reached EOL (End of Life) on January 1, 2015. Windows 8 reached EOL on January 12, 2016 with no extended support. Windows 8.1 reached EOL on January 9, 2018.

Why would you do that when so many people still use Windows 7?

This is an open source project primarily run by one guy who doesn't get paid a dime to do it. Microsoft deprecates operating systems because they are hard to support and require ALOT of manpower. The number of variations in older versions of Windows is exceptionally high. Think about how many hotfixes affect the OS, how many changes are released each week, etc. Third party application development has also caused an enormous number of variations (think Antivirus, desktop managers, AD Group Policy Management, etc).

This is why they offer extended support contracts, for a hefty price.

But I really need to run this on Windows 7 or earlier!

If Windows 7 (or earlier) support is critical to you or your organization, there are two options.

Option 1: Contribute the changes yourself. I won't put it in the core code base, but I am open to keeping a 100% community-maintained branch for older versions of the operating system. That's what open source is for.

Option 2: I consult for a living. If you'd like a paid support plan or contract, make me an offer. If I am unavailable, you can still sponsor development and I'll help find someone capable of doing the work.